Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Scientific areas

Тheme "Population changes of the people of Northern Kazakhstan: new challenges of the XXI century" is the theme of the scientific research, which has significance in the sphere of demographical and migrational policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Aitmukhambetov Aidar Abayevich – the doctor of historical sciences, the associate professor, Ismailov Serikzhan Sagindykovich – the candidate of historical sciences, Nurseitov Baurzhan Nazarovich – the head teacher.


Purpose: to research the dynamics of the population movement in Northern Kazakhstan at the beginning of the XXI century.



  1. To reveal the factors defining migratory mobility of the population.
  2. To define social and ethnic structure of migration flows.
  3. To make the analysis of adaptation process of the Kazakh repatriates (oralman) in the territory of Northern Kazakhstan.
  4. To research the characteristics of internal and external migration.
  5. To highlight the influence of migration processes on social and economic development of the region.
  6. To study possible consequences of migration processes between RK and Russian Federation as subjects of the Customs union and Common economic space.



The expected results: Detection of the several factors: the economic, social, cultural, influencing on adaptation of Kazakh repatriates, determination of national, gender and age, professional identity of migrants, and also finding of the reasons and the directions of internal and external migration.


It is necessary to inform the population about interrelation of migration processes and an economic situation of the region on a constant basis, and also growth of migration activity of citizens of Kazakhstan and Russia and extension of border cooperation.


The received results is planned to publish in the form of the monograph, the manual, the recommendation for appropriate government bodies.



Theme "Social and political characteristic of the Kazakh employees of Northern Kazakhstan in the 20-30th years of the XX Century". This topic of scientific research was developed by Dr. Sci. (history), associate professor A.A.Aitmukhambetov, Cand. Sci. (history) S.S.Ismailov and head teacher B.N.Nurseitov.

Purpose: to highlight history of formation and activities of categories of the Kazakh employees in the context of strategy of socialist modernization of the state.

Objectives: the analysis of formation process and activities of the Kazakh employees on the basis of archive studying, museum and bibliographic materials, processing of statistical data are supposed.  


The expected results: determination of the quantitative characteristic and regional belonging to the Kazakh employees, detection of factors of specialization of the Kazakh employees and their social and property indices. Revelation of involvement process of the Kazakh intellectuals in composition of the party and soviet nomenclature and determination of professional stratification of the Kazakh employees on a level of their education and employment in different spheres are planned. It is necessary to mark that lighting of professional activity of the Kazakh employees in system of administrative and territorial control is supposed, and also their performance on pages of periodicals print.

The received results are planned to publish in the form of the monograph and manual.




Theme "Actual theoretical and methodological problems of National History".

Purpose: research of actual problems of methodology and theory of history of Kazakhstan.

Objectives: studying of the periodization problems of history of Kazakhstan, personification of national history, historical knowledge, and interpretation as method of historical research.

The expected results: results of research can be implemented in educational process when teaching historical disciplines.