Mission and strategies of the university
Mission |
Regional multidisciplinary university as an educational, scientific and cultural center, generator of innovations and the source of human potential of high level of competence.
Vision |
It is a university which has an impeccable image in society, achieved stable development on the market of educational services, maintains broad academic contacts with partners abroad to carry out joint educational, scientific and cultural programs, and provides implementation of innovations and scientific achievements into production and other spheres of social life.
Strategic aim of development |
Strategic aim of development is to form unified scientific and educational space of northern region of Kazakhstan that provides its dynamic, continuous and stable social and economic development |
The achievement of set targets is accomplished by realization of strategic courses in the development of university:
- Continuous study and analysis of external and internal consumer requirements of quality of education, creation of secure and comfortable conditions of education and social development of personality;
- Widening of three leveled training of specialists (bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, PhD degree ) and promotion of the Bologna Declaration principles and ECTS;
Integration of educational process, science and production, usage of new educational technologies and constant perfection of educational and methodological, scientific and methodological as well as logistical support;
- Monitoring and timely correction of educational processes on all levels of training, setting up conditions for productive and creative work of employees and structural subdivisions, their evaluation of their own possibilities and achieved results;
- Following steadily the demands of quality managing system and its non-stop improvement, improving professionalism of employees and their competence in quality, assisting them in mastering information technologies, developing at the same time their legal ,communicative and professional competence;
- Improving effectiveness of educational process, educational and methodological, scientific research activity and educative measures based on financial and economical stability of university , development of physical infrastructure, improvement of mechanisms of motivation of university employees, assistance in employment of graduates.
Realization of all these strategies will help A. Baitursynov Kostanay State University become one of the best multidisciplinary universities in Kazakhstan and consolidate its crucial role in the development of regional innovative infrastructure.