Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Open House Day

Dear  seniors, applicants of 2013, parents!


A. Baitursynov Kostanay State University holds Open House Day of faculties of the university.



If you visit Open House Day,you will learn about history of A. Baitursynov Kostanay State University, about advantages and prospects of studying at the university, about faculties and specialties of the university, regulations of admission, you will be able to visit educational offices and laboratories, to communicate with the representatives of the faculties, to receive answers to all your questions.


Programme of the Open  House Day


  • Registration of  school-leavers, graduating students and parents.
  • Demonstration of advertising films about specialties of the faculty.
  • Performance of the dean about the faculty.
  • Concert programme.
  • Excursion about the faculty.



The schedule of A.Baitusynov Kostanay State University's Faculty Open House Days 

(from 16.00 до 18.00 часов)







 Faculty of Agriculture and Biology

 55-84-63, Abai Avenue 28

28.01. 2013

25.02. 2013 

15.03. 2013

03.04. 2013 

 Faculty of Veterenary and Livestock Technology

 55-85-68, Mayakovskogo Street 99/1

19.01. 2013 

22.02. 2013 

18.03. 2013

12.04. 2013 

Humanitarian and Social Sciences

 51-11-44, Baitursynova Street 47

24.01. 2013

21.02. 2013 

28.03. 2013

25.04. 2013

 Engineering Technicak Faculty

 55-85-17, Abai Avenue 28

24.01. 2013

22.02. 2013  

29.03. 2013 

26.04. 2013

 Information technology Faculty

 51-11-98,  Baitursynova Street 47

24.01. 2013 

21.02. 2013

14.03. 2013 

18.04. 2013

 Faculty of Economics

 55-84-50, Abai Avenue 28

31.01. 2013 

21.02. 2013 

19.03. 2013 

18.04. 2013

 Law Faculty

 51-11-53,Baitursynova Street 47

24.01. 2013 

15.02. 2013

13.03. 2013

26.04. 2013