Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Teaching staff


Aitmukhambetov Aidar Abayevich


doctor of historical sciences, professor


Telephone: +7 (7142) 511144

Room: 204, main building

E-mail: dekan-gsf@mail.ru









A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University



Shakarim State University of Semey

Domestic history


Courses Taught 

  • History of Kazakhstan
  • Ethnology
  • Introduction to regional studies


Scientific publications (last 3 years) 

  • Professional activity of the Kazakh lawyers in Siberia (the end of the beginning ХІХ and the XX centuries)//Materials of the International scientific conference "Kazakhs of Russia: history and the modernity", devoted to the 35 anniversary of Omsk F. M. Dostoevsky State University - Omsk, 2010. - T. 1. – P.15-18.
  • Documents of the state archive of the Omsk region as a source on research of the Kazakh pupils of Omsk at the end of XIX- at the beginning XX centuries//Documents in the context of history. Materials ІІ International scientific conference. Omsk. - 2009. – P. 162-165
  • Kazakh employees of Ural and Povolzhye region//Materials ІІІ All-Russian scientific and practical conference of young scientists "Ethnic groups and culture of Ural and Povolzhye region: history and modernity" - Ufa. - 2009. – P. 4-7.


Media publications (last 3 years)

  • Faculty for humanities//"Bilim zharysy".-No. 6 (101).-On June 22, 2012 – p.3








Dulatov Berik Kairatovich

Teacher of department of history of Kazakhstan

The master of pedagogical sciences


Telephone: +7 777 974 4327

Room: 201

E-mail: berikdulatov@gmail.com




 Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute



Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute



Courses Taught 

  • History of the Middle Ages
  • Source study
  • Historiography of history of Kazakhstan


Scientific publications (last 3 years)


  • B.K.Dulatov, T.N. Oleynikova “The modern problems of professional activity of the teacher of the higher school”. –Kostanay memlekettik pedagogicalyk institutynyn zharshysy, No. 4(24), 2011
  • B.K.Dulatov, I.P.Sivokhin “A policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the sphere of education and sciences”. - Republic of Kazakhstan: 20 years of success and creation. Materials of mobile scientific and practical conferences devoted to the 20 anniversary of independence of RK, Kostanay, 2011
  • B.K.Dulatov, T.M.Bragina “Environmental problems of Kazakhstan”. - Republic of Kazakhstan: 20 years of success and creation. Materials of mobile scientific and practical conferences devoted to the 20 anniversary of independence of RK, Kostanay, 2011
  • B.K.Dulatov, “The academician Zulkarnay Aldamzhar and his candidate's dissertation on a historiography”. - Collection of scientific works of students and masters of Academician Zulkarnay Aldamzhar Kostanay Social Technical University, 2012,  P. 122-127





Koldybayeva Svetlana Saginbekovna


Candidate of historical sciences, associate professor

E-mail: Koldybaeva@mail.ru












Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute of the 50 anniversary of the USSR

History and pedagogics


Kazakh National Pedagogical University Abai

National history


Courses Taught 

  • History of Kazakhstan
  • The contemporary history of Kazakhstan
  • History periodization (Domestic and world)
  • The modern theoretical and methodological approaches to actual problems of national history


Educational publications (last 3 years)

  •  S.S.Koldybayeva The contemporary history of Kazakhstan: Manual. - Kostanay, A. Baitursynov KSU, 2010. – P.101  
  • S.S.Koldybayeva History of Kazakhstan: Electronic textbook. - Kostanay, A. Baitursynov KSU,2012 
  •  S.S.Koldybayeva The contemporary history of Kazakhstan. – Kostanay: IPE KSU of A. Baitursynov, 2011. 
  • S.S.Koldybayeva History of Kazakhstan. Multimedia presentations. – Kostanay, A. Baitursynov KSU, 2011 
  • S.S.Koldybayeva History of Kazakhstan. Multimedia presentations. – Kostanay, A. Baitursynov KSU, 2012 
  • S.S.Koldybayeva The contemporary history of Kazakhstan. Multimedia presentations. – Kostanay, A. Baitursynov KSU, 2012 


Scientific publications (last 3 years)


  • Philosophical and pedagogical approaches to a training humanization problem in a 12-year education system//Priority directions of training quality of specialists in system of the continuous professional education in the conditions of transition on 12 years' education: collection of articles of regional, scientific and practical conference. – Kostanay, 2011. – P. 8-10.
  • Problem of responsibility of the student and teacher in educational process//The paradigm of the modern science through youth’s eyes: materials of the international scientific conference devoted to the 20 anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – Kostanay, 2011. – P.165-168.
  • Responsibility of the journalist and religious subject in mass media//Islam and the modern world: The collection of methodical materials of the Republican seminar devoted to presidency of Kazakhstan in the Organization of Islamic cooperation. – Kostanay, 2011. – P. 85-88.
  • Ibray Altynsarin and the modern teacher//Social, pedagogical, moral potential of heritage of I.Altynsarin and modernity: collection of reports. - Kostanay, 2011. – P. 62-65.
  • To a question of a policy in system of the higher education in the Republic of Kazakhstan//"20 Years of independence of Kazakhstan: Progress, problems and perspectives": Materials of Republican scientific and practical conference. – Kostanay, 2011. – P. 218-221.
  • About a role and Kenesary Kasymov's actions in the history of the Kazakh people//Aldamzhar’s reading: Materials of the International scientific and practical conference "Aldamzhar’s Readings - 2011" devoted to the 20 anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – Kostanay, 2011. – P. 151-154.
  • Religious extremism in Kazakhstan//The role of religion in the modern society: experience, problems, perspectives: Materials of the international scientific and practical conference. T. 2. – Petropavlovsk, 2011. – P. 84-86.
  • To a question of the modern problems of national consolidation of the Kazakh people//3i: intellect, idea, innovation - интеллект, идея, инновация. Multifunctional academic journal – Kostanay, 2012. - No.3.-P.18-20.
  • About the problem of a history periodization//3i: intellect, idea, innovation - интеллект, идея, инновация. Multifunctional academic journal. – Kostanay, 2012. - No.1. - P.92-94.
  • The doctrinal bases of informative and psychological war of the USA against the USSR//3i: intellect, idea, innovation - интеллект, идея, инновация. Collection of scientific articles of masters. - 2012. – P. 11-14.





Legkiy Dmitriy Maksimovich


Professor of department of history of Kazakhstan

Doctor of historical sciences of RK and Russian Federation

E-mail: Legk_d@mail.ru










Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute of the 50 anniversary of the USSR

History and pedagogics 


Saratov State University, postgraduate studies

National history 


Courses Taught


Bachelor degree: 

  • World history of government and law, 
  • History of the international relations, 
  • Historiography of history of foreign countries,
  • Foreign policy of the countries of the region of specialization,
  • Political system of the countries of the region of specialization,
  • International regional organizations.

Master degree: 

  • New approaches to fundamental problems of a world history. 


Scientific publications (last 3 years)

  • The Kustanay teacher's institute in the years of war//Ideas. Republican political scientific-theoretical journal. - 2012. - No.2. – P. 57 - 64.
  • Oligarchs in court or "The rich also cry"//Ideas. Republican political scientific-theoretical journal. - 2012. - No.2. – P.100-102.
  • Central Asia: as military bases became "objects" and "centers"//Ideas. Republican political scientific-theoretical journal. - 2012. - No.2. - P. 102 - 104.
  • From Maslenitsa till Easter: who and for what orders a moleben//Ideas. Republican political scientific-theoretical journal. - 2012. - No.2. - P. 104 - 106.
  • Whether souls of the last dictators will rescue the Holy See and order of Malta.//Ideas. Republican political scientific-theoretical journal. - 2012. - No.2. – P.106 - 108.
  • They won't pass//Idea. Republican political scientific-theoretical journal. - 2012. - No. 3. P. 19-21.
  • We won together//Idea. Republican political scientific-theoretical journal. - 2012. - No. 3. P. 21-32.
  • Force in unity. //Idea. Republican political scientific-theoretical journal. - 2012. - No. 3. P. 79-80.
  • Euroasian currency – to be or not to be//Idea. Republican political scientific-theoretical journal. - 2012. - No.4. P. 61-65.
  • Eurotrip or the Silk Road on Asia//Idea. Republican political scientific-theoretical journal. - 2012. - No.4. P. 63-65.
  • The East is the East, the West is the West, and its won't converge//Idea. Republican political scientific-theoretical journal. - 2012. - No.4. P. 91-93. 
  • Pre-war city: which this city was//Idea. Republican political scientific-theoretical journal. - 2012. - No.4. P. 62-68.
  • Dmitry Vasilyevich Stasov: Judicial reform of 1864 and formation of legal profession in the Russian Empire. SPb: "Dmitry Bulanin".-2011.- P.424
  • The great Kobzar – spiritual heritage of fraternal peoples//Dialog of poesy. / Author Anatoly Tarasenko. - Kostanay: Printing house. - 2011. – P. 223-226.
  • Kazakhstan: the country in waiting of presidential elections and parliament//Democratic processes in Central Asia. Collection of articles. - Saratov. - 2011. – P.23-28.
  • The honest doer of good and the truth//Russia in the XIX century: policy, society, culture. - Saratov. - 2011. – P. 51-61.
  • The unknown father of judicial reform (to the 150 anniversary of judicial reform of 1864 in Russia). Legal framework of Russia: problems of the theory, history and practice. Materials of the II All-Russian scientific and practical conference. Under the editorship of T. L. Yuzhakova. - Slavyansk - on - Kuban. - 2011. – P.69-72.
  • In the XXI century the beggarly philosophy don’t have place//the Person and the social government in the conditions of market system of economic management.//Materials of the international conference. – Almaty - 2011. –P. 118-125.
  • At sources of independence//the Republic of Kazakhstan: 20 years of success and creation.//Materials of the regional mobile, scientific and practical conferences devoted to the 20 anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. – Kostanay. - 2011. - P. 130-140.
  • The word about a new land//Reclamation of newground and derelict lands in the Kostanay region. Collection of documents. Kostanay. - 2010. – P. 5-6.
  • History and main chronology of development of OSCE as international regional organization//Presidency of Kazakhstan in OSCE: victory of national diplomacy. Collection of reports of a scientific and practical seminar. – Rudny - 2010. – P. 70-74.
  • Historical sources of the modern constitution//Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan – the legal base for creation of the stable socially oriented state". Materials of regional scientific and practical conference. - Kostanay. - 2010. – P. 86-93.
  • Legal profession on the protection of revolutionary movement in the Russian Empire//the Bulletin of the Karaganda university. Series: History. Philosophy. Law. - 2010. No.2 (58) – P. 71-82.
  • N.P.Kim, D.M.Legkiy. The first academic year of 1939-1940 of the Kostanay teacher's institute: history and modernity//Baitursynov readings. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference. - Kostanay. - 2010.-P. 131-137.
  • Faculty of history at the beginning of the XXI century//I.K.Ternova, Ya.K.Dukhin, D.M.Legkiy. It was born and acquitted by time. Outlines. Part 2. – Kostanay. - 2010. – P. 73-86.
  • Teachers and the members of the Kostanay pedagogical institute in the years of war//We from the war. Memories of teachers of the Kostanay state pedagogical institute, who participated in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. - 2010. – P. 13-18.
  • “Krasnaya data calendarya” at the beginning of formation of the constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan//Ideas. Republican political scientific-theoretical journal. - 2010. No.5. – Page 81-88.
  • To the 65 anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Kostanay state pedagogical institute in the years of war. - Kostanay: Printing house. - 2010. - 252 p.
  • "Alternative stories" of war - a distortion of the truth of the Great Patriotic War//Topic of the Great Patriotic War in a political discourse of the Post-Soviet states: Materials of the international Internet conference / Under the editorship of the prof. S.Yu. Shenin - Saratov.: Scientific book.-2010. - 108 pages – P. 34-43.
  • The teacher and war (The evacuated teachers in the Kostanay pedagogical institute in days of the Great Patriotic War)//Topic of the Great Patriotic War in a political discourse of the Post-Soviet states: Materials of the international Internet conference / Under the editorship of the prof. S.Yu. Shenin - Saratov.: Scientific book. - 2010. - 108 pages – P. 69-75.
  • Kostanay region in the years of the Great Patriotic war: unity of the front and rear. Kostanay: Printing house. - 2010. – 508 pages. (In a co-authorship. A.M.Duanbayeva, S.S.Ismailov, D.M.Legkiy, V.G. Semenova).





Ermenbayeva Gulzhan Kakimbekovna


Head of department of history of Kazakhstan


Associate professor of history of Kazakhstan

Candidate of historical sciences

E-mail: gulzhan.ermenbaeva@mail.ru 








A. M. Gorky Ural State University  (Yekaterinburg)



Sh.Ualikhanov Institute of history and ethnology MES RK

National history


Courses Taught

  • Modern history of the countries of Europe and America
  • Contemporary history of the countries of Europe and America
  • Historiography of history of Kazakhstan
  • History of the countries of the region of specialization: Western Europe


Educational publications (last 3 years) 

  • Transformation of organs of local government (on the example of Kazakhs of the Orenburg authority in the 20-60th years of the XIX century: Manual. – Saarbruecken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2012. - 241 pages.


Scientific publications (last 3 years)

  • Formulary list of the sultan-governor Ahmet Zhantorin//Actual problems and perspectives of enhancement of law-enforcement activities: Materials of the international scientific and practical conference. – Kostanay, 2012. – P. 101-105.
  • The Kyrgyz issue in activities of the Orenburg governors in the first half of the XIX century//Kazakhstan muragattary. – 2012. - No. 1(21). – P. 41-44.
  • Conformism of local government and national liberation movement of Kenesary Kasymov//Materials of the regional scientific and practical conference devoted to the 20 anniversary of Independence of RK. – Kostanay, 2011. – P. 120-124.
  • Critical thinking and quality of education//Materials of the methodical conference "Innovations in Education".-Kostanay, 2011. – P.18-20.
  • Role of the critical thinking in case of the credit technology of education//Baytursynov readings: Materials of the international scientific and practical conference. - Kostanay, 2010. – P. 3-5.


Professional development (last 3 years)

  •  Seminar "Providing of efficiency of an internal and external assessment of quality of an education system: accreditation and rating". - Astana, 2011.
  • Courses of training to the international TOEFL test. KSU of A. Baitursynov, 2010.
  • Pre-Intermediate Level English language courses (125 hours). KSU of A. Baitursynov, 2011.
  • Intermediate Level English language courses (125 hours). KSU of A. Baitursynov, 2012.


Main scientific directions

  • History of local government of Kazakhs of the Orenburg authority in the XIX century.
  • Materials of newspapers as sources on region stories (on the example of history of the Kostanay region).




Ismailov Serikzhan Sagindykovich

Deputy dean of educational work


Head teacher of department of history of Kazakhstan

Candidate of historical sciences.

E-mail: serikzhan-gsf @mail.ru






A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University



R.B. Suleimenov Institute of Oriental Studies

World history


Courses Taught 

  • Ethnology
  • Ethnoconflictology
  • Problems of a historical demography


Educational publications (last 3 years)

  • S.S.Ismailov Kazakhstan in system of the international relations. - Kostanay: KSU of A. Baitursynov, 2010. The manual - 140 pages.


Scientific publications (last 3 years)

  •  Assembly of the nations of Kazakhstan as Euroasian model of tolerant existence of cosmopolitan society.//VIII International Euroasian scientific forum "Scientific creativity of L. N. Gumilev and history of the people of Eurasia: the modern approaches and perspectives". ENU of L. N. Gumilev. – Astana, 2012. – P. 45-49.
  • Interuniversity cooperation as a factor in development of the general educational space.//The international scientific and practical conference "Integration processes in education: problems and perspectives". KSPI. - Kostanay, 2012. P.79-83.
  • History of development of national schools in the Orenburg region in the 30th years of the XX century.//International scientific and practical conference "Baytursynov Readings 2012". KSU of A. Baitursynov. - Kostanay, 2012. P. 167-170.
  • A problem of social protection of the population in the territory of Kazakhstan and South Ural during hunger of the 1920th years.//Materials of the conference “Nurpeisov Readings”. Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University – Almaty, 2010. – P. 212-216. - (in a co-authorship with A.Bilyal).






Mukhambetova Alina Sergeevna


Head of Akhmet Baitursynov's museum and museum of history KSU of A. Baitursynov

E-mail: Favorit-1993@mail.ru





A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University





Zhandauletov Tobol Tilegenovich

Head teacher of department of history of Kazakhstan

The deputy dean on educational operation


Telephone: +7 (7142) 511144

Room: 202, main buiding

E-mail: tobol-gsf @mail.ru






A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University



A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University



Courses Taught 

  • Demography bases
  • History of the international relations in the modern time
  • Introduction to regional studies
  • The contemporary and modern history of Europe and America
  • Regional conflicts and methods of their regulations
  • History of world civilization






Turezhanova Sofiya Abdugaliyevna

Head of department of national history

Candidate of historical sciences, associate professor

E-mail: sofia-kz@bk.ru




Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute of the 50 anniversary of the USSR

History and pedagogics


R.B. Suleimenov Institute of Oriental Studies

Historiography, source study and methods of historical research


Courses Taught 

  • Theory of historical process and knowledge
  • Methodology of historical science
  • Historiography of history of Kazakhstan
  • Theoretical and methodological problems of a historiography and source study
  • History of historical thought of the XX century
  • Economic history of Kazakhstan


Educational publications (last 3 years)

  • S.A.Turezhanova, S.A.Koldybayev. Problem of methodology of historical knowledge (monography). – Kostanay, KSU of A. Baytursynov, 2009. – 136 pages.
  • S.A.Turezhanova. Theory of historical process and knowledge: Manual. – Kostanay: Kostanays state university of A. Baitursynov, 2010. – 162 pages.
  • S.A.Turezhanova. Methodology of historical science: Manual. – Kostanay: Kostanay state university of A. Baitursynov, 2012. – 126 pages.
  • S.A.Turezhanova. Theory of historical process and knowledge: Electronic textbook. – Kostanay: Kostanaystate university of A. Baitursynov, 2012.
  • S.A.Turezhanova. Methodology of historical science: Electronic textbook. – Kostanay: Kostanay state university of A. Baitursynov, 2012


Scientific publications (last 3 years) 


  • About practical aspects of using method of understanding in historical research.//"3i: intellekt, idea, innovation – интеллект, идея, инновация " - 2009. – No. 1 – P. 36-38.
  • Some problems of methodology of historical knowledge. The collection of the international scientific and practical conference "A role of strategy of industrial and innovative development of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the conditions of globalization: problems and perspectives" Rudny, 2009.
  • Neokantian doctrines about historical knowledge. "3i: intellekt, idea, innovation – интеллект, идея, инновация " Akhmet Baitursynov state university scientific journal. Altynsarin readings No. 3. 2009.
  • To a question of methodology of historical knowledge 3i: intellekt, idea, innovation – интеллект, идея, инновация " multifunctional scientific journal No. 1 (5) 2010.
  • Concept of a method of an explanation and it specific in historical science. Bulletin of science. International scientific and practical conference. Aldamzharov readings. No. 4 December, 2011.
  • To a question of the organization of independent students work in case the credit technology of education. Materials of the methodical conference "Innovations in Education" on January 17-18, 2011.
  • About an explanation method in Kazakhstani historical science. Baytursynov readings. Materials of the International scientific and practical conference – 2011 (part 2)
  • About problems of methodology of historical knowledge. International scientific and practical "Integration processes in education: problems and perspectives". January 27, 2012.
  • S.A.Koldybayev, S.A.Turezhanova. The modern Kazakhstan: to a question of religion and religious associations. Euroasian space: past, present, future: materials of the round table [resp. Edit.: Zh.S. Syzdykova; comp.: D.V.Loseva] - M.: Publishing house Mosc.hum.Un-ty, 2012. – 220 pages.


Main scientific directions

  • Theory and methodology of history;
  • Actual theoretical and methodological problems of National history






Umbetova Samal Seitkereevna 


Head teacher of department of history of Kazakhstan











Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute of the 50 anniversary of the USSR

History and pedagogics


Courses Taught

  • Ethnology
  • Methodology of history teaching


Scientific publications (last 3 years)

  • Changes of the ethno-demographical situation in Kazakhstan after establishment of the Soviet system//Dulatov readings 2011: Materials of the International scientific and practical conference devoted to the 20 anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 15 anniversary of Kostanay engineering and economic university of M. Dulatov. – Kostanay, 2011. – P.109-111.




Orynbayeva Kamila Erketaevna

head teacher, honored worker of RK

E-mail: Orynbaeva.kamila@mail.ru











Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute of the 50 anniversary of the USSR

History and pedagogics


Courses Taught

  • History of the Middle Ages
  • Source study
  • Sources on stories of Kazakhstan and history of foreign countries.
  • Methodology of history teaching
  • Archive science


Educational publications (last 3 years)

  • K.E.Orynbayeva. Source studies on the modern and contemporary history of the countries of Europe and America.: Manual. – Kostanay, KSU of A. Baytursynov, 2010. – 110 pages.
  • K.E.Orynbayeva. Source studies: Electronic textbook. Kostanay, KSU of A. Baitursynov. - 2011
  • K.E.Orynbayeva. Kazakhstan tarikhynyn derekteri; Manual., KSU of A. Baitursynov. - 2012
  • K.E.Orynbayeva. History of the Middle Ages. Multimedia presentations. – Kostanay, KSU of A. Baitursynov, 2011
  • K.E.Orynbayeva.  Derektanu. Multimedia presentations. – Kostanay, KSU of A. Baitursynov, 2012
  • K.E.Orynbayeva. History of the Kostanay region. Multimedia presentations. - Kostanay, KSU of A. Baitursynova, 2012


Scientific publications (last 3 years)

  • Situation in health care of Northern Kazakhstan in 2020-2030 (on materials of archive of Kostanay and Akmola region) Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Baitursynov Readings-2011" part 1, P. 286-288.
  • The review of literature on the period of socialist modernization in Kazakhstan. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Aldamzhar Readings-2011", devoted to the 20th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kostanay-2011, P. 187-192.
  • Using of module technology of education in teaching discipline "Methodology of history teaching". Materials of a methodical conference of A. Baitursynova KSU "Innovations in education". Kostanay-2011, P. 204-206.
  • Historiographical review of literature on the period of socialist modernization in Kazakhstan. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Dulatov readings-2011", devoted to the 20th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kostanay-2011, P. 98-101
  • Eurasiyalyk birlestiktin kuraminda Kazakhstannyn bolashagy – kukyktyk memleket pen azamattyk kogam. Materials of ҮІІІ international Eurasia forum "Scientific creativity of L.N. Gumilev and history of the nation of Eurasia: the modern approaches and perspectives" Astana-2011, P. 297-299
  • Ideological component of modernization process in Northern Kazakhstan. Materials of international scientific and practical conference “Educational activities of Y. Altynsarin in formation of comprehensive schools in the Kazakh steppe”. Materials of the republican scientific and practical conference devoted to the 170th anniversary of Y. Altynsarin "The social, pedagogical, moral potential of heritage of Y. Altynsarin and modernity". Kostanay-2011, P. 138-141
  • Educational TOGIS technology as means of formation of research competence of pupils. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Integration processes in education: problems and perspectives". Kostanay-2012. P. 120-123
  • Soltustik Kazakhstandagy uzhymdastyrudyn adisteri, bagyttary men erekshelikteri. Multifunctional journal "3 і" Kostanay-2012. No. 1, P.102-104




Nurseitov Bauyrzhan Nazarovich

Head teacher of department of history of Kazakhstan










Tomsk State University



Courses Taught

  • History of Kazakhstan
  • Archive science
  • History of the CIS countries
  • Foreign policy of RK
  • History of the Turkic people


Educational publications (last 3 years)

  • Archive science. Course of lectures. - Kostanay, 2010. - 38 pages.


Scientific publications (last 3 years)


  • Public and state activity of Mukhamedzhan Seralin//Baitursynov readings. Materials of the International scientific and practical conference. - Kostanay, 2011. – P. 282-284
  • KSU: history and modernity. - Kostanay, 2010. - 282 pages (in a co-authorship with A.M. Nametov, P. Sh. Ibragimov, A.A. Aitmukhambetov, Yu.F. Anashko, etc.)
  • Preliminary results of the chairmanship of Kazakhstan in OSCE//Scientific practical conference "Independence of Kazakhstan: history, modernity, future". - Kostanay, 2010.-P.86-88.


Media publications (last 3 years) 

  • Military force of Bulat (about revolt in the Kostanay district of 1918-1919)//Kostanaiskie novosti. - 2009. - May 5. - SCh. 5.




Kusainov Gabit Bolatkanovich

Head teacher of department of history of Kazakhstan

E-mail: _amr@mail.ru









S.M Kirov Kazakh State University

Historian, teacher of history and social science


Courses Taught

  •  Medieval history of Kazakhstan
  • Sources on history of Kazakhstan
  • Regional conflicts and methods of their regulation  
  • History of Asia and Africa 
  • Modern and contemporary history of Asia and Africa
  • The modern problems of regions in system of the international relations
  • History of Kazakhstan



Educational publications (last 3 years)

  • Modern problems of regions in system of the international relations. Manual for students of the specialty “Regional studies”. - 2012 - 119 pages.
  • Asia zhane Africa elderinin zhana zhane kazirgi zaman tarikhy. Manual for students of the specialty “History”. - 2012 - 119 pages.


  Scientific publications (last 3 years) 

  • Influence of Turkic ethnocultural tradition on the nation of Eurasia//Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Baitursynov Readings - 2012". - Kostanay. – P. 19 - 22.
  • Problem of full using and functioning of the Kazakh language in the Republic of Kazakhstan//Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Baitursynov Readings - 2011". - Kostanay. – P. 25 - 27.




Eralina Akmaral Erikovna

Head teacher of department of history of Kazakhstan

E-mail: eralina71@mail.ru










A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University

History and pedagogics


Courses Taught

  • Modern history of Kazakhstan (in two languages)
  • Sources on histories of Kazakhstan (in two languages)
  • Historiography of history of Kazakhstan (in the state language)
  • Sources on histories of foreign countries (in the state language)
  • Methodology of historical science (in the state language)
  • Historical process and knowledge (in the state language)
  • Ancient history (in two languages)
  • History of Kazakhstan (in two languages)
  • Historiography of foreign countries (in two languages)


  Educational publications (last 3 years)

  • S.A. Turezhanova, A.E.Eralina. Tarikh gylymynyn adisyfmasy. – Kostanay: IPO KSU of A.Baitursynov, 2012, - 88 pages


Scientific publications (last 3 years)

  • Integration sources.//Materials of the International scientific and practical conference "Integration processes in education: problems and perspectives". - Kostanay, 2012. – P. 475
  • From studying of history formation and development of the Turgay district and Turgay city in the ХІХ and in the beginning of the XX centuries//Materials of the International scientific conference Baitursynov readings-2012 "A role of science and education in realization of Strategy of industrial and innovative development of Kazakhstan". – Kostanay, 2012. – P. 168
  • ХІХ gasyrdyn ekinshi zhartysy men XX gasyrdyn basyndagy Torgay olkesinin ekonomikalik zhagdaiy.//3і. – 2012. - No. 1. – P. 99-102
  • A.E.Eralina, M.A.Solovyova. The principles of module education in case of credit technology.//Materials of the international scientific and practical conference devoted to the 75 anniversary of the academician Z.Aldamzhar. Aldamzhar readings. - Kostanay, 2012. – P. 30-34
  • Development of fair trade in Turgay and the Turgay district at the beginning XX century.//Materials of the international scientific and practical conference devoted to the 75 anniversary of the academician Z.Aldamzhar. Aldamzhar readings. - Kostanay, 2012. – P. 20-24
  • Torgay olkesindegi “Kishi Kasan” sayasaty zhane ashtyk: sipaty men saldary.//Materials of the scientific conference "Policy of "Malyi Oktyabr" and Hunger in Kazakhstan". ENU of L. Gumilev. - Astana, 2012. – P.25-29
  • A.E.Eralina, D.S.Ergaliyeva. Modernization of the education system of Kazakhstan on the way to integration.//Materials of the International scientific and practical conference "Education: traditions and innovations" - Prague-Tyumen, 2012. – P. 75-78
  • Torgay olkesindegi oku-agarty isinin damuy (ХІХg. Ekinshi zhartysy)//3і. – 2011. - No. 4. – P. 74-79.
  • Zhogary oku oryndarynda pedagogikalyk tekhnologiyalaryn koldanudyn tiimdiligi zhaiynda.//Materials of the scientific and methodical conference "Modernization of the Higher Education in the light of realization of the State Program of Education Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020.".A. Baitursynov KSU. – Kostanay, 2011. – P. 97-103




Elkei Nurgul Nurlankyzy

Teacher of department of history of Kazakhstan

E-mail: elkei576085@mail.ru










Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute

History of a basis of the right and economy


A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University



Courses Taught

  • Archeology


Educational publications (last 3 years)

  •  Tarikhi protsess zhane tanym teoriyasy: manual. – Kostanay: A.Baitursynov KSU, 2011.-112 pages


Scientific publications (last 3 years) 

  • “Zh.Shayakhmetovtyn kogamdagy sayasi roli”.//Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Baitursynov reding 2011". – Kostanay, 2011. – P. 147-150
  • Uly Otan sogysynan keying Kazakhstandagy Khalyk sharuashylygynyn damuy.//Materials of the International scientific and practical conference "Baitursynov Reading". – Kostanay, 2010. – P. 147-150
  • “Sanaga serpi Bergen basylym”.//Zhas orken. – No. 2. P. 302-304
  • “Zh.Shayakhmetovtyn omiri men memlekettik-kogamdyk kyzmeti”.//«3і: intellect, idea, innovation-интеллект, идея, инновация». – 2011. – No. 4. – P. 79-81 




Ibrayev Erden Ernazarovich

Master of history

Head teacher of department of history of Kazakhstan.

E-mail: erden-ibraev@mail.ru









A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University (bachelor degree)

History of Kazakhstan


Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute (master degree)



Chelyabinsk State University (doctoral degree)

World history


Courses Taught

  • History of Kazakhstan
  • Ancient history
  • History of the Middle Ages
  • Modern and Contemporary history


Educational publications (last 3 years)

  • E.E. Ibrayev. Ancient history. - Kostanay: IPO KSU of A. Baitursynov, 2012. - 65 pages
  • E.E. Ibrayev. The contemporary history of Europe and America. - Kostanay: IPO KSU of A. Baitursynov, 2012. - 63 pages.


Scientific publications (last 3 years)

  • International scientific conference "Valikhanov Readings". Article "The Petersburg period in Ch. Valikhanov's biography" 2010.
  • International scientific and practical conference "Paradigm of the Modern Science by eyes of the young". Article "Formation and Development of English Motion Picture Art as Instrument of Propaganda" of 2011.
  • International scientific and practical conference "Aldamzharov Readings". Article "Propaganda of the British Colonial Policy in an English Historiography" of 2011.
  • International scientific and practical conference "Baitursynov Readings 2012". Article "Anglo-Indian Colonial Community of the XVIII-XIX Centuries." of 2012.
  • International scientific and practical conference "Usury: last and current state, eradication perspectives". Article "Economic Policy of Great Britain in Colonial India in XIX " of 2012.
  • Republican seminar "Islam and the modern world". Article "Prevention of Religious Extremism" of 2012.
  • Materials of the regional scientific and practical conference "Kazakhstan on the way of social and economic modernization". Article "Assessment of the British Colonial Empire in a Foreign Historiography". 2012.


Media publications (last 3 years)

  • E.E. Ibrayev. "When will we break into the World Cup?", "Nasha gazeta", Kostanay. – 8 Oct. 2009.
  • E.E. Ibrayev. "110 months of war", "Nasha gazeta", Kostanay. – February 11, 2010.
  • E.E. Ibrayev. " Evidence of long-ago times", "Nasha gazeta", Kostanay. – June 30, 2011