Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

About the Department


About the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy



"Psychology" major was opened in 1992 at the Faculty of Education headed by A.M.Mariyn, in 2004 - Sarkissyan L.V., the Psychology Faculty was formed with two branches with the state and the Russian languages of instruction, and then the part-time department on the basis of higher, secondary special vocational and secondary education.


The heads of General and Special Psychology Department were Sarkissyan L.V., Sevastianova S.S., Berkenova G.S., Niyazbayeva N.N., Parkhomenko I.A. cand. of ped.sc. and since 2012 the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy - Urdabaeva L.E., cand of hist.sc., Master of Psychology, Associate Professor. Pedagogy and psychology has a leading role in training psychologists in region, traditionally organizes scientific student conferences, repeatedly initiated and organized international scientific conferences on topical issues of psychological science and practice.


Currently, the Department of psychology and pedagogy plays an important role in scientific and educational activities of the university. It consists of 2 doctors of pedagogical sciences, 8 candidates of science. Teachers of the department are actively involved in the educational process at all faculties at the undergraduate and graduate level as well as at the Institute of Professional Development and Retraining University. The Department is actively involved in all scientific and university teaching projects and activities, contractual research, urban and regional activities related to the development of man, his mental health, social adjustment, personal growth, enhance competitiveness.


The Psychology and Pedagogy Department trains bachelors and masters in the following major: Bachelor - 5B050300-Psychology; Masters - 6M010300-Pedagogy and Psychology.


The Department provides teaching the fundamentals of psychology and pedagogy in many professions at the university. Training is conducted in the Kazakh and Russian languages.


The department has a long history of working with major universities of Kazakhstan and Russia:



  • Magnitogorsk State Pedagogical University;
  • South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk);
  • Kazan State University of Technology.



The 4th year students have teaching practice. The purpose of practice is to deepen students' knowledge and increase practical skills for organizing an educational process in higher educational institutions and schools. Place of practice: secondary schools and secondary vocational schools.


Internship. Graduate students have an opportunity to work on diploma projects in the following organizations: "Help" Foundation, the Regional Centre for Healthy Lifestyle, "Kostanai Regional Psychiatric Hospital", "Center of adaptation of youth". The aim is to study all types and forms of activity of a psychologist and research skills.