Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Kungurova Olga Grigorevna



     Kungurova Olga Grigor'yevna 


     Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor HAC,

     Professor of KSU  


     E-mail: o.kungurova@mail.ru       








KazSU named after S.Kirov



Moscow State University named after Lomonosov

Philology (postgraduate)



  • Journalistic skills
  • Methods of teaching journalistic disciplines
  • Business conversation
  • Kazakhstan journalism and new challenges
  • Modern media technologies
  • Ecology of media production
  • Semiotics of media texts


Scientific and methodical publications

  • Business conversation. From classical to Eurasian tradition. -Kostanay, 2018, p.197. (Recommended by RUMS)
  • Development and teaching of journalistic disciplines at the university. - Kostanay, 2017, p.201. • Kungurova OG, Kudritskaya M.I. State-of-the-art regional internet media site in RK (on the example of publications in kostanai region).
  • Kungurova OG, Mustakimova G.V. Metaphor in modern Kazakhstan mass media. - KHABARSHI - ENU Bulletin, 2017, No. 3.
  • Kungurova OG, Kudritskaya M.I. The role of sports in shaping the image of the country .- 3i: intellect, idea, innovation, 2018, No. 2. Part 2. P.161-165.
  • Kungurova OG, Kudritskaya M.I. Producing and quality of media product: to the problem of interconnection .- 3i: intellect, idea, innovation, 2018, № 2. Part 2. С.166-170.



  • According to the program “Innovative technologies of education in high school” in the amount of 72 hours (Khakassia, Russia);
  • Training seminar on the program "Professional and personal competencies of a university teacher" (72 hours, Karaganda);
  • Internship at the editorial staff of the regional weekly "Our Newspaper" on the topic "The genre of travel essay and its positioning in the regional printed periodicals" (72 hours).