About the department
Formation of department of history of Kazakhstan should be referred to the beginning of the 90th of the XX century. Just then in the letter No. 02-03/4 from November 26, 1990 the Ministry of national education of Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic appealed to rectors of higher education institutions to discuss a question of introduction of study of history Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic as independent subject and consideration of it republican component of all curricula. After dissolution of the USSR in December, 1991 the process of reformation of the existing departments of history CPSU into departments of history Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic began. In 1992 Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute of the 50 anniversary of the USSR was transformed in Kostanay State University. Since September 1 on KSU department of history the department of history and culture Kazakh SSR began to work, which then, in 1994 was divided into two independent departments. The part of lecturers group continued their work on the faculty of history, and another part concentrated on teaching of history of Kazakhstan at unhistorical faculties of university. In 2000 the amalgamation of KSU and Kostanay Agricultural Institute was implemented, and consequently, the combining of departments of history of two higher education institutions together happened.
The department of history of Kazakhstan in different years was headed by Cand.Sc. (History) N.M.Dzhumabayev (2000-2002), Cand.Sc. (History) and assoc.prof. A.A.Aitmukhambetov (2002-2004), Cand.Sc. (History) and assoc.prof. L.K.Mukatayeva (2004-2008), Cand.Sc. (History) L.E.Urdabayeva (2008-2010), at the present time Cand.Sc. (History) and assoc.prof. S.A.Turezhanova directs the department.
If you enter on our specialty, you will become part of close-knit group of students who not only are able to study well, but also qualitatively spend the free time. Training of specialists is held in the Kazakh and Russian languages.
Department have a big experience of partnership with the largest higher education institutions of Kazakhstan and Russia and foreign countries:
Оur students are educated on the international programs "Erasmus Mundus", "Kassio" in higher education institutions of the foreign countries of Sweden, Slovakia, Czech Republic. Getting basic education, you can continue education on a master degree.
We will wait you!
Department prepare a bachelor degree on specialties: 5В020300-History и 5В050500-Regional studies, and a master degree on specialties 6М020300-History.
Archeological and ethnographical practice
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Based on archaeological sources, ethnographical materials, students have opportunity to create scientific vision of the prehistoric period in the territory of Kazakhstan and about histories of local ethnic groups of Kostanay region.
Archival practice
Adaptation of the principles of the organization of records-keeping activities in archival institutions on the basis of the gained theoretical knowledge.
Pedagogical practice
Formation of professional and pedagogical skills and abilities, and also deepening and fixing of theoretical knowledge, mastering of the subject content, skills and abilities of the organization of educational process and out-of-school activities at school.
Bases of the practice
- State archives of the Kostanay and Kostanay region;
- Archaeological monuments
- Educational organizations
- Museum
5В050500-Regional Studies
Educational practice
Based on development of the modern foreign policy course of the government the introduction of local authorities work, different non-governmental organizations, etc. to create concept of a state of affairs in this direction at students.
Work practice
Introduction of activities of different departments, state and production processes on practice of international structures.
Bases of the practice
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- Organs of government and departments of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- Representation of the international organizations (UN, OSCE);
- Cultural centers;
- Transnational companies and foreign commercial organizations;
- Educational organizations
Highly qualified specialists and creative people work at department of “Otan Tarikhy”, who will help you to become a professional. Our department has an individual approach to each student. Lecturers of department creatively organize lectures through application of the modern interactive methods and receptions, promoting thereby development of personal abilities of each student.
The highly qualified teaching staff works at the departments, which consist of 2 doctors of historical sciences, 4 candidates of historical sciences, 2 masters of the humanities, head teachers and teachers.