Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational program of master degree



Speciality of 6М060200- Informatics



  • Educational program  «Programming and project management»




In the context of the process of informatization of society demand specialists in the field of computer technology , which have a high level of professional competence in the development and operation of the system and application software , computer equipment and automated systems. Methods and software development tools allow you to apply software tools for planning, project management and implementation of projects using effective management practices.

Disciplines study this program aims to teach undergraduates to work in the field of object-oriented, systems programming, analysis and design of automated systems.

Do undergraduates develop a habit of designing applications based on characteristics that could eventually give them the opportunity to become the head of a major project to develop software.







  • Educational program 2 «Electronics and telecommunications»



To date, the labor market demand are specialists in the field of electronics, digital microcircuit design, construction, maintenance and repair of modern machines and electronic devices in the field of information and network security, information protection from viruses and network attacks, protection against hacking computer systems engineer for telecommunications, electronic tuning tools, computer equipment, devices and machines.

The knowledge gained by the undergraduates in the study of disciplines of this program will enable them to become specialists of high-level multi-channel telecommunication systems in the area of ​​implementation, operation and maintenance of modern electronic means.







Specialty 6M070400-Computers & Software



  • Educational program 1 «Computer Aided Design»



Graduates of this educational path can develop on the basis of new information technologies and programming intelligent software systems aided design in electronics and computing, computer appliance workflow automation and production , including economics, medicine , education and other areas , provide administration and maintenance of computer equipment of any complexity and computer networks at various levels.







  • Educational program 2 «Information and Software Engineering»




Occupation as masters in the preparation of information and software engineering is the industrial production of software for information systems for various purposes.