Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

About faculty


1. Brief information about the university

The year of foundation is 1992


The personnel consists of 50 teachers


Student body - more than 900 undergraduate and postgraduate students;

More than 1,500 graduates;



● 5В030100-Jurisprudence (Bachelor degree);

●6M030100- Jurisprudence (Master degree).

●5В020300-History (Bachelor degree);

●6M020300- History (Master degree);

●5В050500-Regional studies (Bachelor degree)



● The Department of Theory and History of State and Law

● Department of Civil Law and Procedure

● Department of Criminal Law and Procedure

● Department of history of Kazakhstan




2. Material and technical base


The faculty of Law has developed material and technical base, which gives our undergraduate and postgraduate students all opportunities for successful development of educational background, strengthening theoretical knowledge of basic and special legal disciplines and the development of skills of their practical application.




Hall of moot court


Room of trace analysis and ballistics

is designed for criminalistics classes and decorated by booths with visual aids of trace analysis, ballistics, handwriting, the samples of cold steel and firearms



Room of investigation

is equipped as ordinary apartment designed for practical training of  investigation: crime scene investigation, seizure, search, examination of the corpse, etc






gives the students of law faculty an access to training aids and scientific literature, newspapers and magazines of all fields of law. Computers of the reading-hall are connected to the common corporative network with high-speed unlimited Internet access.



Room for postgraduate students

In addition to classrooms postgraduate students have an opportunity to use a special room equipped with computers to prepare for classes.





Public Student's

legal aid agency, 

created with the assistance 

of UO IOCU (the International 

Organization of Consumers

Unions) "Femida" and 

the lawyer Orazbayev O.S. 

designed for

developing practical

skills in the field of

civil and civil procedural law.

Students assist in the actual work

with the citizens

to resolve civil disputes.



3. The participation of representatives of law enforcement, judicial and other public bodies in the educational process.


Qualitative training of lawyers is impossible without close cooperation with potential employers. The faculty has close cooperation with courts, prosecutors and law enforcement agencies, public and Kostanai region authorities, playing the role of  organizations - bases for internships of law faculty students and assisting in the organization of educational process. Due to this collaboration, each year all students of 2nd, 3d and 4th courses are distributed to undertake training and production practice.




The judicial and

law enforcement bodies

giving classes.








Assize court in

the hall of moot court

of law faculty. 










Students of the faculty

regularly attend hearings

in criminal and civil cases

in urban and specialized

courts of Kostanai






4. Board of Trustees


The Board of Trustees of the legal acts of the faculty operates since 2007. It's aimed to improve the efficiency of education, training of demanded specialists in the labour market, strengthening cooperation with employers.


Chairman of the Board of Trustees

 Kaibzhanov M.Zh., the Prosecutor of Kostanai region, the senior adviser of Justice


The Board of Trustees consists of the first leaders of the prosecutor's office, courts, law enforcement, public authorities and managing bodies.



5. Educational and methodical section of group of specialties "Right" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of A.Baitursynov KSU 


Being a part of the educational and methodical section of group of specialties "Right" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan the Faculty of Law takes an active part in the development of issues to improve educational programs for specialties of law.

For the passed period on the basis of the faculty of two meetings of the Teaching section in November 2005 and February 2009. Two sessions of Educational and methodological section took place during the last period - in November 2005 and February 2009, on the basis of the Faculty.





Two sessions of Educational and

methodological section took place

during the last period - in November

2005 and February 2009,

on the basis of the Faculty. 



6. Employment of graduates


Employment of graduates is one of the most important issues for every university. Actions of finding job organised by the University, working closely with potential employers and positive reputation of the faculty together give a stable positive result. The faculty regularly receives requests from employers for recommendations of the graduates of the faculty. Graduates of the faculty successfully work on the national and regional level in all areas of legal practice - the bodies of state power and administration, law enforcement bodies and judicial system bodies, large companies, etc. Among our graduates - managing Director of «National welfare Fund «Samruk-Qazyna» corporation, Deputy Governor of one of the regions of the Russian Federation, judges, city and districts' prosecutors, akim deputies, Directors of the national companies departments.




The distribution of graduates of the Law Faculty at the law enforcement and judicial authorities, public authorities of Kostanai region

Prosecutors - more than 100 people;


The judicial system bodies - more than 50 people;


Department of Internal Affairs, more than 400 people;


Department of Customs Control - more than 40 people;


Department of Justice - more than 50 people.