Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


Model of the graduate of the Bachelor’s

of the educational program «Ecology»


The ecologist is a specialist in analyzing the situation and developing measures to reduce the existing and possible harm to the environment. The ecologist identifies the causes and develops solutions to reduce the anthropogenic impact on the environment.
The purpose of the educational program

Training highly qualified specialists capable of regulating the balance of the natural environment to achieve the goals of the strategy of sustainable development of society, based on the interrelationship of education, research and practice

Awarded degree
Bachelor of Natural Science of the educational program «6В05201-Ecology»
List of specialist positions
ecologist, environmental protection specialist, environmental protection engineer (ecologist), ecologist-auditor, ecologist-expert, researcher, environmental inspector
Objects of professional activity
territorial departments in the field of environmental protection, national parks, reserves, partial reserve, biosphere reserves, industrial enterprises, agro-industrial complexes, training grounds, educational organizations, research institutes and centers, environmental public organizations
Functions of professional activity

environmental support of economic and other activities of enterprises and organizations;

- data collection and laboratory studies of the level of environmental pollution;

- analysis of environmental activities of enterprises and its regulation;

- consulting proposals for the introduction of green technologies;

- advisory services to the population on environmental issues;

- conducting environmental monitoring, research work in the field of ecology;

- promotion of environmental protection among the population;

- work on the environmental impact assessment of project, pre-project documentation in terms of its compliance with international standards;

- monitoring compliance with environmental legislation, incl. obligations of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the requirements of international conventions in the field of environmental protection;

- community work in the field of environmental protection

- promoting the implementation of research results in production

Personal characteristics

1. Common civil qualities: patriotism, expressed in love for the Motherland, citizenship, determined by an active lifestyle, civil self-consciousness, law-abiding, understanding of their civil rights, freedoms and duties.

2. Spiritual and moral qualities: humanity, honesty, conscientiousness, tolerance to other beliefs, world views and customs, decency, mercy.

3. Intellectual qualities: erudition, critical and emotional thinking, fluency in English, information and communication technologies, the ability to learn throughout life.

4. Business qualities: hard work, responsibility, flexibility, adaptability, ability to work in a team, ability to take non-standard decisions in emergency situations.

5. Organizational and volitional qualities: determination, self-demanding, , self-criticism, state of being organized, communicability, the existence of a shared culture, will, the ability to achieve the intended purpose.

6. Special qualities: love for nature

Bachelor's learning outcomes (Dublin descriptors)

At the end of the educational program, graduates are able to:


1) demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the field of study, based on advanced knowledge of the area;

2) apply knowledge and understanding at the professional level, formulate arguments and solve problems of the studied area;

3) collect and interpret information to form judgments taking into account social, ethical and scientific considerations;

4) communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions, to both specialist and non-specialist audiences;

5) learning skills necessary for independent continuation of further education in the field of study