Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Wildlife protection

Many species of insects have aesthetic value, beautifying nature, and are the national wealth of our country. In order to promote knowledge on wildlife conservation there was made an exhibition "Rare Insects of North Kazakhstan from the Red Book." There are 37 rare species of insects, numbers of which are declining due to human activity.

Insects of North Kazakhstan

In our region in the period of the virgin lands many steppe species of insects have reduced their numbers, but because of growing monocultures over large areas the number of specialized insect pests increased. For a long time the attention of specialists in agriculture was focused mainly on pest control rather than on the protection of useful and rare species of insects. The collection of endangered insects of CIS represented by 31 most beautiful species: Carabus caucasicus, Adams Caucasian and Crimean Carabus tauricus Bon, Scola giant Scolia maculata Drury, Saturnia Artemis Actias artemis Br., Maaka Papilio maackii Men., Papilio xuthus L ., Apollo - Black Parnassius mnemosyue L., Tien Shan Parnassius tianschanicus Ob., alpine Parnassius alpinus Zchet., pear Saturnia ryri Den. et Schiff., polyxene Zerynthia polyxena Den. et Schiff. and others. The presented collection of amazing creatures extends the knowledge of students about the world of insects, the species in need of protection.


Lepidoptera CIS