Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Museum exhibition


Museum exhibition is a collection of insects that are picked up and displayed for information in a particular system. In the 24 exhibition stands, the identified species composition of crop pests found in Kostanai region is exposed Exposition "Polyphagous crop pests" contains 149 species of insects from different taxonomic groups.


The study found out that in Kostanai region there are 37 species of grasshoppers. The greatest danger is gregarious species able at a mass reproduction to hold dense clusters of actively moving larvae – swarms, and in adulthood they are able to fly long distances in packs. In our region there are 6 gregarious species: Italian locust Calliptamus italicus L., desert locust Calliptamus barbarus cephalotes F.-W., Moroccan locusts Dociostaurus maroccanus Thun., small Krestovichka Dociostaurus brevicollis Ev., Atbasarka Dociostaurus kraussi kraussi Yngen. and Asian migratory locust or Locusta migratoria migratoria L.

The exhibition of specialized pests of crops represents 32 species of insects.


Pests of legumes and forage legumes – 65 species, pests of industrial crops – 46.


Among the pests of vegetables and potato the exhibition of 76 species is discovered and exposed, pests of fruit and berry crops – 76 species. Lack of space in the exposition boxes and space constraints in the placement causes reducing exhibits of displayed material. The principal forest pests are 40 species of insects. The exposition boxes contain most numerous and visible ones, although only in this group there were collected 118 native species.


The exhibition "Pests of food supplies" is represented by 52 species of pests of rawhide and plant products found in Kostanai region, among them are 25 species of carpet beetle. In nature, carpet beetle larvae feed on dry substances of animal origin – fur, feathers, dried insects, etc. All of these substances in one form or another can be found in the houses.



Many types of carpet beetle, commonly found in nature, have become pests of leather and furs in warehouses, as well as collections in museums. because careless handling of stuffed animals and insect collection, in a short time they become miserable scum. Future professionals learn to identify pests, study measures to combat them.

In order to promote knowledge on wildlife protection and expand horizons there are exhibitions of rare and exotic insects.