Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Museum staff

Head of the Entomological Museum, Marinenko Tatiana, a student of A.I.Protsenko, is a postgraduate majoring in 03.00.09 - Entomology (2000). Graduate of the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry of Kostanai State Pedagogical Institute (1982), Senior Lecturer of the Department of Biology and Chemistry of A.Baitursynov Kostanai State University. During her superintendence (2004 to present) there has been completely re-equipped Entomological Museum, made 20 demonstration cabinets for the display of insects. The foyer of the museum is decorated with a huge banner of 52 copyrighted photographs of the local insect fauna. Reassigned 12 exhibition boxes (further 737 specimens of insects defined and placed on exhibition), created eight new exhibitions. A catalogue of entomophages and insect pests of agricultural crops in Kostanai region. Released text material on KSU entomological museum: in 2006, as illustrated album, in 2012, in a book, " KSU Entomological Museum, its scientific and teaching value» (ISBN 978-601-7322-50-2). Together with the custodian of funds T.M.Mamedova, an agronomist, they actively and creatively follow the chosen direction, conducting seasonal collections by identifying and classifying the types of insects found.

Mamedova Tatiana Mikhailovna graduated from Kostanai State Pedagogical Institute (1980), worked with A.I.Protsenko since 1995, graduated from Kostanai State University, majoring in Agronomy (2002) and was the true custodian of the museum's collection. To maintain collection from destruction and damage (carpet beetle, moisture, sunlight), to restore, to carry out the systematization of the museum's - it's a big job.