Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Polylingual education is your chance!

Dear, applicant!



Today the modern person is characterized as the personality who is fluent in two and more languages.In  connection with this, implementation of the cultural project "Trinity of languages" is begun in higher education institutions and schools in our country. The idea of trinity is expressed by a simple and clear formula: we develop a state language, support Russian and learn English.


The third component of idea is connected with need of studying of English.Today the knowledge of English, in essence, opens a window to the big global world with its enormous flow of information and innovations. Acquisition of this foreign language gives the chance of training abroad in the best higher education institutions of the world and creates possibility of receiving practical experience in the advanced countries of a planet. The knowledge of English is an obligatory requirement for business communication and business worldwide.


In connection with this, before KSU, as well as before other Kazakhstan higher education institutions, today is the task of discovery of the specialties, proposing the study of disciplines in three languages: part of disciplines – in the Kazakh language, part – in Russian, part – in English. Such specialties are open at our university:

  • Foreign philology;
  • Translation studies;
  • Regional studies;
  • Computer facilities and software;
  • Transport, transport equipment and technologies.
  • Ecology


In addition, KSU annually  a group of first-year students of different specialties is formed, who study English in the afternoon, and in the future   they will study general subjects in English. Necessary condition of entrance in such groups – good level of proficiency in English and good interview results.


Thus, profound training in English is conducted at the expense of means of university. And in polylingual groups to students who pay for education ,grants are allocated and discounts on payment of 25% for studying of disciplines in English are provided. To the students having good language preparation and big desire to continue profound studying of languages, fine conditions are created and all support is given.


And further the knowledge of English will allow within the academic mobility at the expense of means of the state or higher education institution to continue training in the best foreign higher education institutions. That is, before you all ways and great opportunities will be open! Don't miss the presented chance!


And all this is real already now! Information about training of students in  KSU in leading foreign higher education institutions it is possible to lool here.


Choose polylingual groups or register in group with profound studying of English!


Your future is in your hands!