Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

List of subscribed periodicals

Consolidated list of subscription in 2019
 index name of publication period quantity of collection subscribers (reading rooms)
Kazakhstan newspapers in Kazakh  
2 65367 Ana tili 12 1 r/r № 3
3 64603 Bilimdy El=Obrazovannaya strana 12 5 r/r № 1,1,2,3,5
4 65392 Egemen Qazaqstan 12 4 r/r № 1,2,3,5
5 65365 Zhas Alash 12 3 r/r № 1,3,5
6 65921 Zań Gazeti 12 1 r/r № 5
7 65977 Qazaqstan Zaman 12 4 r/r № 1,2,3,5
8 64048 Qazaq 12 5 r/r № 1,1,2,3,5
9 65353 Qazaq ádebieti 12 1 r/r №  3
11 54615 Qostanay tańy 12 5 r/r № 1,1,2,3,5
12 64204 Sarbaz 12 1 Military department
13 65413 Túrkistan 12 6 hostels №1, №2
Kazakhstan newspapers in Russian  
1 95880 Delovaya nedelya 12 1 r/r № 1
2 15356 Kazakhstanskaya Pravda 12 5 r/r № 1,1,2,3,5
3 54611 Kostanay Agro 12 5 r/r № 1,1,2,3,5
4 54621 Kostanayskiye novosti 12 5 r/r № 1,1,2,3,5
5 54754 Kuryer 12 4 r/r № 1,2,3,5
6 54625 Nash Kostanay 12 5 r/r № 1,1,2,3,5
7 54635 Nasha gazeta 12 5 r/r № 1,1,2,3,5
9 65406 Uchitel Kazakhstana 12 1 r/r № 1
10 54648 Uchitelskay plyus   12 1 r/r № 1
11 65404 Ekologicheskiy kuryer 12 1 r/r № 1
12 65928 Yuridicheskay gazeta 12 1 r/r № 5
Kazakhstan magazines in Kazakh  
1 74055 Aibyn  12 1 Military department
2 75736 Aqiqat 12 1 r/r № 1
3 74732 Ardager KZ 12 1 Military department
4 75754 Bilim=Obrazovanie   12 1 r/r № 1
5 75012 Vestnik NAN RK 12 1 r/r № 1
6 75383 Gylym-Nauka 12 1 r/r № 1
7 75013 Doklady NAN RK 12 1 r/r № 1
8 75394 ZhasStar 12 1 r/r № 3
9 77000 Zhuldyzdar otbasy+Anyz Adam 12 1 r/r № 3
10 75849 Zań  12 1 r/r № 5
11 75860 Zań jáne zamań   12 1 r/r № 5
12 75845 Zańger 12 2 r/r № 1, 5
13 75334 Igilik 12 1 r/r № 3
14 75891 Qazaq órkenieti 12 1 r/r № 3
15 75748 Qazaq tarihy 12 1 r/r № 3
16 75633 QR parlamentiniń jarshysy = Vedomosti parlamenta RK 12 1 r/r № 1
17 74077 Qyzyqty psihologiya 12 1 r/r № 3
18 75387 Оqytý-тárbieleý tehnologiyasy 12 1 r/r № 3
19 75642 Otan tarihy 12 1 r/r № 3
20 75763 Parasat 12 1 r/r № 1
21 74442 Til jáne ádebiet 12 1 r/r № 3
22 75647 Уkimet bulleteni = Pravitelstvennyy bulleten 12 1 r/r № 1
23 74479 Ult bolmysy 12 1 Military department
24 75567 Ekonomika negizderi = Osnovy ekonomiki 12 1 r/r № 1
Kazakhstan magazines in Russian  
1 74277 Agrarnyy sektor 12 1 r/r № 1
2 75692 Banki Kazahhstana 12 1 r/r № 1
4 75136 Vestnik akademii ped. nauk 12 1 r/r № 1
5 74108 Vestnik Almatinskogo instituta energetiki i svyazi 12 1 r/r № 1
6 75605 Vestnik akademii transporta i kommunikatsiy im. M.Tynyshpayeva 12 1 r/r № 1
7 75188 Vestnil natsionalnoi inzhenernoi akademii RK 12 1 r/r № 1
8 75649 Vestnik universiteta "Kainar"   12 1 r/r № 1
9 75665 Vestnik universiteta "Turan"   12 1 r/r № 1
11 75118 De-Yure. Zhurnal yurista i notariusa 12 1 r/r № 5
13 75760 Evrasiyskoye soobshchestvo; obshchestvo, politika   12 1 r/r № 1
14 75016 Izvestiya NAN RK: ser. agr. nauk 12 1 r/r № 1
15 75015 Izvestiya NAN RK: ser. biologich. 12 1 r/r № 1
16 75017 Izvestiya NAN RK: ser. obshchestvennukh nauk 12 1 r/r № 1
17 75018 Izvestiya NAN RK: ser. сер. fiz.-mat.   12 1 r/r № 3
18 75014 Izvestiya NAN RK: ser. khimii i tekhnologiy 12 1 r/r № 1
20 74029 Miras 12 1 r/r № 1
21 75795 Mysl 12 4 r/r № 1,2,3, 5
22 74197 Pochvovedeniye i agrokhimiya 12 1 r/r № 1
23 75658 Pravovaya reforma v Kazahstane   12 2 r/r № 1, 5
24 75916 Promyshlennost Kazahstana 12 1 r/r № 1
25 75861 Sayasat 12 1 r/r № 1
26 25895 Sovremennoye obrazovaniye 12 1 r/r № 1
28 75781 Tranzitnaya ekonomika 12 1 r/r № 1
29 75693 Trud v Kazahstane: problemy, fakty, kommentarii   12 1 r/r № 1
30 74411 Fail buhgaltera 12 1 r/r № 1
31 75858 Femida 12 1 r/r № 5
32 75180 Ekologiya i promyshlennost Kazahstana 12 1 r/r № 1
33 75193 Energetika. Vestnik soyuza inzhenerov 12 1 r/r № 1
34 74653 Energetika i elektrooborudovaniye 12 1 r/r № 1
RF newspapers in Kazakhstan  
1 32123 AiF 12 3 r/r № 1, 2, 3
2 50176 Komsomolskaya pravda 12 3 r/r № 1, 2, 3
3 19350 Krasnaya zvezda 5 1 Military department
4 50164 Sobesednik 5 3 r/r № 1, 2, 3
Magazines of RF  
1 26074 Avtomir 5 1 r/r № 1
2 70126 Agrarnaya nauka 5 1 r/r № 1
3 73452 Armeyskiy sbornik 5 1 Military department
4 70130 Veterenariya 5 1 r/r № 1
5 30834 Veterenariya s/kh zhivotnych 5 1 r/r № 1
6 70203 Voyennaya mysl' 5 1 Military department
7 70137 Voyenno-istoricheskiy zhurnal 5 1 Military department
9 30790 Vyssheye obrazovaniye segodnya 5 1 r/r № 1
10 82763 Glavnyy agronom 5 1 r/r № 1
11 30764 Glavnyy zootekhnik 5 1 r/r № 1
12 70242 Den'gi i kredit 5 1 r/r № 1
13 70257 Dostizheniya nauki i tehniki APK 5 1 r/r № 1
14 71808 Zhurnal prakticheskogo psikhologa   5 1 r/r № 3
15 70321 Za rulyem 5 1 r/r № 1
16 70326 Zashchita i karantin rasteniy 5 1 r/r № 1
18 70329 Zemledeliye 5 1 r/r № 1
19 70342 Zootehniya 5 1 r/r № 1
21 70426 Kartofel i ovoshchi 5 1 r/r № 1
22 70443 Konevodstvo i konnyi sport 4 1 r/r № 1
23 37065 Kormleniye s/kh zhivotnyh 5 1 r/r № 1
24 70468 Kormoproizvodstvo 5 1 r/r № 1
26 70449 Krolikovodstvo i zverovodstvo 5 1 r/r № 1
27 99159 Landshaftnyi dizayn 4 1 r/r № 1
28 70542 Mirovaya ekonomika i mezduuuunarodnnnyye otnosheniya 5 1 r/r № 1
29 70573 Molochnaya promyshlennost   5 1 r/r № 1
30 70548 Molochnoye i myasnoye skotovodstvo 5 1 r/r № 1
31 72625 Myasnaya industriya 5 1 r/r № 1
32 31601 Nauka i zhizn   5 1 r/r № 1
33 32647 Nauchno-tekhnicheskiye biblioteki   5 1 r/r № 1
34 48705 Novoye selskoye hozyaystvo 5 1 r/r № 1
35 88758 Ovtsy, kozy, sherstyanoye delo 5 1 r/r № 1
37 82223 Plodorodiye   4 1 r/r № 1
38 80334 Ptitsa i ptitseprodukty 4 1 r/r № 1
39 70737 Ptitsevodstvo 5 1 r/r № 1
40 70739 Pchelovodstvo 5 1 r/r № 1
41 70809 Svinovodstvo 3 1 r/r № 1
42 70815 Selskiy mehanizator 5 1 r/r № 1
43 30348 Syrodeliye i maslodeliye 5 1 r/r № 1
44 71186 Tekhnika i vooruzheniye vchera, segodnya, zavtra 5 1 Military department
45 71100 Ekonomika s/kh i pererabatyvayushchih predpriyatiy  5 1 r/r № 1