Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Grants, privileges, scholarships for students of Kostanay State University

                                                      Dear applicants!


What must do students, who won't  get  governmental educational grants?


In this article we will tell you important information, on which  you should  pay attention at entering the university and  during studying at the university, because sometimes you have a chance to get a grant or a scholarship during studying.

Our university opens  up education, offering grants and scholarships  as "Your way to success! ". Besides getting  a governmental grant, it is possible to study free  of charge of  rectorial grants "Umit", "Medeniyet", "Til  damuty"  and an academician  K.Sagadiyev  educational grant and also at the expense of the enterprises and grants  of the governors  at Kostanay State University.

The best students, who study  on fee-paying basis and who take part in university competition, can get  a governmental  grant or a 100 percent discount for payment for  studying  and also the Presidential grant or A.Imanov, A.Baytursynov and K. Scriabin's  grants.

The university annually pursues a policy on rendering social assistance for all students at the university.  The basis of this social policy of the university  is the incentives scheme for  talented youth by getting grants for education and privileges on the payment for  studying.




 I didn't get an educational grant. Do I have a chance to get a grant during studying?


You can get an governmental  educational grant if it is disengaged in process of studying.

We have  educational grants if a student, who had a grant, expels from the university for any reason or remains in the same form a second year. The vacant grant  will be awarded on a competitive basis for students, who study on fee-paying basis. The competition of vacant educational grants are held two times a year: after midyear and after summer session.

It is necessary to study well in order to get a chance of a vacant educational grant. Because vacant grants are awarded on a competitive basis, that students, who study well and they have an opportunity to get a grant.





Are there organizations, public funds, which provide  grants for students for getting a higher education?



Various organizations and funds intermittently provide grants for getting a higher education in Kazakhstan. For example: the fund "BOTA" carries out the Program of educational grants, E.Tatishev's fund carries out Programs of educational grants for various categories of young people, KAZENERGY provides grants for  students, who study at the university etc.

Many students are studied at the expense of the Programme  of educational grants of ‘BOTA’ fund. The most important requirements for applicants for a grant of "Bota" fund(it is possible to took here possible to look here). The most important  from  them are good academic progress and  children from low-income families.

Talented orphans and children, who are from low-income, large families, who don’t have grants, can get  Sara Alpyskyzy private educational grants ‘Bobek’ charity foundation.




                       Kostanay State University allocates grants for talented children




The university’s grants are a 100% discount of the  payment for the entire period of studying for students, who study at Kostanay State University on fee-paying basis.

  • Chancellor’s  educational grant ‘Umit’  is for stunets of full-time tuition, who have a breastplate of high achiever ‘Altun belgi’.
  • Chancellor’s  educational grant ‘Medeniet’  is for students, who have the actual confirmation of the advance in competitions, festivals or competitions of republican or international levels in sports, science or culture.
  • Chancellor’s  educational grant ‘Til damuty’ is for students, who aren’t Kazakh and  who study in Kazakh groups on full-time tuition.
  • An academician Kenzhegali Sagadiyev’s educational grant is for students of full-time tuition, who are school-leavers from Turgay region, who have considerable success in culture, science, sports, etc.





 University’s privileges


  • 100% discount of training cost is for one semester is provided  on competitive base for students of full-time tuition at the university, who got the highest score by the results of the semester GPA (4.0).
  • A 50% discount of training cost, free accommodation in university’s dormitory are for students, who  don’t have parents(for inmates of a Children's Home and boarding schools).
  • A 25%, 50%, 100% discount of training cost is for students for  achievements in science, culture and sports on republican and international levels.
  • Compulsory  condition for getting an educational  grant or privileges for the payment  of education is students’ participation in public, cultural and sport  events of the university.








Students of  the university can get governmental nominal  scholarships, which are established by the President and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Annually 15 students of Kostanay State University get the Presidential grant  and 3 students get A.Baytursynov, A.Imanov and K. Scriabin grants. In addition, students have an opportunity to get grants of the governors, enterprises and organizations.


Preferential accommodation in the dormitory


From the first days of entering the university, students  have an opportunity to live in the dormitory. There are restrooms, bathrooms, computer classes with Internet access, rooms with washing  machines, ironing-boards. Thus, there are all necessary conditions for  student’s life. Today the cost of accommodation is about 2000 tenge per a month. Orphan students live in the dormitory for  free.