Frequently asked questions
Dear applicants!
In the rubric "Question-answer" we will offer you the list of questions which most often ask at entering in higher education institution, and it is natural, answers to them. If you have any other question, it is possible to find on it the answer in information placed in the section "Bachelor degree" or attentively study Rules of Admission in the organization of the higher and postgraduate education, references on which are had in this section. If you didn't find the answer on the arisen question, it is necessary to address in the Selection committee in A.Baytursynov KSU on contacts which are given in this section too.
The general Rules of Admission in higher education institution

-In the current year I handed over documents in one of country higher education institutions on the specialty "Finance". In UNT certificate I have 57 points, on geography - 14 points, but the technical secretary of the selection committee didn't accept my documents, having reasoned the refusal that I have 6 points on mathematics. Tell who is right?
The technical secretary is right because according to Standard Rules of Admission to training in the organizations of education realizing professional training programs of the higher education, graduates of the organizations of the general secondary education of the current year are enlisted in higher education institutions, passed UNT, and the participants of the complex testing who have not less than 7 points on a profile subject (on the specialty "Finance" a profile subject is "Mathematics")

-Is it obligatory to pass complex testing in order to enter on correspondence course after college?
Yes. According to standard Rules of Admission to training in the organizations of education realizing professional training programs of the higher education, of January 18, 2012 No. 111 of item 6. "Graduates of colleges at entering in higher education institutions have to pass complex testing"

- I have the higher education in "Agronomics". May I enter on second higher education in "Economy", if it real, how many years I have to study?
Yes. You can enter on the specialty "Economy". The term of training is 2 years

- I finished A.Baytursynov KSU in 2011 and I want to enter on second higher education. Tell me please, is it obligatory together with the diploma to hand over the appendix in three languages?
The persons which have graduated from higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan after 2009, at entering to second higher education are obliged to provide diplomas with the appendix (transcript) in three languages (the Russian, English and Kazakh languages). Without it the diploma is considered invalid.

- I live in Russia, I have a desire to enter Kostanay state university on law department. Whether citizens of Russia can be trained at your university and what entrance examinations need to pass at entering on this faculty?
Citizens of the Russian Federation can study at our university, for this purpose it is necessary to hand over documents in a selection committee of university during the period from June 20 to July 9, to receive the admission on the complex testing (CT), then to pass CT in 4 subjects: to Russian, mathematics, stories of Kazakhstan, world history. It is necessary to gain not less than 50 points (on a world history – not less than 7 points)

- I am the citizen of Russia. In 2011 at delivery of documents on second higher education the technical secretary of one of Kostanay higher education institutions didn't admit my documents without existence of the reference on delivery of my documents to the National accreditation center for passing of procedure of recognition and nostrification. Tell me, whether it is lawful?
Yes. Because documents on the education, given out by the foreign organizations, according to i.i. 13 and 22 rules of recognition and nostrification of documents on education are subject to passing of procedure of recognition and nostrification
Entrance to creative specialties

-Describe, please, an order of passing of creative examinations in "Journalism"?
Reception of applications for the specialty "Journalism" is carried out to the period from June 20 to July 1. The citizens entering on creative specialties pass two creative examinations (the composition and interview) during the period from July 2 to July 7. For participation in competition on award of an educational grant it is necessary to gain not less than 10 points on each creative examination. Transfer is carried out to university from August 10 to August 25.

- How competition is held for the applicants who chose the creative specialty "Journalism"
The applicants who chose creative specialty, participate in competition on receiving an educational grant on one specialty, thus in an application form specify a higher educational institution in which they passed creative examinations
Participation in competition on the state educational grant

- At what day I have to manage to hand over documents for competition on award of the state educational grants?
Reception of applications for competition on award of the state educational grants is carried out to the period from July 23 to July 31

- I live in Alma-Ata, I would like to enter in your university on a grant. May I hand over documents for competition on award of educational grants at home?
Yes, you can hand over documents on a grant through a selection committee on the basis of any higher education institution, only when filling the form it is necessary to specify a code of our university “036”

- I plan to choose discipline "Chemistry" on UNT and to enter in KSU of A.Baytursynov on the specialty "Technology of Food Products". Tell me, what a lowest passing score for receiving an educational grant?
The lowest passing score on award of the state educational grant on each specialty is formed annually during carrying out competition on grants' places. In 2012 the lowest passing score on this specialty was 57 points on the general competition, on a rural quota - 50 points

-Tell me, how the lowest passing score on receiving the state educational grant in the specialty is formed?
If not to go into detail, the scheme approximately the following. After submission of applications for participation in competition on receiving the state educational grant in the specialty, all applicants get to one list in which them have in process of reduction of their general point of certificates of UNT or CT. If, for example, 80 grants are allocated for specialty, the point of the 80th applicant and will be a lowest passing score. Everything who is lower according to the list, don't pass on a grant. So the size of a lowest passing score on a grant is formed during carrying out competition on grants and in advance isn't known

- When carrying out competition on award of the state educational grant what categories of citizens have privileges?
When carrying out competition on receiving educational grants the privilege have:
- the persons awarded by the sign "Altyn Belgi";
- winners of the international Olympic Games and scientific competitions in general education subjects, republican and international competitions of performers and the sports competitions awarded by diplomas within the last three years on condition of compliance to their specialty to a subject of the Olympic Games, competition or sports competition;
- in case of identical points when carrying out competition on receiving educational grants orphan children and children without parental support, disabled people of 1 or 2 groups, disabled people since the childhood, disabled children to whom training in higher education institutions isn't contraindicated have the privilege

- What is the rural quota and on what specialties it extends?
The quantity of places of a rural quota for citizens from among rural youth is 30%, it extends only on the specialties defining social and economic development of the village (the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 14, 2012 №. 211)

- What order of award of the educational grant on the rural quota?
Competition on specialties on which the quota is established for citizens from among rural youth, is carried out as follows: 70% of grants of total number of their quantity on these specialties and language of training are awarded as the general competition, and for other 30% of grants competition is held only among applicants from among rural youth

-I am the citizen of Russia, I am Kazakh. I would like to enter this year in your university on the specialty "History" on the budgetary basis?
You need to hand over documents for passing of complex testing to the period from June 20 to July 9, to receive the admission where testing date will be specified. From July 23 to July 31 it is necessary to submit the application for competition on award of the state educational grants. There is a quota of receiving an educational grant for the persons of the Kazakh nationality who are participating in competition and not being citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in number of 2% which extends on all specialties

- Where it is possible to receive information that I received the state educational grant?
Annually information on results of competition on award of the state grants publish in newspapers "Kazakhstanskaya Pravda", "Egemen Kazakhstany"

- I won an educational grant on speciality "Physicist". What my further actions? What is my further actions?
In a selection committee of higher education institution where you wrote the application, during the period from August 10 to August 15 you receive the certificate on award of an educational grant. Then till August 25 you have to write the application for admission in a selection committee higher education institutions where you won a grant, and to hand over the following documents: document on education (original), 6 photographs of 3х4 in size, UNT or CT certificate, and also certificate on award of the state educational grant. Further you will be enlisted in number of students by the order of the rector of higher education institution

- I won a grant in "Information systems" in … … … … … the state university, but I would like to study in your higher education institution on the 1st course. Can I transfer further to Kostanay state university on the state educational grant?
Yes, you can, only in vacation time after the 1st semester provided that you during a semester will master disciplines in volume of not less than 15 credits