Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Structure of division

Four leading departments in SL "Bilim Ortalygy":


Department of acquisition, scientific and technical processing of literature and cataloguing
























- acquisition of fund SL "Bilim Ortalygy" by the editions on traditional and modern data storage devices;

-  calculation of editions, receiving and leaving literature;

- formation in the interest of scientific and educational activity of the modern search tool;

- registration of subscription on the periodic and subscription editions;

- definition of the LBC index.


Scientific and bibliographic department


- studying of information needs of users;

- selective distribution of information (system of SDI);

- differentiated information service of leaders (system of DIL);

- information and  bibliographic service;

- referential and bibliographic service;

- holding of classes on the information culture of users;

- propaganda of the printing of works, considerable on the contents, by means of exhibitions, conferences, presentations;

- creation of modern referential and bibliographic office.














Department of service and archive of funds


 -propaganda of educational and scientific literature on the specialization of higher education institution, by means of book exhibitions, presentations, literary evenings, reader's conferences, etc.;

- education of information culture of students, transfer of work skills in library on the basis of modern technologies;

- organization of users service on abonnements and reading rooms;

- holding of work on the liquidation of reader's arrearage;

- organization, registration, placing, keeping conditions and fund restoration;

- maintaining of card file of the book provision.










Department of automation of library processes























- automation of library processes of SL "Bilim Ortalygy", maintenance of ABIS "IRBIS 64";

- education of computer literacy of employees, transfer of work skills with ABIS "IRBIS 64";

- implementation of the advanced library technologies in the work of department;

- cooperation with other libraries, organs of scientific and technical information, archives, other enterprises, institutions, organizations, which have the information data banks, according to the current legislation, republican state programs, and also contracts, signed between institutions and organizations.