Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

History of library


      Vodyassova Aleksandra Yakovlevna was the first head of library from 1948 to 1983, and also good organizer and wise manager; from 1983 to 1992 Serozhenko Evgeniya Emelyanovna managed by library, whom the library workers and librarians of the city remember with warmth.                                   


Scientific library of pedagogical institute in 60th years


      In these years the library estimated about 4200 readers, there are students of intramural and extramural education, teaching staff and staff of institute, school teachers of the city. The service was realized by the collective method. 2 group abonnement worked: the philological – foreign language, biological – physics – mathematical faculty. The service of students was performed every other day: on the even-numbered days- the first two faculties, on odd-numbered days - the following two. 120 places were in the reading room of library and it worked from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m., without break and weekends. The opening of the reading room for teaching staff became a big event in life of library and institute. The reference materials, periodical publications, department of rare books (a gift of MSU) were presented in this reading room. The public events were held by the library, committee of Komsomol, departments of institute and students' scientific society gave big help in this direction. The librarian was assigned on each faculty in order to give an opportunity to study demands of readers better and correspondingly book collection. The subscription on 200 newspapers and magazines was made, according to the profile of institute.


Library of KAI


      KAI library of the branch of Tselinograd agricultural institute was organized in 1966. The branch of library was situated in the selo Zarechny, 2 rooms were allotted under library.K. I. Makarova (Yelisseyeva) was the organizer and the first head of library, through the time L.I.Afonchenko was accepted in the staff of library, who worked in library till 1987. In 1974 A.P.Dymochko, who gave more than 35 years to the favourite occupation, was accepted in the staff. 


      In 1978 the branch received the status of independent educational institution, for this moment the staff of library included 9 people. From 1984 to 1988 the library was headed by N.S.Polyakova.


KAI libraries in 80th years


      The library serviced students of intramural and extramural education, teaching staff and staff of institute. The book collection of library consisted of textbooks and manuals, and also scientific literature for the making of the course papers and diploma papers, a total of 221951 exemplars.


       The book provision made 76 exemplars, at the zoological and engineering, and agronomical faculties the book provision made 100%.


      The service of readers was made on 2 abonnements and 2 reading rooms. The service of readers on the abonnements was made by the group way. The classes on the course "Introduction in Specialty" were held for 1 year students, and also on basis of library - bibliographic knowledge.


      The book exhibitions were registered by the library; Days of information, oral magazines, literary evenings, and bibliographic reviews of literature were held.




KAI library in the years of perestroika



      The main objective of library work of  Kustanay agricultural institute in 1985 was directed on propaganda of the Marxist-Leninist theory, K. Marx, F. Engels, V. I. Lenin's works, leading materials of party and government, historical decisions of the 26th  CPSU congress and  subsequent Plenums of the Central Committee of CPSU, preparation to the 27th CPSU congress and the 16th congress of CP of Kazakhstan.


      The work of library was directed on the system improvement of students service and in the rendering assistance of the book choice to them.


     The service of readers of higher education institution was conducted by two abonnements, two reading rooms, office of Marxism-Leninism, offices of the extramural and preparatory department, GTS office.


      In library two types of service were applied: differentiated and group. By the group method generally students of the first courses were served at the mass giving of literature on a semester. The book collection of library already totaled 320.097 exemplars of books. It is educational, scientific, reference and imaginative literature.



      In the work the library workers were guided by the existing GOST on the library science and "Regulation about library science in USSR".


      The important place in work was given to the studying of the advanced experience of other libraries, acquaintance with the progressive library methods of work, the libraries of the Kustanay pedagogical institute and Rudny industrial institute were visited with the purpose of experience exchange, the library workers went on the probation period in Almaty, where acquainted with work of libraries of KAZSU of Kirov, Kazakh agricultural institute, Institute of  national economy, Republican scientific agricultural library.

      The librarians actively participate in public life of institute, in amateur arts festivals, in the held sporting events. There was a friendly efficient staff of library with the customs and traditions, so there was a tradition to hold a ceremony "Initiation in librarians"


Library in 90th years

      In 1990th years the country had not the best times, the financing decreased on acquisition of fund and on purchase of periodicals. But nevertheless, from 1990 to 2000 the provision of new literature in KAI library by years totaled: 39166 exemplars.  


      From 1988 to 1996 KAI library is headed by L.M.Ovchinnikova, nowadays working in IEC "Bilim Ortalygy" as the head of department of service and storage of funds.


      From 1996 to 2000 the head of library was B.S.Kaibzhanova.


      1996 is anniversary year for institute, 30 anniversary of KAI. Within the anniversary of higher education institution a cycle of actions, the evening - meeting "They were the first" were held by the library.


 Library in 2000  

      According to the regulation of the government of RK from 14.02.2000 No. 236 "About measures on integration of science and education of RK"  Kostanay agricultural institute became a part of Kostanay state university. At this time in KAI library 14 employees worked, in library of university the same number of employees. I.I.Nechiporenko became the director of the joint library.


      On the regulation basis of the government of RK in 2004 Kostanay state pedagogical university separeted from structure of KSU. The building of standard library on the address: Tarana 0118 departed to KSPI.


      The necessity to have the library, answering to all modern requirements, appeared. In 2004 the decision on reconstruction of one of university buildings under library was made by the management of university. In September, 2006 the staff of library already accepted readers on a new place.


      According to the readers, the image of the library, which move with the times, constantly contacts with access to the INTERNET network, increasing in number of computers and introduction of new information technologies. Besides, from necessary attributes of ideal library name: the big choice and novelty of literature, personnel professionalism, modern interior, new convenient furniture, good lighting, presence of fresh flowers, air conditioning. The modern information and educational center IEC "Bilim Ortalygy" by right is among such libraries. 

      The director of IEC "Bilim of an Ortalygy" from 2004 to the present day is Zh.S. Erzhanova.



Scientific library “Bilim Ortalyǵy” at present



Main indicators: 

Staff - 17 full-time employees;
Books stock -718803 items.

Services provided:
- conducting classes on information culture;
- individual informing on the IRI system;
- library - bibliographic service;
- determination of the index of UDK, BBK, SRNTI;
- preparation of recommendation lists, indexes, bulletins;
- organization of exhibitions and views;
- holding Days of departments, Information Days, mass events;
- copying of documents;
- digitization and scanning of documents.


   At present, there are 4 departments in the library: lending and depository department (including 4 reading rooms, 2 lending offices), scientific reference department, automation department, acquisition and processing department.

   On the area of ​​the SL "Bilim Ortalyǵy" there are 3 lending departments and 1 reading-hall. On the ground floor there is a book depository with the necessary stable temperature and humidity, a total area is ​​1500 square meters. For the convenience of students, in addition to the buildings of the university there are 3 reading halls with open access stocks.

   The library stock of the SL "Bilim Ortalyǵy" is the largest in the Qostanay region, the university library is the undoubted leader in the number of titles of subscribes newspapers and magazines.

   University staff and students have all necessary facilities for successful work: free access to domestic and world information resources, both traditional and electronic ones.

   The current education system is impossible without a reliable information basis in the form of electronic collections of educational resources. Library users have access to domestic, Russian and foreign electronic information resources: "RMEB", "QazNEB", "EAPATIS", "Web of Science", "SpringerLink", "Scopus", "ScienceDirect". The resources of its own generation are created: the electronic library “Works of the teaching staff of A. Baitursynov QSU” (4.7 thousand documents), an electronic library operating within the framework of the IRBIS-64 ABIS (4 thousand documents). The users are provided with an electronic catalogue of the library, which has more than 125 thousand records.

   One can work with the library’s electronic catalogue using any computer on the university’s corporate network. Due to the available access to world information resources, each teacher and student has the opportunity to use science and technology, both in Western Europe and the USA, in educational and scientific activities.
   All processes in the library are automated, there are no traditional reader forms, information about the user is included in its electronic data. By means of a scanner, books are recorded in an electronic form, and also a scanner is used to remove books from the register. Thanks to the software is not difficult to determine the most popular textbooks and vice versa. The program allows you to determine the most reading faculty, the most reading teachers and students, the number of visits and book distribution of departments, etc.

   The library provides readers’ conferences, book presentations, brain-rings, literary events, questions and answers events, “round tables”, meetings with the creative masters of literature and arts.

   Librarians are engaged in control, accounting and recording of university staff publications in domestic and foreign scientific journals, as well as in educational and scientific sources. Thus, the scientific library "Bilim Ortalyǵy" forms the basis of the intellectual potential of the university. In order to increase the publication activity the library staff provides seminars-trainings in relevant thematic areas.

   Since 2017, the unit has been participating in the international project DIRECT - “Development of trans-regional information literacy for lifelong learning and knowledge economy” implemented under the Erasmus + program of the European Union.

   For the convenience of users, a Wi-Fi zone is opened in all reading rooms, as well as in the SL “Bilim Ortalyǵy”. All services in the library are free of charge.

   The division introduces advanced experience of the post-Soviet library space, as well as international practice of libraries in Western Europe and the USA.