Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Mashkova Svetlana Nikolaevna


      Mashkova Svetlana Nikolaevna


     Associate Professor of the Department of Journalism and Communication Management,

     Candidate of Philological Sciences, PhD.


     E-mail: Mashkova2006@mail.ru










Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov

Russian language and literature teacher


Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov

Master of Philology by specialization: history and theory of literature


Magnitogorsk State University

Candidate of Philology in the specialty 01/10/01 Russian literature


Committee for the Control of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

PhD in specialty 6D021400 literary studies


Committee for the Control of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Associate Professor (literary studies)



  • Analytical journalism
  • Children's rights and journalism
  • Fundamentals of journalistic creativity
  • Contemporary journalism in Kazakhstan
  • Theory and practice of mass communication
  • Mass communications and international relations
  • Development of media competence and critical thinking
  • Modern scientific concepts of mass communication
  • World literature in the professional activities of a journalist


Scientific and methodical publications

  • Mashkova S.N. The peculiarity of the embodiment of the psychology of love in the cycle of stories "Dark Alley" I.A. Bunin [Text] / S.N. Mashkova // Multidisciplinary scientific journal "3i: intellect, idea, innovation - intellect, idea, innovation". - Kostanay: Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov, 2015. №4. - 260 s. - p. 158-170.
  • Mashkova S.N. The artistic embodiment of the concept of love in the works of I.A. Bunin [Text] / S.N. Mashkova // Scientific journal of the public association of scientists and teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Bulletin of the Eurasian Humanities Institute” / Research area: philological sciences / - Astana: “Eurasian Humanities Institute”, 2016. - № 1. - 226с. - p. 182-187.
  • Mashkova S.N. The theme of the house in the novel MA Bulgakov "White Guard" [Text] / S.N. Mashkova // Scientific journal of the public association of scientists and teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Reports of the Kazakh Academy of Education” / Research area: philological sciences / - Astana: “Eurasian Humanities Institute”, 2015. - № 4. - 204с. - p. 112-117.
  • Mashkova S.N., Bondarenko V. Use of slang vocabulary in modern mass media (on the example of Kazakhstan periodicals) [Text] / S.N. Mashkova // Collection of materials and scientific articles of the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Multimedia journalism of Eurasia - 2015" (Kazan, December 10-11, 2015) / Scientific. ed. E.S. Doroschuk. - Kazan: Kazan University Publishing House, 2016. - 478 p. - p. 189-194.
  • Mashkova S.N. Modern educational technologies: case technology [Text] / S.N. Mashkova // INNOVA-2016: Sat. materials of the international scientific-methodical conference (Kostanay January 15, 2016) / Red. call Absadykov A.A., Chekhova T.I., Orynbaeva K.E. and others - Kostanay, Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov, 2016. - 217 p. - p. 115-120.
  • Mashkova S.N. Specificity of the Turkization of Russian-language advertising texts in Kostanay [Text] / S.N. Mashkova // Sat. articles of the XV International Congress "Public Relations and Advertising: Theory and Practice" (March 21-24, 2016, Chelyabinsk) / Ed. L.K. Lobodenko. - Chelyabinsk: City Print Printing House, 2016. - 276 p. - p. 272-274.
  • Mashkova S.N. The role of O. Suleimenov in the world literary and cultural process [Text] / S.N. Mashkova // Collection of reports of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Kazakhstan in World History: Eternal Values ​​and New Horizons" (Moscow, December 8-11, 2016) / - Moscow: Moscow State University Publishing House. Mv Lomonosov, Institute of Asian and African countries, 2017. - 700 p. - p. 386-393.
  • Mashkova S.N. Communicative culture of a journalist as an object of research [Text] / S.N. Mashkova // INNOVA-2017: Materials of the International Scientific and Methodological Conference (Kostanay, January 15, 2017) / Red. call Absadykov A.A., Chekhova T.I., Orynbaeva K.E. and others - Kostanay, Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov, 2017. - 330 p. - p. 189-191.
  • Mashkova S.N. Communicative competence in the professional activities of a journalist [Text] / S.N. Mashkova // Collection of materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Professional culture of the journalist of the digital age" (Ekaterinburg, May 19-20, 2017). - Ekaterinburg, Publishing House of the Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, 2017. - 270 p. - p. 250-253.
  • Mashkova S.N. Features of the functioning of jargon in modern media [Text] / S.N. Mashkova // Multidisciplinary scientific journal "3i: intellect, idea, innovation - intellect, idea, innovation" / Scientific direction: humanities and social sciences / - Kostanay: "Kostanay State University named after Ahmet Baitursynov", 2017. - № 1. Part 2 - 360 s. - pp. 87-96. ISSN 2226-6070.
  • Mashkova S.N. Globalization and the modern non-fiction [Text] / S.N. Mashkova // Rupkatha journal on interdisciplinary studies in humanities ISSN 0975-2935, Vol. IX, No.2,2017.p64-72. http://rupkatha.com/V9/n2/v9n207.pdfhttp://rupkatha.com/V9/n2/v9n207.pdf//rupkatha.com/v9n2.php
  • Mashkova S.N. The impact of globalization on the development of documentary in modern foreign literature [Text] / S.N. Mashkova // Journalism -2017: state, problems, prospects: Materials of the international scientific-practical conference (Minsk, November 16-17, 2017) / Red. call Dubovik S.V., Orlova T.D., Baranova A.U. et al. - Minsk, Belarusian State University, 2017. - Vol. 19. - 496 s. - p. 210-213.
  • Mashkova S.N., Shevchenko M.A. Technologies and methods of protection against manipulative media exposure [Text] / S.N. Mashkova // The Future of Modern Science through the Eyes of Young People: Production, Socio-Economic and Cultural-Moral Aspects of Development: Materials from Int. scientific-practical conf. stud and master. - Kostanay: Kostanay State University. A. Baitursynov, 2018. - 464 p. - p. 75-79.



  • Publicism and literature
  • Contemporary journalism in Kazakhstan
  • Mass communications and international relations



  • Advanced training in the program “Actual issues of the theory and practice of journalism”, lecturer, professor of the National Research University Higher School of Economics I. Dzyaloshinsky, Moscow, 2016
  • Seminar "Pedagogical innovations in education", Center for Educational Initiatives, Omsk, 2017
  • Online seminar "Innovative methods of teaching the content of the updated education program," EAIG-Bilim "educational and methodical center, Astana, 2018
  • Online internship "Development and production technology of advertising product", the republican magazine "Agrarian Sector", Astana, 2018
  • Presentation Seminar “Children's Rights and Journalism”, Kostanay State University. A. Baitursynov, Kostanay, 2018
  • Seminar “New in media legislation. Media and children. Journalist as author, NAT of Kazakhstan, Kostanay, 2018
  • Seminar “Basics of working in the Moodle system. Introductory course ", Kostanay State University. A. Baitursynov, Kostanay, 2018