Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Scientific fields

Scientific activity of teachers of the Department of Languages and Literature’s Theory has two main directions:


  • Conducting scientific research on linguistics and ethnolinguistics of Kostanai region;
  • Implementation of research results into pedagogical practice of students and masters.



The department has 3 groups of creative scientists and university teachers who are responsible:


  • for the organization and conducting the permanent scientific seminar for teachers of  the Department “Problems of the contemporary linguistic world”;
  •  for the activities of students' scientific circles. 



  • “Ecology of the language and culture in the ethnic regions: languages of diasporas in Kostanai region” (Akhmetova B.Z., Ph.D., Associate Professor, head of the Department);
  • “Regional ethnolinguistics: according to the material of Kostanai region’s toponymy” (Akhmetova B.Z., Ph.D., Associate Professor, head of the Department, Toshomanova D.O. head teacher, Urazgalieva S.B., head teacher);
  • “Encyclopedia of the young philologist (in Kazakh, Russian and English languages)” (Bayakhmetova A.A., Ph.D., head teacher);
  • “Forensic linguistics and problems of linguistics and jurisprudence’s interaction: theoretical and applied aspects” (Orazbaeva A.S., Ph.D., head teacher);
  • “Modernization of linguistic and cultural aspects of different languages” (Kaipbaeva A., Ph.D.).



Conceptual features of new educational technologies are the activity of communicative and cognitive approach which are used at the Department of Languages and Literature’s Theory. In the process of language learning as a means of communication the behavior, traditions and culture of the target language are carried out.


Scientific topics of the Department of Languages and Literature’s Theory are:

  • Akhmetova B.Z., Ph.D., Associate Professor, head of the Department “Ecology of the language and culture in the ethnic regions: languages of diasporas in Kostanai region”, “Regional ethnolinguistics: according to the material of Kostanai region’s toponymy”;
  • Bayakhmetova A.A., Ph.D., head teacher “Encyclopedia of the young philologist (in Kazakh, Russian and English languages)”;
  • Orazbaeva A.S., Ph.D., head teacher “Forensic linguistics and problems of linguistics and jurisprudence’s interaction: theoretical and applied aspects”;
  • Kaipbaeva A., Ph.D. “Modernization of linguistic and cultural aspects of different languages”.


Scientific directions of the Department of Languages and Literature’s Theory ​​are in line with contemporary trends in the modern science of language and represent important basic paradigms of contemporary research: study of literature and regional ethnolinguistics.