Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Registration department


The main aim of the registration department is students’ organization of monitoring and assessment of academic achievements, processes management, connected with academic achievements registration, calculation of the academic rating, improvement of the credit technology training, organization of acceptance, control, maintenance and storage of students’ personal records, execution of the document on education, statistical reporting on using of blank documents on education.





  • Improvement of the credit technology training by means of appropriate regulatory basis development;
  • Students’ choice of teachers and  subjects  processes management, academic groups formation;
  • Formation, registration, storage and recording of students’ academic achievements in electronic register;
  • Monitoring and academic progress assessment organization;
  • Coordination of the faculties and departments work concerning the students’ internal academic mobility; 
  • Curricula, studies and examinations timetables development;
  • Consulting students by teachers and mentors (advisors) concerning the educational process organization;
  • Acceptance of students’ personal records from selection committee after their enrollment at the university;
  • Control, maintenance, storage of students ‘personal records, introduction of changes in it, according to orders of the rector;
  • Registration of student’s inquiries according to documents, transferred from other higher education institutions or returned to the university after expel from other higher education institutions;
  • Transfer of personal records of graduates and the expelled students for storage to the archive;
  • Management of the processes, connected with the order, storage and use of blank documents of the state sample on education and (or) qualification, blank of student ID cards, certificates of undergraduates and doctoral candidates, academic record books and blanks of the references issued to the persons who did not complete education;
  • Release of diplomas for graduates and the academic references for students, who did not completed education;
  • Issuance of diplomas’ duplicates and annexes to diplomas, photocopies of documents from personal records of students according to their statement for notarial certification;
  • Information preparation on the use of forms of the strict reporting.



  • Head of the registration department
  • Head specialists
  • Specialists (registering clerks)
  • Methodologists





Kostanay, 47 Baitursynov st., bl.1, office 130 , Phone: +7 (7142) 39-06-14, +7 (7142) 51-11-55

Kostanay, 28 Abay ave, bl.2, office 105, Phone: +7 (7142) 53-80-09