History of the Law Faculty
History of the Law Faculty began just one year after Declaration of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 1992, when by order of rector of the University № -137 from 08.09.1992, on the basis of the History Department of A.Baitursynov Kostanai State University there was opened a Department of Law and established the Department of the Basics of Law, which initiated the preparation of legal education in the Kostanai region.
The first sets of students were not numerous, at the competition of 8-10 people per place. The specialty "Jurisprudence" mastered the best school-leavers of the city and region. People with significant work experience were involved into teaching process to improve the quality of education, which, in turn, allowed students to learn subjects in close connection with theory and practice.
The beginning of the 90s was the time of the establishment of our young independent state. As the demand in specialists of legal profile in the region was so high soon it was urgent to create an independent faculty. In accordance with the request of the Council of the historical faculty on March 14, 1994, the University administration decided to create a new structural unit of the Law Faculty on the base of the Basics of Law Department. The order of the rector of KSU Aldamzhar Z.A. from 30.03.1994, read: "On the basis of the decision of the Academic Council of the University to allocate law faculty from the historical faculty. Performance of the duties of Dean of the law faculty entrusts to the Professor of philosophy Department, doctor of philosophical Sciences Koldybaev S.A.".
During the first years of existence, from 1994 to 2010 Law Faculty was headed by 6 deans
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Koldybaev Safar Abdugalievich, 1992-1994, 1995-1997 .
Atzhanov Taran Zhamalievich, 1994-1995
Dutbaev Kazbek Hasen-uly, 1997-1998
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Tutkin Mendeke Mukashevich, 1998-1999 |
Myrzaly Serik Kozha-Akhmet-uly, 1999-2000 |
Dauenov Mikhail Yusupovich, 2000-2010
Koldybaev Safar Abdugalievich - Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, first Dean of Law Faculty. Honorary worker of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Academician of the International Academy of Sciences of higher school of Kazakhstan. He headed the Department from 1992 to 1994 and from 1994 to 1995.
From 1994 to 1995 – he was a rector of Kostanay State University. From 1998 to 2001 – Koldybaev was Deputy head of KLI MIA of RK in the research work. He worked at the Law Faculty for more than 6 years. Currently he is the head of the Department of Philosophy of Humanitarian and Social Faculty. Koldybaev gives lectures for students of the law faculty.
Atzhanov Taran Zhamalievich – police Colonel, candidate of legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Dean of the Law Faculty from 1994 to 1995. He headed the Department of Criminal Law until 1998.
From 1970 to 1995 he served in law enforcement bodies as an investigator, senior investigator, Deputy head of the municipal Department of Internal Affairs, chief of police, chief of the investigation Department of Internal Affairs, Deputy head of the Directorate of Internal Affairs for investigation. In 1990 he graduated from the Academy of the USSR. Received awards: officer of 3 degrees medal "For Distinguished service of the MIA of the USSR", "Excellence in the police", diplomas of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kazakh SSR.
Dutbaev Kazbek Khasen-uly - candidate of historical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Law Faculty from 1997 to 1998.
From 1994 to 1997, he headed the Department of Kazakhstan History, then the Department of Theory and History of State and Law. Author of more than 35 scientific works, including the textbook "History of State and Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan".
Tutkin Mendeke Mukashevich - honored lawyer of the Republic of Kazakhstan, state counselor of justice of the 3d class, honorary worker of the Prosecutor's office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Dean of the Faculty of Law from 1998 to 1999.
Prior to 1988 he worked in the bodies of the Prosecutor's office as Deputy Prosecutor of Kostanai and Zhezkazgan regions, the Prosecutor of Kyzylorda and North Kazakhstan regions. Since 1988, Tutkin has been teaching.
Myrzaly Serik Kozha-Akhmet-uly - Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the faculty of law from 1999 to 2000.
From 1968 to 1991 he worked as the inspector of Kostanai regional department of public education, a teacher, a senior teacher, a lecturer, a head of the Department, the Dean of Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute and KazSU named after S.M. Kirov. Since 1991 he headed the Philosophy Department of Kostanai State University.
Dauenov Mikhail Yusupovich - major General, honorary fellow of the National security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Dean of the Faculty of Law from 2000 to 2010. He was awarded 13 medals, including "For military merit".
From 1968 to 1971 he worked as a physics teacher, Deputy Director of the school, the instructor, the head of the lecturers group, Deputy, a head of the Department of propaganda and agitation of Guriyev regional Committee of Komsomol. In 1971 he was assigned to work in the Committee of State Security of the USSR. From 1971 to 2000 he served on the operational and managerial positions in territorial bodies of Guryev, Mangyshlak, Kostanai, Kyzylorda regions, in the Committee of National Security of RK, in Astana. In 1992 he was the first member involved in the operation «Nabat» freeing hostages seized by the terrorists on the highway Kyzyl-Orda-Shymkent.
In Kostanai and Kyzylorda regions he was elected as a Deputy of city and regional Councils of people's deputies. Actively involved in public life, he is the Chairman of city leisure center "For legal Kazakhstan", Chairman of Council of veterans, head of the representative office in Kostaniy NGO "Soviet of generals of Kazakhstan", a member of the Republican EMC on specialities "Law" of MES of the RK, under his leadership in Kostanai in 2003, there was established the monument to the Victims of political repression of the twentieth century.
Nugmanov Rustem Rakhimzhanovich, Candidate of Legal Sciences, has been the dean of the faculty since 2010 until now.
The first students on specialty "Jurisprudence", with assignment of graduate qualification "Lawyer" were graduated in 1996. Today, the faculty has more than 16 graduations of the specialty, prepared more than 1500 specialists, bachelors and masters on specialties "Jurisprudence" and "Customs" of full-time learning.
Graduates of the faculty successfully work on the national and regional level in all areas of legal practice of the organs of state power and administration, law enforcement bodies and judicial system bodies, major companies, etc. Among our graduates - Executive Director of the national company, Deputy Governor of the region of the Russian Federation, judges, prosecutors of cities and districts, the Deputy governors, Directors of departments of the national companies.
During the time of its existence the Law Faculty was developing constantly improving the organization of educational, methodological and scientific activities, increasing quality of educational services, strengthening teaching staff. In 2004, the faculty of law became one of the two faculties of A.Baitursynov Kostanai State University, which experimentally introduced the credit system of education, and since 2009 - distance learning. From 1999 to 2011 a doctor of science, 6 candidates of sciences and more than 11 masters defended their research papers at the faculty.
Enormous contribution to the establishment and development of the faculty made our distinguished teachers - veterans of law enforcement bodies: Turlubekov B.S., Mauletov G.N., Zhambulov S.O., Karazhanov B.U., Bektasova Z.K., Bezruk N.I., Siminin Y.G., Abylkadyrov S.K., Baisarin B.Z..
The faculty is actively engaged in international cooperation, сoncluded agreements with universities of CIS countries and far abroad. Since 2003 on the initiative of the law faculty of A.Baitursynov Kostanai State University and SEO HPE of Chelyabinsk State University international legal scientific journal "Problems of law" has been publishing, which was included in the list of editions of Supreme Personnel Review Board of the Russian Federation in 2010.
Preparation of lawyers is impossible without close cooperation with potential employers. Over the past period, there has been a close collaboration with the courts, Prosecutor's offices, law enforcement bodies and governmental authorities of Kostanai region, which act as organizations-bases for practical training of law students and support the educational process.
To strengthen cooperation and increase its efficiency there was established a Board of Trustees of law faculty in 2007, which consists of the first leaders of the Prosecutor's office of Kostanai region, Kostanai regional court, law enforcement bodies and bodies of state power of Kostanai region.
For 20 years the Law Faculty of A.Baitursynov Kostanai State University has proved its high standard of education, formed a sustainable and viable team with great educational, scientific and creative potential.