Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Museum Complex

An important part of the infrastructure of A.Baitursynov Kostanai State University is its museum complex. The first priority of the museum complex is replenishment, preservation, study and exhibition of the existing and creation of new museum collections with the aim of preservation, promotion and enhancement of cultural and historical values ​​of the university, the formation of students’ and university employees’ sense of pride and respect for the native university, maintaining the image of KSU as that of the leading regional university of northern Kazakhstan.


The museum complex has various forms of activities: cultural and educational, training and education, research, museum and fund. Museum exhibits featured in various academic buildings, carry out common tasks: they are visual aids to the educational and scientific processes, they develop an interest in local history, regional history, form the moral and patriotic feelings of the students.


KSU museum complex designs and conducts reviews and thematic lectures for different categories of visitors. An essential task has been to work with pupils of the senior classes of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums of the city and region for their professional orientation (as the possible future entrants of KSU).



The museum complex of the University is presented by five museums:


• Museum of A.Baitursynov KSU;
• Museum of Akhmet Baitursynov;
• Archaeological Museum;
• Entomological Museum;
• Anatomical Museum.


Exhibits of the museum of history of A.Baitursynov KSU reflect the history of the university, give an idea of ​​the scientific-educational, cultural, educational and social aspects of the university since its founding to the present. The sections of the museum are archival documents, photos, news stories of past years, which show the stages in the development of the university, the growth of its scientific-pedagogical personnel and material resources, the best students and teachers who have achieved great success in scientific, educational, social, sporting activities, Rector Building of the University since its inception. 





A special pride of the University is the museum of Akhmet Baitursynov which became the present methodological centre for teachers and students. The museum contains unique items from the life of Ahmet Baitursynov, his heritage. Visitors are interested in everything here: the stone from the grave of his grandfather Baitursynov – Shoshaka, and bricks from the foundation of Ahmet’s home. But the most unique exhibits of the museum are a walking stick that was used by the scientist and his books in the original.

It has become a tradition to hold outstanding educational events in the museum – "Batursynov reading", model lessons, lectures, "round tables", dedicated to the memory of the distinguished countryman.



The archaeological museum of the university contains exhibits, received as a result of Turgay archaeological expedition conducted by employees of the university since 1976. During that time, there has been investigated more than twenty archaeological sites of Kostanai region of different eras of human history – from the Mesolithic to the Middle Ages, discovered new archaeological cultures of the Stone Age: makhanjar and tersek. Artifacts are prepared as the result of the work of scientific fields:
-  Study of the Stone Age monuments of Turgay deflection (X-III cc. BC);
-  Study of the history of the population of Kazakhstan Tobol region in the Bronze Age (III-II cc. BC).
Students of the Faculty of Humanitarian and Social Sciences are actively involved in the work of the laboratory of archaeological research, and they annually help in the study of monuments and material processing, as part of the archaeological practice.


At agro-biological faculty of KSU a unique entomological museum operates. The museum was founded in 1988 on a voluntary basis at the initiative and with the direct participation of Doctor of Biological Sciences Alexander Izosimovich Protcenko (1925-2004). This is the first author's insect museum, the profile of which is determined by the agricultural focus. The richest collection collected over two decades is used in the learning process and plays a crucial role of a visual aid for students.
Currently entomological museum has become an educational-methodical and scientific centre for the study of the insect fauna of Kostanai region and the base for professionals engaged in entomology and plant protection. The museum contains over 28,000 different insects. On exhibition there are 874 species, 1840 specimens, the largest and most important.




The pride of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry Technology is an anatomical museum, created by members of the department of anatomy and physiology of animals (now, Veterinary Medicine). The museum has more than 700 wet and dry items, among which are about 30 skeletons of animals, 200 copies of the dry preparations. Here you can see the unique exhibits such as a calf with five legs and much, much more. No less significant and unique here are museum exhibits on parasitology, where more than 100 copies are unique on the subject of performance.