Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Collection of tropical insect fauna

Visitors to the museum have always admired the unique collection of representatives of tropical insect fauna, it includes 138 species of insects. Among them are 28 species of Lepidoptera from 16 corners of the world: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Kenya, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, the islands - Madagascar, Sumbawa, Taiwan, the Philippines, Kalmager, Celebes, Java. Nature has shown us its ingenuity, drawing some mysterious painting trim on the wings of butterflies. Admiring this grace of forms and colours sharpens and develops an aesthetic sense.

Collection of butterflies of the world

It is difficult to think of other living beings, which would delight us by their fabulous beauty and grace of flight, a variety of forms and colors. With what a thinnest brush nature painted their wings. In ancient Greek butterfly and soul were called by the same word - " psyche ". The ancient Greeks and early Christians saw a symbol of the soul leaving the body in a butterfly soaring after leaving the pupa.


Not all represented in the museum 's tropical species were caught part of them were acquired by exchange or purchased. The latest acquisition was several species of butterflies, from the exhibition "fluttering flowers» which the museum staff were invited as experts -entomologists. It was a joint Kazakh- Israeli project, organized by the International House of Almaty butterflies. Read the description below.


Urania ripheus, or uranium Madagascar (Urania madagassariensis Les.) - one of the most beautiful butterflies, endemic to Madagascar. Wingspan of up to 80 mm. It's a pretty rare butterfly, the brightest and most beautiful representative of Lepidoptera. Its wings shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, and even black and white. Unlike many butterflies drawing on wings is not symmetrical.


Amazing shape of the back wings of the insect: every vein on them ends with a tail of different sizes. Urania - one of the nicknames of the goddess of love, Aphrodite, the embodiment of pure and sublime love.


Urania ripheus

Butterflies of Bram Brahmaeidae family include only about a dozen of species. Drawing on the wings is mainly composed of alternating light and dark wavy lines and sophisticated near-edge border. Brahmaea christophi Stgr. is spread in Azerbaijan and Iran. Wingspan of up to 160 mm. Relict endemic species existing for more than 30 million years are in coastal humid subtropical forest relict. It is a rare species decorating the nature. In coloring of her wings brown of various shades prevails. Thin wavy light and dark thread alternately create a magical design gaze. Its pattern is considered to be one of the  complex on the wings of butterflies known.


Brahmaea christophi

Sailing or cavaliers Papilionidae is one of the most beautiful butterflies on Earth. It is difficult to catch them because they are very careful and swift their flight. Papilio peranthus adamantius - wingspan of up to 120 mm, this kind of butterfly charms by its classic form of broad wings with a shimmering emerald spraying on dark background matte and shimmering in the azure and turquoise glow stripe crossing the front and back wings.



Papilio peranthus

Trogonoptera brookiana Butterfly –a birdwing Brooke butterfly also belongs to the Sailing (Papilionidae)family. Wingspan of up to 150 mm. Longish front wings are much more than round ones - this indicates a fast, powerful flight of a butterfly. Velvety black male forewings are decorated with sparkling green toothed ornament that goes on the rear fenders. Insect head has a dark red pubescence resembling bright festive collar.


Trogonoptera brookiana

In collections a butterfly do not lose any brightness or splendor for many years. Ornithopter or birdwing Brooke are found only in Malaysia and Indonesia.

Hamadryas arinome belongs to the Nymphalidae Nymphalidae family. Wingspan of up to 70 mm. Butterflies of gamadrias kind live in tropical forests from Mexico to northern Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. On the bright blue wings shining shimmering blue dots and specks, front wings are further decorated with a bright white stripe.


Hamadryas arinome

Most butterflies of gamadrias kind differ. Back in 1830 in Brazil Charles Darwin discovered that during the flight they make clicking sounds. At a meeting with them in the jungle of the Amazon there is really a feeling of unreality: too hard to imagine that quite loud, distinct clicks are made by the wings of so fragile and air creatures.


For alluring beauty collection of butterflies, there is a valuable collection of exotic scarab beetles. Huge tropical beetles, causing some consternation and admiration of visitors living on five continents.


Экзотические пластинчатоусые жуки

The collection includes 113 species from 30 countries : North America - United States, Mexico, Honduras, Panama, South America - Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, Africa - Ghana, Guinea, Cameroon, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Niger, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda, Central African Republic, South- West Africa, the South African Republic, Madagascar, Asia - Vietnam, India, Korea, Japan, Taiwan and the island of Java, Australia. Posted in six exposure boxes.


There is no such a difference between the sexes in any family like scarab: males differ in size, shape , growths on the head and cervical plate in the form of horns , combs , tooth plates. Their multicolor paint attracts attention as well.


Dung beetles are found almost everywhere, but these beauties are only in the tropics. A very colorful Phanaeus vindex always attracts attention, known as the scarab beetle rainbow, with a long horn on its head (in males). They can grow up to an inch in length (2.5 cm) , elytra with metallic green sheen , pronotum shimmers copper glitter of rainbow. In addition to its beauty, beetles have a very important job , as destructors and enriching the soil for plants with useful substances.






There is an amazing North America Pelidnota punctata beetle in the collection of the museum which eats leaves and fruit of the vine. However, larvae live in rotting stumps and do not harm  grapes.


This bug was caught in the past century on August 7, 1937. There are enough such "long livers" in the collection. If you take care, despite the fragility of the exhibits, you can save them for quite some time.






Allomyrina dichotomus L. is one of the most beautiful rhinoceros beetles in the world. In Japan and China, these beetles are bred by lovers for many years. Their natural habitat is South-East Asia where they inhabit tropical and subtropical forests. Beetles hide in trees in the afternoon and appear at dusk in search of food. The main source of food is overripe fruit and tree sap, and larvae live in old decaying trees and feed on rotten wood.


Males have one of the most complex structure of horns among rhinoceros beetles. First, the longest horn is on the head, and forked at the end. Each of these branches in turn is further branched into two smaller teeth and is bent upward. The second horn is smaller than the first and on the pronotum – it is also forked at the end and bent downwards. Females are smaller than males and do not have horns. Colours of beetles vary from dark brown to maroon. Size - 60 - 90 mm.