Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Educational programs of bachelor degree



Specialty 5В060100 – Mathematics



  • Educational program "Mathematical and Computer Modeling"


Mathematical and computational simulation

Studying the subjects of a given program will let you acquire the knowledge concerning mathematical and computational simulation, development of algorithms with the following software implementation and result analysis as well as implement information technologies in engineering, management and financial areas.


Graduates will be able to participate in the development and implementation of contemporary mathematical methods and software for solving the problems of science, technology, economics and management.





  • Educational program 2 "Insurance and Actuarial Mathematics"


Studying the subjects of a given program will let you acquire the knowledge concerning mathematical apparatus helping to model and to solve the problems of actuarial mathematics, work out an      insurance rate and risks of different types of insurance and project the economic indexes, model money flows using the system of economic, mathematical and statistical methods of investigation of financial mathematics and financial analysis.





Specialty 5B060200-Informatics



  • Educational program 1 "Computer networks and telecommunications"




Studying the subjects of a given program will let you acquire the knowledge concerning the architecture of computer systems and peripheral items, basics of digital or analog devices, hardware, computer networks, setting-up servers and local area networks, PC and peripheral equipment repair and maintenance.





  • Educational program  2 "Computer graphics and Web-design" 


Studying of disciplines of the educational program will get knowledge on the application of graphic editors of various purposes for creation of illustrations, posters, business cards, photo processing, creation of animated movies, the development sites.



Knowledge in this area allow professionally edit photos and create their own artistic masterpieces, create animations, design drawings of various parts and equipment, design, architectural objects, develop sites.






Specialty 5В070300-Information systems



  • Educational program 1 "Information systems in telecommunications, communications and management"




Studying the subjects of a given program will let you acquire the knowledge concerning economical and mathematical and computational modeling, methods of financial analysis, business solution design in Internet systems, contemporary information technologies of management and financial accounting, logistics basing on 1C. Also studying contemporary technologies in banking and taxing are included in this program.



  • Educational p[rogram  2 "Information systems in economics and finance"


The study subjects of this educational program will provide knowledge on how to design and business process models of economic information systems, on the application of the methods of economic and mathematical and computer modeling, the implementation of business solutions in the Internet -based systems, the use of modern information technology management and financial accounting, logistics on 1C : Enterprise.


Within the the educational trajectory a modern information technologies in the field of banking and tax, development tools and content management Web-sites are studied.




Specialty 5В070400-Computers and Software



  • Educational program 1 "Software protected telecommunication system"


The educational program curriculum includes visual programming, programming languages​​, professional programming, computer graphics, programming on the Internet disciplines


In addition, students will gain in-depth knowledge in the field of automated data processing systems and management.





  • Educational program  2 "Design and visual animation"


The study of the subjects of this educational program will provide knowledge of vector and raster graphics, video editing, web- design, 3D graphics and animation, Flash- animation technology of two-dimensional animation.


As part of the educational program, students learn the basic stages in the development of advertising, banner advertising basics, basics sloganistiki, logo and corporate identity, as well as modeling and computer animation.