Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Энтомологический музей имени А.И.Проценко

In our university there is a unique Entomological Museum, the pride of the agro-biological faculty. The museum was founded in 1988 on a voluntary basis at the initiative and with the direct participation of Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Alexander Izosimovich Protsenko (1925-2004). This is the first author's insect museum, the profile of which is determined by the agricultural focus. Many groups of insects are still poorly studied, the material on entomofauna is accumulated gradually. Since 2004 to present, the work of the museum is managed by Marinenko Tatiana, a student of A.I.Protsenko, who completed her graduate studies in "Entomology". Now, the richest collection collected over two decades is used in the learning process, playing a crucial role as a visual aid for students.


Museum - a visual aid for students  


The museum staff are true masters of their craft, they annually collect, identify, systematize and store insects of our area, representing scientific, economic and educational value, write research papers, participate in scientific conferences. Currently Entomological Museum has educational-methodical and scientific centre for study of the insect fauna of Kostanai region and is the base for professionals engaged in entomology and plant protection. The museum contains over 28,000 different insects. 874 species, the largest and most prominent 1840 specimens are exhibited.



              Working with funds                                                           The interior of the museum

Many species of insects have aesthetic value, beautifying nature and being the national wealth of our country. In order to promote knowledge on wildlife conservation, there is an exhibition "Rare Insects of North Kazakhstan Red Book", the number of which is reduced under the influence of anthropogenic factors.

The collection of Red insect of the CIS complements the above-named exhibition. Visitors to the museum have always admired the unique collection of tropical insect fauna, it includes 141 species of insects from 16 corners of the globe. There is a museum collection "Insect Entomophages", 82 useful species, activity of which preserves and maintains the balance of nature.

An excursion takes an extremely important place in the work of the museum. In collaboration with Kostanai Research Institute themed lectures-excursions are held for agronomists and other specialist farmers, thanks to which workshop students have a great opportunity to gain new information and expand their horizons. In addition to the training sessions there is conducted the work with graduate students and undergraduates, students are assisted in the work of the scientific community of learners.


   Seminar on Plant Protection                                     Lesson of the club of young entomologists

KSU Entomological Museum staff write local newspapers, shoot scenes on television. Every year, the museum accepts visitors from near and far abroad. During the existence of Entomological Museum 6967 people were on tour(12.12.12),  i.e., it was visited by about 300 people a year. The idea of ​​creating such museums has been taken as an example for some of the universities of the CIS and Kazakhstan. Using imagination, insects can be used as a creative material.


Design «Saturnia»                                                                              Design «Қошқармүйіз»