Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Terms of using "Bilim Ortalygy" SL

           These rules are made on the basis of "Provision on "Bilim Ortalygy" SL and regulate relations among "Bilim Ortalygy" SL and users.


1. General terms


  • Right of using "Bilim Ortalygy" SL is provided to the academic teaching staff, master students, students (intramural and extramural study), employees and workers of higher education institution. Other categories of readers are served only in the reading rooms on producing of the identity card with payment according to the price-list, which approved by the rector of higher education institution.
  • All available information resources are provided to the readers of "Bilim Ortalygy" SL for using.
  • Recording of readers "Bilim Ortalygy" SL is made on the producing of the identity card or document replacing it, according to the lists about admission in the university. The security card with the reader photo and with bar-code "Bilim Ortalygy" SL is given by the centre of information technologies.
  • Multifaceted assistance is rendered to the reader in the selection of literature and in the formation of information culture.
  • "Bilim Ortalygy" SL realizes annually a re-registration of readers. The readers, who don't pass the re-registration of "Bilim Ortalygy" SL, aren't served. The reader is obliged to return the books, which are registered on him, and to issue the departure clearance checklist in case of the discontinuance of use of "Bilim Ortalygy" SL.
  • Main types of library service are provided free of charge. The additional paid services are provided on the basis of the list and the price-list, approved by the rector of university.
  • Readers, who systematically or roughly break these rules, can be deprived of the right of use of "Bilim Ortalygy" SL on the period of 1 month and more.
  • Data about readers’ serious violations of these rules are conveyed on the consideration in the dean's offices of university.


2. Rights and obligations of "Bilim Ortalygy" SL


"Bilim Ortalygy" SL provides the realization of the readers rights in the activity. "Bilim Ortalygy" SL is obliged:


  • to form the funds according to the specialization of university;
  • to provide the access to all information resources of "Bilim Ortalygy" SL to the readers;
  • to provide the full information about structure of library funds through the RLA and other forms of library informing to the readers;
  • to provide the consulting assistance in the searching and choosing of information sources to the readers, to increase their information culture;
  • to exercise the constant control at the returning of the issued books;
  • to exercise the calculation, archiving and use of the documents, which are in funds "Bilim Ortalygy" SL;
  • to have responsibility for the funds safety;
  • to realize humanitarian and educational work, to hold the mass events, promoting to the formation of high level of spirituality and morality, breadth of scientific knowledge, creative thinking and ability to the further self-education at the readers;
  • to create and support the comfortable conditions for the readers’ work in the library;
  • to apply the measures to the readers, violating Instructions of using of "Bilim Ortalygy" SL (deprivation of the using right of library on the term, determined by the management department, depending on extent of violation). 


3. Rights of reader


The reader has the right:


  • to use the main types of the library -bibliographical and information services, provided by the "Bilim Ortalygy" SL;
  • to receive the full information about funds structure of "Bilim Ortalygy" SL and the consulting assistance in searching and a choosing of the information sources;
  • to receive the documents on the delivery desks for the temporary use or to work in reading rooms;
  • to receive the additional information and services for the payment (according to "List of the paid library - bibliographic and information services and works, provided by the "Bilim Ortalygy" SL);
  • to participate in the events, organized by "Bilim Ortalygy" SL;
  • to address with various inquiries and offers to the administration of "Bilim Ortalygy" SL.


4. Responsibilities of reader


  • to treat with due care with the documents, received from the fund "Bilim Ortalygy" SL and  to return its in the given period;
  • to show the security card for receiving of the literature and  to sign for each edition in the charging card;
  • to view each edition at the receiving of documents and in case of detection of any defects to report about it to the employee of "Bilim Ortalygy" SL ; the last reader take responsibility for the damage of documents;
  • to return the editions, received in "Bilim Ortalygy" SL, in the given period;
  • annually to pass the re-registration with the producing of all registered documents at the beginning of academic year; the readers who don't pass the re-registration – aren't served;
  • to return all registered documents to the "Bilim Ortalygy" SL at the leaving from university and to sign the departure clearance checklist;  
  • to replace the lost or damaged documents with the documents recognized as equivalent by "Bilim Ortalygy" SL;
  • to observe silence and order at the visiting of the "Bilim Ortalygy" SL and to maintain the correct relations with other readers and employees of "Bilim Ortalygy" SL.



5. Terms of using of the loan department


On the loan department the editions are given on the house for the following period:


  • educational editions – to the students, master students – on the semester according to curricula and programs (no more than 15 copies); to the teachers, master students –on the academic year (no more than 15 copies);
  • scientific publications are issued on 15 days to a maximum of 5 copies – to all categories of readers;
  • literature editions are issued on 20 days to a maximum of 5 copies;
  • editions term of use can be prolonged at its production, if its hasn’t demand from other readers, in coordination with employees of the loan department;
  • reference or single copy isn't subject to the circulation;
  • reader is obliged at the editions receiving: to date and sign for each copy in the charging card;   
  • literature, used on the group lessons, is given on the loan department and is documented by the signature of the teacher in the charging card of each edition. The teacher take responsibility for this literature;
  • teachers and personnel of university are obliged at the end of the academic year, i.e. till July 1 to deliver or prolong term of use (but no more than 5 copies) by all library editions;
  • using terms of literature for extramural students are established depending on terms of examination period.


6. Instructions for using of reading room


  • number of the issued editions at the same time in a reading room shouldn't exceed 7 copies;
  • documents for using on IWST are issued from the reading room under responsibility of the teacher;
  • it is forbidden to take out books from the reading room, the reader has to give the books to the librarian at the leaving from the reading room for a long time.



7. It is forbidden to the reader


  • to take documents from the building of the "Bilim Ortalygy" SL if its aren't written in the reader's card;
  • to enter in the building of the "Bilim Ortalygy" SL in the overclothes;
  • to break silence and order in rooms of the "Bilim Ortalygy" SL;
  • to spoil library editions (to make in its marks, to emphasize, to tear out sheets, to bend backbones, etc.);
  • to take the cards from the catalogs and card files.