Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


An excursion takes an extremely important place in the work of the museum. This is quite natural, since the museum exhibition and guided method are always interlinked, and the content of each issue shall be disclosed by the display and analysis of certain exhibits.


Conducting excursions for school children


During the existence of the museum 6967 people (12.12.2012) visited excursions, i.e., approximately 300 people a year.


In collaboration with Kostanai Research Institute themed lectures-excursions are held for agronomists and other specialist farmers, thanks to which workshop students have a great opportunity to gain new information and expand their horizons. In addition to the training sessions there is conducted the work with graduate students and undergraduates, students are assisted in the work of the scientific community of learners.

Specialists agrarians after thematic museum excursion

The task of the museum staff is not only to study the insects living in our region, but also to teach students to distinguish between individual members of different taxonomic groups. The museum organizes training sessions for students agronomists, biologists, ecologists, engineers. Using materials of the museum, lectures with multimedia support are conducted.

Practical lessons for biology students

Practical training for students technologists

Lecture with multimedia support



Thematic excursions for students

In addition to training sessions museum staff are working with graduate students and undergraduates, conduct lectures for biology teachers, science teachers.


Working with undergraduate students


Determination of insects using USB-microscope


Assistance in the preparation of masters’ works.                           Student academic club meeting


Doing academic work with students, the museum is assisting in the work of clubs in regional scientific-practical centre "Daryn Kostanay", a school for gifted children "Ozat" and the schools of the city and region in the scientific community of learners.


Group work



 Museum staff provide advice to the population of the city and the region, workers of SES, public waterwork system, the customs administration. They closely cooperate with related organizations and institutions. On the 80th anniversary of the Naurzum Reserve there have been collected, assembled, and identified some species of insects living there, made a collection of 71 species.


The materials in the collection are used in writing scientific works by specialists in plant protection, specialists in management of natural resources and environmental management Kostanay region council hall, specialists of research and production enterprises in growing fruit and vegetables, sanitation workers of the city and the region.