Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Suleimenova Ainur Edrisovna


      Suleimenova Ainur Edrisovna


     Teacher of Journalism and mass communication department, Master of Social Sciences


     E-mail: ainurfromearth@gmail.com










Rudny social social liberal arts college named after Y. Altynsarin 

Foreign language teacher in primary school


Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov




Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov

Master of Social Sciences in Journalism 



  • Introduction to journalism
  • History of Kazakh journalism
  • Photojournalism
  • Making a documentary
  • World literature in the professional activities of a journalist


Scientific and methodical publications

  • Suleimenova A.E. Social responsibility and self-regulation of a journalist in a free speech / Proceedings of the international correspondence scientific-practical conference of students, young scientists, university professors and specialists, (December 7, 2015) - Kostanay: KSU named after A. Baitursynov, 2015. - 298 p. (p. 204-210)
  • Suleimenova A.E. Place of the blog in the system of media criticism / Abstracts of the international scientific-practical conference "Ecology of the media environment: problems of security and rational use of communicative resources" (December 10, 2015) - Moscow: Moscow State University. Mv Lomonosov, 2015. (p. 43-46)
  • Suleimenova A.E. Problems and prospects of civil media criticism in the blogosphere / Scientific journal “Znak. Problem field of media education ”, No. 3 (25) 2017 (p. 78-81)
  • Suleimenova A.E. Mediacritical discourse in the theory of journalism in Kazakhstan / Materials of the methodical seminar-training "Spiritual revival - the basis for the consolidation and development of Kazakhstan society" (April 27, 2017) - Kostanay, 2017 - 125 p. (p. 63-65)
  • Suleimenova A.E. Possibilities for regulating relations on the Internet through civil media criticism / Multidisciplinary scientific journal “3i Intellect, Idea, Innovation, №3, 2017. - p. 177-123
  • Suleimenova A.E. Internet resources of media education and media criticism: examples, analysis, assessment / Multimedia journalism of Eurasia - 2016: national media systems in the context of the new media reality of the East and the West: materials of the X International Scientific Practical Conference (Kazan, December 8-9, 2016) - Kazan : Publishing House Kazan. University, 2017. - 544 p. (p. 238-246)
  • Suleimenova A.E. On the role of the media in the process of modernization of public awareness / Materials of the regional scientific-practical conference "Modernization of the economy and society - improving the competitiveness of Kazakhstan and the achievement of the goals of the Strategy 2050" - Kostanay: PF "Kostanay aimakyny Azamattar Kokamy", 2017 - 600 p. (p. 410-411)
  • Suleimenova A.E. The need to provide correctional colonies in the Republic of Kazakhstan with special “children's towns” / Materials of the scientific-practical conference “Respect for the views of the child”, Kostanay, 2017 - p. 67-69
  • Suleimenova A.E. Formation of media-critical discourse in the Republic of Kazakhstan / Discourse and media criticism of the media: a collection of works (based on the materials of the scientific-practical conference, National Research University "BelSU", October 4-7, 2017) - Belgorod: ID Belgorod, National Research University "BelSU", 2017. - 446 s. (p. 272-280)
  • Suleimenova A.E. Self-censorship for future journalists / Multidisciplinary scientific journal "3i Intellect, Idea, Innovation, # 1, 2018. - p. 215-219
  • Suleimenova A.E. Internet resources as interactive platforms for audiences and media within media education / Psychological foundations of the spiritual and moral renewal of modern society: trends, realities, and prospects: materials of the international practical conference - KSU. A. Baitursynov, 2018 - 329 p. (p. 325-329)
  • Suleimenova A.E. Didactic opportunities of the press in shaping the conditions for lifelong education in Kazakhstan / Materials of the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference on Current Issues of Youth with the participation of foreign experts “Future Profession: What should Y, Z generations prepare for?”, Astana, April 27, 201 - 273 p. (p. 221-224)
  • Suleimenova A.E. Multidisciplinary scientific journal “3i Intellect, Idea, Innovation, # 4, 2018. - p. 114-118



  • Theory and Practice of Media Critics - Belgorod State National Research University - Belgorod, Russian Federation, 2016