Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Aralbaev Sarsengali Saparovich




   Aralbaev Sarsengali Saparovich

   Senior lecturer of the Department

   criminal law and procedure.

    E- mail: aralbaev-ss @mail.ru    




Kostanay agricultural Institute



Karaganda Higher school of the NSC of the RK



Subjects taught:

• Criminal law of the RK. The General and Special part.

• Fundamentals of operational and investigative activities of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 

Scientific and methodological publications

    • Aralbaev S. S. "Problematic aspects of law enforcement practice related to petty theft of someone else's property", journal"3i" №1 March 2017, pp. 180-185.

  •  Aralbaev S. S. "Production and science: the issue of employment of future lawyers" // Materials of the international scientific and methodological conference "Innova -2017" January 15, 2017. Kostanay 2017 – p. 37-39
  • Aralbaev S. S.. "Тeaching excellence, as a factor of success in studying at postgraduate activities" // Materials of international scientific-methodical conference "Innova -2018", April 19-20 2018. Kostanay 2018 – p. 222-225

• * Aralbaev S. S. "Methods of investigation of certain crimes" // Educational and methodical manual. ISBN 978-601-7933-10-4 / Kostanay: KSU im.Akhmeta baitursynova, 2017 – 113c.

• Aralbaev S. S. "Criminal offenses against property" // Educational and methodical manual on discipline "Criminal law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Special part.»  ISBN 978-601-7933-78-4 / Kostanay: KSU im.Akhmet Baitursynov, 2017 – 65C.

• Aralbaev S. S. "the Concept of criminal law and criminal offenses" // Training manual on discipline "Criminal law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. General part" ISBN 978-601-7955-39-7 / - Kostanay: KSU.A. Baitursynova, 2018 – 66 

Educational video lectures

• Aralbaev S. S. "Murder" // discipline "Criminal law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Special part" - Kostanay: KSU.A. baitursynova, 2017(duration 10 min. 19 sec)

• Aralbaev S. S. "Corruption criminal offenses" // discipline "Criminal law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Special part" - Kostanay: KSU.A. baitursynova, 2017 (duration 15 min. 08 sec

 Advanced training

"Designing automated testing in MOODLE 2.6"h volume 45, certificate # 477 from 4.04.2016 G.

"Fundamentals of work in the distance learning system MOODLE 2.6. Introductory course" in the amount of 45 hours, certificate №017 September 2016.

"Development of an interactive lecture in the distance learning system MOODLE" in the amount of 45 hours, certificate №025 November 2016.

"Fundamentals of designing a distance course in the distance learning system MOODLE" in the amount of 45 hours, certificate №047 December 2016.

"Forms of pre-trial investigation. Procedure for pre-trial investigation" in the amount of 72 hours, Training center of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Kazakhstan Kostanay, certificate 001/1 from 20.01.2017

"The use of information and communication technologies in the educational process" in the amount of 72 hours (average level), certificate №126, January 2017.

"Oratory of the University teacher" in the amount of 36 hours, certificate №710 from 12.06.2017.

"Creation of educational video content" in the amount of 72 hours, certificate №734 from 12.06.2017.

"School of pedagogical skill", 72 hours, certificate No. 914 of 12.06.2017 G.

"Corruption offenses and responsibility for their Commission" in the amount of 72 hours, Training center of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Kazakhstan Kostanay, certificate №010 from 30.11.2017.

"Creation of interactive tasks in the program Hot Potatoes their placement in Moodle" in the amount of 36 hours, certificate №091 from January 2018.

"Innovative technologies of education at the University" in the amount of 72 hours, Russia, Khakass state University. N. F.Katanova, certificate №73-18 from 22.02.2018.

"Extremism and terrorism: typology, motives and threat factors" in the amount of 72 hours, Training center of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Kazakhstan Kostanay, certificate №014 from 10.04.2018

"Psychological culture of University teachers", 72 hours, certificate No. 1086, 2018.

"Methodology and technology of webinars on Etutorium platform" in the amount of 36 hours, certificate №180, 29.11.2018