Management of educational work is carried out by the dean , departments , students' dean of the faculty. Dean's office plans and organizes the educational work on the faculty , according to the schedule of the university , coordinates educational work of departments , assists students in planning and organizing activities. Departments provide educational focus of the educational process, supervise the educational work of students.
In the structure of educational and extracurricular educational work the special role is given to the student government. Training, information-analytical activities, sport, creativity and others are also taken into consideration.
Student Dean' Office:
- supports and protects the rights of students;
- is involved in the process of improving the quality of the educational process and developing the learning environment;
- organizes cultural events.
Structure of the student Dean's office
Student Dean's office
Turkestanova Dinara
Student Union Educational department Cultural work department Sport department
Smagulova S. Eschanov T. Akhanov E. Sadyrbaev N.
1 course – Sarsenbaeva A.
2 course – Opina G.
3 course – Ibragimova S.
4 course – Kozhahmetova Zh.
Dinara Turkestanova - 2 nd year student (5V021000-Psychology). Student's Dean of HSF. Deputy of Kostanai Youth maslihat . The owner of the state grant. Participant of all-university "Winter Ball 2012". The member of "Sparta" team, which took 1st place in the intellectual game "Battle of Wits". |
Symbat Smagulova - 2 nd year student (5V050400-Journalism). Chairman of the student union of the faculty. The scholarship winner of the trade union. Member of MK "Jas Otan" NDP "Nur Otan". |
First-year students participate in the affairs of the faculty, the university helps them adapt to their new environment, new status. First-year students traditionally take part in the preparation for holidays: the 1st September, Teacher's Day, "Day of Older Persons" and participate in the annual competitions: "Initiation into the Studentship", "Hello - it's us!". Students of humanitarian faculty are members of creative teams of the university: the dance group "Badrisafa" Debate Club «Ахмет ұрпақтары».
The content and direction of the educational work
The main directions of educational work among the students are civil , patriotic , international , moral , physical education , working with students in the dorms .
Civic education . The aim of civic education is to develop socially significant qualities of the person . Implementation of the above objectives is carried out in eacademic and extracurricular activities.
Patriotic and international education. The goal of Patriotic and international education is to teach students to love the country, learn the culture, history and language of the people, along with respect for foreign cultures, to be proud of the achievements of their country.
Moral education . The purpose of moral education is to shape the future specialists conscious attitude towards education and public duty; moral culture and spirituality , culture, communication and interpersonal relations , ability to maintain a healthy moral and psychological climate in the team , the formation of aesthetic taste , the active involvement of cultural activities.
Physical development of students and the promotion of healthy lifestyle. The main aim of this direction is the formation of personality by means of physical education, development of a healthy lifestyle. Active participation of students in the university competitions , festivals , the annual Day of Health , as well as the organization of such events by the students are the main tasks of physical education.
Work in the dorms . Educational work of the Faculty aims to ensure high moral climate , culture, welfare and recreation students, to create conditions for effective teaching and professional activities.