Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


Graduate model

of the educational program of bachelor degree "Biotechnology"


Biotechnologist  is a specialist in new formation, engaged in the implementation of biotechnological processes with biological objects of microbial, plant, animal origin with the purpose of their use in food production, medicine, agriculture. The biotechnologist produces biologically active substances, processes raw materials using microorganisms, enzymes, cell cultures of plants and animals, controls product quality, is engaged in methodological developments and discoveries in the field of genetic and cell engineering.
The purpose of the educational program

Preparation of highly professional specialists using modern biotechnological methods to create new varieties of plants, animal breeds, food products, medicines, cosmetics, etc., based on the relationship of education, research and practice-oriented learning.

Degree awarded
Bachelor of Natural Science in the educational program "6B05102 Biotechnology"
List of specialist positions
Biotechnologist, microbiologist, food processing engineer, quality engineer, research biologist, biopharmacologist, biochemist, geneticist, genetic engineer, college teacher, researcher, living systems architect, bioengineer, designer of substances and drugs ( designer)
Objects of professional activity

research institutes and universities of biotechnology, biological, medical, agricultural profile; manufacturing plants and laboratories of the food and processing, microbiological, pharmaceutical industries; environmental services and organizations; laboratories to monitor the quality and safety of agricultural products; research laboratories; agricultural enterprises; breeding stations; educational organizations

Functions of professional activity

- production of biotechnological products for various purposes, the development of new biotechnological processes;

- selection of microorganisms, plants, animals;

- The use of biotechnological methods in the industrial and processing industries and in ecology;

- the creation of drugs, food products with the help of biological objects;

- creation of technologies for obtaining new types of products, including products obtained using microbiological synthesis, biocatalysis, genetic engineering and nano-biotechnology:

- application of methods for monitoring and bioremediation of damaged ecosystems;

- promoting the implementation of research results in production;

- teaching of biological and environmental disciplines in educational institutions.

Personal qualities

- patriotism, expressed in love for the Motherland, citizenship, determined by an active life position, civil consciousness, law-abiding, understanding of their civil rights, freedoms and duties.

- humanity, honesty, conscientiousness, tolerance to other beliefs, world views and customs, decency, charity.

- erudition, critical and emotional thinking, knowledge of English, information and communication technologies, the ability to learn throughout life.

- hard work, responsibility, flexibility, adaptability, ability to work in a team, ability to make non-standard decisions in emergency situations.

- commitment, demanding of self, self-criticism, organization, sociability, the presence of a common culture, the will, the ability to achieve the intended goal.

- observation, patience, accuracy and concentration

Bachelor of Biotechnology Learning Outcomes (Dublin Descriptors)

At the end of the educational program, graduates can:

1) demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the field of biotechnology, including elements of the most advanced knowledge in this area;

2) apply knowledge and understanding of biotechnological processes at the professional level, formulate arguments and solve problems and problems on biotechnology issues;

3) to collect and interpret information in the field of biotechnology to form judgments taking into account social, ethical and scientific considerations;

4) communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions in the field of biotechnology, both to specialists and non-specialists.

5) training skills necessary for independent continuation of further education in the field of biotechnology.