Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Department of Civil Law and Procedure



Gulnara Khakimova Erkinovna

Head of department

civil law and procedure

PhD in law

academic associate Professor of A. Baitursynov


KSU Phone: +7 (7142) 390612

Cabinet: 321, case 1B

Е-mail: gulnara.hakimova@mail.ru




About the Department



Educational program:



  • 5B030100 – Jurisprudence


  • 6M030100 - Jurisprudence



Teaching staff of the Department:

  • Gulnara Khakimova Erkinovna
  • Aldabergenova Aigul Ibragimova
  • Askarova Gulnara Meirbekova
  • Ahmedieva Kuralay Kenesovna
  • Balgabaeva, Sairangul Alibaeva
  • Natalia A. Korytnikova
  • Makubayeva Gulvira Abulhairova
  • Elemesova Anar Nurlanovna
  • Siminin Yuri Grigorievich
  • Tazhibayeva Aizhan
  • Mindibekovа Aliya Kenesarina
  • Kim Dmitry Alexandrovich



Training course





Phone: +7 (7142) 390612 (teaching)


Address :  Kostanay, Baitursynov str., 47, building 1B

Cabinet: 321,(teaching)


 About the Department of civil law and procedure



In 1992 on the basis of the faculty of history of Kostanay pedagogical Institute was opened a new specialization – "teacher of history and foundations of legal knowledge". It was on the basis of the established Department of the foundations of legal knowledge and appeared in 1994, the faculty of law, where three departments were formed: the theory of state and law, civil law and criminal law. During the first years of the Department of civil law of the superintendence it was carried out by the legal practice: V. R. Akhtyamov, to work in the system of higher education engaged in the practice of law; Litunovskaya L. P., having experience of judicial work; Shakirov A. U., candidate of legal Sciences, the notary. Taking into account the close relationship between the norms of substantive and procedural law, guided by the expediency of training civil lawyers, the Department of civil law was transformed into the Department of civil law and procedure.


With the head of the Department of civil law and procedure began his work in Kostanay state University. A. baitursynova Dauenov M. Yu., honorary veteran of the KNB of Kazakhstan, currently holding the position of Advisor to the rector for public relations. Later the Department was headed by N. Korytnikova.Ah. one of the best graduates of the faculty of law, currently holding the position of senior lecturer of the Department of civil law and procedure. Further, the management of the Department was carried out Zharkenova S. B., candidate of law, Professor. Head of the Department was R. R. Nugmanov, candidate of law, associate Professor, currently Dean of the faculty of law. The next head of the Department was siminin Yu. G., candidate of legal Sciences, associate Professor. Currently, the head of the Department is G. E. Khakimova, candidate of legal Sciences, associate Professor.


The Department is one of the main educational and scientific structural units of the faculty of law, carrying out educational, methodical, research, educational work among students, as well as training of scientific and pedagogical personnel and improving their skills.


The purpose of the Department in the field of improving the quality of educational services is the implementation of educational activities at the level that provides consumers of education services that meet international standards of education.


The Department regularly invites practitioners to conduct thematic discussions and lectures on current topics, both for teachers of the Department and for students, which contributes to the classical combination of theory and legal practice.



Yusupov R. R. - head of the Department

of Customs control in Kostanay region

Judges of Kostanay city court

(Specialists: A. M. Umbetova),,

Аliya Japarova Balabanis.




According to the cycle of fixed academic disciplines, the Department of civil law and procedure belongs to the special. The Department provides training and graduation of specialists on specialties 5B030100-Law and 6М030100-Law, and also provides teaching for other educational programs.


The Department of civil law and procedure provides training in full-time and distance learning on the basic and reduced educational programs.


The work of the Department of civil law and procedure is aimed at theoretical and practical training of specialists in accordance with the content of educational programs of higher and postgraduate education.


Teaching of civil law disciplines at the Department is carried out in Kazakh, Russian and English. The main purpose of educational and research work of the Department is to prepare qualified lawyers with deep theoretical knowledge and skills of practical work in the field, able to withstand competition in a market economy.


The Department has a highly qualified staff of teachers, which includes 3 candidates of law, 7 masters of law, senior teachers and lecturers.




Department of civil law and procedure


Practice bases:

Office of Kostanay regional court of the Department for ensuring activity of courts at the Supreme court of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Private institution "Center of Mediation of Kostanay region»

Department of justice of Kostanay region

Kostanay regional Prosecutor's office

GU "DIA Kostanay region of the Ministry of interior of Kazakhstan»

Regional Board of private bailiffs of Kostanay region

«Department of the Committee on legal statistics and special accounts of the Prosecutor General of Kazakhstan in Kostanay region

Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for civil service Affairs and anti-corruption

Ozpp "Femida+»


Research work is one of the most important activities of the Department. The staff of the Department of civil law and procedure carries out research activities in the framework of the General departmental theme "Actual problems of implementation of civil legislation in Kazakhstan at the present stage".The teaching staff of the Department actively takes part in scientific-practical and methodical conferences of various levels, including international.

Chairman of the Public Association society for the protection of consumer rights "Femida+» - Akhmedinova Kuralay kenesovna with students of the faculty of law


The teaching staff of the Department of civil law and procedure is involved in the tasks assigned to the staff of the institution in the field of training of highly qualified specialists.


On the basis of the Department of civil law and procedure of the faculty of law of Kostanay state University.A. Baitursynov since 2008, operates a "Public Association, the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights "Femida+".


Public Association "Femida+" consumer Protection Society regulates relations between the consumer and the seller (producer of services, works), resolution of consumer protection issues.









The objectives of the Public Association consumer Protection Society "Femida+" are:

    • Provision of Advisory assistance to the population;
    • Preparation of statements of claim, complaints and other legal documents;
    • Representation and protection of individuals and legal entities in courts, state and other bodies, organizations and in relations with citizens;
    • Legal assistance in establishing the rights and duties of citizens, the resolution of issues of protection of consumer rights in court, as well as the implementation of state-guaranteed and enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan human rights in the judicial protection of his rights, freedoms and obtaining qualified help.


                                                                      Рабочие моменты ОООЗПП«Фемида+»




 Training course


List of academic disciplines assigned to the Department of civil law and procedure






Курс атауы /Наименование курса/ Сourse name

Кредиттың саны/Количество кредитов/Amount of credits

Бағдарлама басшысы/ Руководитель программы/ Рrogram manager


ҚР азаматтық құқығы(жалпы бөлім) / Гражданское право Республики Казахстан (общая часть) / Civil law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (general part)


Корытникова Н.А.

Ахмединова К.К.


ҚР азаматтық құқығы(ерекше бөлім) / Гражданское право Республики Казахстан (особенная часть) / Civil law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (special part)


Демежанова С.М.

Ахмединова К.К.


ҚР азаматтық іс жүргізу құқығы / Гражданское процессуальное право Республики Казахстан / Civil procedural law of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Демежанова С.М.

Макубаева Г.А.


Қазақстан Республикасының шарттық құқық / Договорное право Республики Казахстан / Contract Law of the Republic of Kazakhsta


Балгабаева С.А.


Қазақстан Республикасының жер құқығы/ Земельное право Республики Казахстан / Land law of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Ким Д.А.

Алдабергенова А.И.


Қазақстан Республикасының сақтандыру құқығы / Страховое право Республики Казахстан / Insurance law of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Аскарова Г.М.

Ахмединова К.К.


ҚР салық құқығы / Налоговое право Республики Казахстан/ Tax law of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Аскарова Г.М.

Тажибаева А.Х.


Мұрагерлік құқық / Наследственное право / Inheritance Law


Корытникова Н.А

Тажибаева А.Х.


Интеллектуалдық меншік құқығы / Право интеллектуальной собственности


Демежанова С. М.

Мендыбекова А.К.


Қазақстан Республикасының әлеуметтік қамсызданыру құқығы / Право социального обеспечения / Social Security Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Балгабаева С.А.

Тажибаева А.Х.


Қазақстан Республикасының кәсіпкерлік құқығы/Предпринимательское право Республики Казахстан/ Business Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Аскарова Г.М.

Алдабергенова А.И.


Қазақстан Республикасының Отбасы құқығы / Семейное право РК /Family Low RK


Корытникова Н.А.

Ахмединова К.К.


ҚР еңбек құқығы / Трудовое право Республики Казахстан / Labour law of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Тажибаева А.Х.

Симинин Ю.Г.


ҚР Қаржы құқығы/ Финансовое право РК / Finance law of RK


Аскарова Г.М.

Тажибаева А.Х.


Қазақстан Республикасының экологиялық құқығы/ Экологическое право Республики Казахстан / Ecological law of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Алдабергенова А.И.

Макубаева Г.А.


Нотариат / Notarialness


Хакимова Г.Е.


Кәсіби қазақ тілі / Профессиональный казахский язык / Professional Kazakh language


Макубаева Г.А.


Азаматтық процестің сатылары (Іс жүргізудің кезендері) / Стадии гражданского процесса / Stages of civil process


Демежанова С.М.


Құқық негіздері / Основы права / Basics of law


Корытникова Н.А.

Алдабергенова А.И.






Курс атауы /Наименование курса/ Сourse name

Кредиттың саны/Количество кредитов/Amount of credits

Бағдарлама басшысы/ Руководитель программы/ Рrogram manager


Азаматтық - іс жүргізу заңнамасын колданудың теориясы және практикасы / Теория и практика применения гражданского и гражданско-процессуального законодательства / Theory and Practice of Civil and Civil Procedural Legislation Execution


Симинин Ю.Г.


Қазақстан Республикасынның заңнамасы бойынща заңды тұлғалардың құқықтық мәртебесінің ерекшеліктері / Особенности правового статуса юридических лиц по законодательству Республики Казахстан / Features of legal status of legal entities by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Хакимова Г.Е.


Қазақстан Республикасының халқының қаржылық сауаттылығының құқықтық ерекшеліктері / Правовые особенности финансовой грамотности населения Республики Казахстан / Legal features of financial awareness of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan 5 Симинин Ю.Г. КВ
Қазақстан Республикасының салық заңнамасын қолданудың өзекті мәселелері / Актуальные вопросы применения налогового законодательства Республики Казахстан / Topical issues of application of the tax legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan 5 Симинин Ю.Г. КВ
Проблемы правового регулирования договорных отношений / Келісім-шарттық қатынастарды құқықтық реттеу мәселелері / Problems of the legal adjusting of contractual regulations 5 Хакимова Г.Е.
Симинин Ю.Г.
Табиғатты қорғау заңнамасының теориясы мен тәжірибесі / Теория и практика природоохранного законодательства / Theory and practice of nature safety legislation. 5 Симинин Ю.Г.
Ким Д.А.
Дауларды соттан тыс және сотқа дейін реттеудің өзекті құқықтық мәселелері /Актуальные правовые вопросы внесудебного и досудебного урегулирования споров / Current legal issues of out of court settlement and pre trial settlement of dispute 5 Симинин Ю.Г. КВ
Қазақстан Республикасындағы кәсіпкеркерлікті реттеудің құқықтық мәселелері / Правовые вопросы регулирования предпринимательства в Республике Казахстан / Legal questions of regulation of entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan 5 Ким Д.А.
Симинин Ю.Г.
Мұрагерлік құқығынын және қазақстандық отбасын қолданудың теориясы мен практикасының өзекті мәселелері /Актуальные проблемы теории и практики применения казахстанского брачно-семейного и наследственного права/ Actual problems of the theory and practice of application of Kazakhstani family and inheritance law 5 Хакимова Г.Е КВ




 ОК – дисциплина обязательного компонента, КВ – дисциплина компонента по выбору (элективный курс).