Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

About the Department

The work of the Department of Languages and Literature’s Theory is directed to the training for scientists who possess the deep theoretical and practical background, good professional knowledge and skills that are appropriate to the state educational standard of specialty.


In 2010, the Head of the Department, a candidate of philological sciences, Akhmetova B.Z. got the state grant of the Republican competition “The best teacher of Institute of Higher Education”.


Bayakhmetova A.A., Abubakirova G.N., Toshomanova D.O., the teachers of the Department, give lessons to pupils of the Municipal centre “Daryn” in order to train for the subject competitions (Russian and Kazakh languages).


The Department’s aim in the field of the quality’s improvement of educational services is the realization of educational activity at the level providing consumers of education with services which are appropriate to the state standard of education.



The Department prepares bachelors in the field of 050205, 5В020500 – Philology: Kazakh language, 050205, 5В020500 – Philology: Russian language and also masters in specialty of 6М020500 – Philology (Russian and Kazakh languages).


Educational programmes of specialty of 050205, 5В020500 – Philology are “Translation Major” (kaz.), “Kazakh language and literature”, “Translation Major” (rus.) and “Cross-cultural communication”.


The main direction of the Department’s educational activity is the teaching of specialty’s disciplines, the training of qualified specialists of the humanitarian direction. Spheres of professional activity for them are education, science, culture, administration in the field of education and other objects of social and humanitarian activity.