Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Research work of undergraduates and postgraduates


Participation of undergraduates and postgraduates in research work  is an obligatory element of training future specialists.


The Goals of Research work:


• developing students' research skills;


• increasing creative activity of students;


• developing the ability to communicate in groups with long-term business contact with the supervisor and colleagues for scientific work.





To achieve these goals there are different forms of research work at the Faculty:


  1. 1. Developing of  basic scientific directions as part of the course and final qualifying works.


2. All scientific works of students are registered according to the methodological instructions.



3. Studying specific scientific problems in specialized scientific student study groups (circles) and the preparation of student research papers. In all departments of the faculty there are scientific student circles in which 48 students participate.






Student research work results


The students of the faculty participate in the Republican contest of Student Research work, regional and thematic competitions in Kazakhstan:




Republican competition of student works

Participant: Pogrebnyak G. - 2nd place. Specialty "Transport, transport technology and equipment"

Supervisor: Balakleyskaya L.A., candidate of technical sciences



Republican contest "Innovative Kazakhstan for youth, students and young entrepreneurs, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan"

Participants: Baizhanova G., Klimenko E., Martynuk Yu. - 1st place. Specialty -  Physics



Supervisor: Poezzhalov V.M., candidate of physical and mathematical sciences



Fourth Republican contest of projects among students and undergraduates for energy saving in lighting

Participant: Martynuk P. - 2nd place. Specialty - Physics

Supervisor: Poezzhalov V.M., candidate of physical and mathematical sciences


• Competition of business projects "Parassat Zhastar"

Artists: Baizhanova G.H., Klimenko E.S. - 2nd place. Specialty - Physics


Supervisor: Poezzhalov V.M., candidate of physical and mathematical sciences


 • Republican contest Atameken - StartUp:

Participants: Martynuk P.; Baynyashev A., Nauryzbaev Zh.- 1st place. Specialty – Physics

Superviser: Poezzhalov V.M., candidate of physical and mathematical sciences

Participants: Abdulina Zh., Erzhanov D. - 3rd place. Specialty- Transport, transport technology and equipment

Supervisor: Isintaev T.I., candidate of technical sciences





Participation in scientific conferences and contests

Every year the students of the faculty take part in scientific and practical student conference, which results in publishing the best student works in the collection of student research papers.

There were 13 reports in 2012 and 10 – in 2013.

Our students participate in the contest of student business projects.



Тhemes of students' business projects, graduation papers and master thesis: download