Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

SL “Bilim ortalygy”



Scientific library “Bilim ortalygy”

Information about structural subdivision






Address: 1100000 Kostanay, 28 Abay prospect

Phone: 53 – 78 – 75

e-mail: bibl_ksu@mail.ru

Working time: 9.00 – 18.00

Non-working days: Saturday, Sunday

Chief of SL "Bilim Ortalygy": Erzhanova Zhamilya Sermagambetovna