Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Scientific fields

Scientific direction of the department - Formation of communicative competence tier technology training. 


In the MES to receive state grant served two research projects:


1.Zhursinalina G.К. Солтүстік  Қазақстан  аймағы  бойынша қазақ тілінің даму  ерекшеліктерін салыстырмалы - салғастырмалы талдау.


The aim of the project is to study the development of the language in sociolinguistic terms. The language problem is a complex one, closely related to the social, economic, political, regional, local and many other spheres. The purpose of the project is to define the peculiarities of the Kazakh language development using comparative analysis, stages of formation and development of the language in the Northern region of Kazakhstan.





1. Establish a regional scientific and linguistic base of the state Kazakh language, prepare linguistic ( cultural ) cross-cultural works and manuals to broaden and deepen the culture of speech and society, the use of the state language;

2. The innovative character of the research: to determine regional peculiarities of functioning the state language in the field of jurisprudence.

3. Identify, describe and compare new trends in the development of the modern Kazakh language in the sphere of fundamental and applied research program due to the economic and social, historical, geographical, demographic characteristics of the region  


Expected results:


The innovative character of the research: the dynamic of functioning of the state language in the legal, socio-economic, demographic, geographic, political and territorial areas of the Northern region is characterized by regional peculiarities . This problem is poorly developed in the regions of no sociolinguistic studies. With this purpose not specified statistical information is closely interconnected with the population of administrative, social, public authorities of language development. The following tasks are being acomplished in the course of the project:


1. Determined the dynamics of regional languages development.

2. Statistical and comparative analysis is held in the Northern region.

3. Publication of articles is being prepared in local and foreign editions on the results of research on the socio - economic, demographic, geographic, political and territorial peculiarities of the state language functioning.

2. Nurseitova A.K. Ways of formation of the communicative competence of multilingual individual on the Russian language lessons.



Purpose of the project:


Formation of the communicative competence of multilingual personality of university students on the Russian language lessons.




Objectives of the projects: 


The purpose of the study can be implemented in the following tasks:

1. Identify linguistic universals at all levels of the Russian, Kazakh and English languages.

2. Analyze educational-methodical manuals of the Russian language for students who get education on the state language, for all disciplines of the university in terms of the development of bi-and multi-lingual person.

3. Identify methods, techniques implementing the principle of interdisciplinary links between linguistic disciplines.

4. Develop an effective methodical system of formation of communicative competence of multilingual student's personality on the Russian language lessons.     

The problem is being raised to determine the characteristics and trends of  bi- and multilingualism in higher education of Kazakhstan.



Scientific novelty and significance of the project


The sociolinguistic aspect of bilingualism has been intensively studied in recent years in Kazakhstan. According to Kazakh scientists bilingualism should not develop spontaneously; multifaceted problems of our society require adjustment of bilingual education, especially in the field of higher education, such as teaching the Kazakh and Russian languages, which would comprehensively develop harmonious bilingualism. Knowledge of the mother tongue, state, Russian and foreign languages broadens the horizons of the future specialist. 


Expected results


- Participation in international scientific conferences (2 reports);

- The publication of two articles in journals of Higher Attestation Commission of the RK;

- Publication of "Russian – Kazakh – English dictionary for 1st year students of nonlinguistic specialties with education on the Kazakh language;

- Organization of workshops and scientific and methodological seminars and conferences for undergraduates and faculty members;

- Work as an expert.       



Scientific and practical value of the expected results is: 


- Definition of psychological - pedagogical basis for the formation of bi-and multilingual individual student in high school ;

- linguo-methodical  characteristics  of bi-and multilingualism phenomenon for didactic purposes;

- Development of methodical system which will include  a number of tasks and exercises in order to create communicative competence of multilingual individual.