Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Department of Practical Linguistics


Zhursinalina Gulzhanat Kurmashevna


Head of the Department of practical linguistics

Candidate of philological Sciences


Phone: +7 (7142) 390615

Office: 220, main building

E-mail: guljan_zhurs@mail.ru






About the department

Academic teaching staff of the department

  • Zhursinalina Gulzhanat Kurmashevna
  • Nurseitova Aliya Касымжановна
  • Abilbekova Bakhyt Тursynbekovna
  • Bekbosynova Alma Zhumagazievna
  • Irgizbaeva Kuralai Baikuanyshevna
  • Ispandiyarova Ainur Тyulyugenovna
  • Kulbaeva Miramkul Muratovna
  • Kushkinbaeva Karlygash Temirzhanovna
  • Mirkemelova Ainur Bilisbaevna
  • Nurseitova Aishagul Aidarbekovna
  • Sarmanova Farida Togyzbaevna
  • Utebaeva Anar Kozhahmetovna







Educational courses


Educational and Research Laboratories


Scientific activity





Telephone: +7 (7142) 390615 (staffroom)

               +7 (7142) 511146 (laboratory room)

Address: Kostanai, 47 Baitursynov Street, Main Building

The study room #220 (staffroom)

The study room #214 (laboratory room)