Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.




Zhabayeva Saule Sagintaevna


Head of the Department of Foreign Philology

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

Telephone: +7 (7142) 511156

Room: 117

E-mail: angl_kaf@mail.ru







Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute

Foreign language: two foreign languages


Chelyabinsk State University

Comparative and historical, typological and contrastive linguistics


Courses Taught

  • Translation theory
  • Theory and practice of intercultural communication



Publications (last 3 years)

  • Zhabayeva S.S Linguistic and semiotic representation of linguistic world. - Kostanay: multidisciplinary scientific journal 3i. KSU of A.Baitursynov, 2012.-70.
  • Zhabayeva S.S, conceptualization of the world on verbal and semantic level. Til-Zhalpy bіlemі zhane tүrkі tіlderіnің өzektі Maseleleri, Astana printing, 2010.-370 p.
  • Zhabayeva S.S, the question of linguistic-cultural paradigm of language. - Kostanay Baitursynov okulary halykaralyқ gylymi-praktikalyk Materialdary Conference, 2012. - 104
  • Zhabayeva S.S, literary text as a way of understanding the cultural space: the word, the sentence, the text in the cognitive, pragmatic and culturological aspects. Proceedings of 6th International Conference, Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk State University’s Publishing House, 2012. - 132. 





Korpan Dina Ail’khanovna

Teacher of the department of Foreign Philology

E-mail: din04ka_k@mail.ru







Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute

Foreign language: two foreign Languages


 Courses Taught

  • Basic English (level A1, A2)
  • Practical Grammar and practical phonetics
  • Basic English (level B2)
  • Practice of Culture of Conversation
  • Practice of Cross-Cultural Communication




Mongileva Natal’ya Viktorovna

The head teacher of the department

Candidate of Philological Sciences

E-mail:  natmong@rambler.ru








Kostanay State University

«Foreign language: two foreign languages»

Teacher of French and Kazakh languages


Chelyabinsk State University

 Specialty 10.02.19 – linguistic theory


Courses taught  

  • Introduction to Linguistics and translation Stadies
  • General Linguistics
  • Basics of Linguistic Text
  • History of Linguistic Studies
  • Classic Philology
  • Fundamental problems of modern foreign linguistics
  • Foreign language ( French)
  • Basic of the analysis French texts


Publications (last 3 years)

  • «The verb “blunt” as verbalization of the concept’s features of knowledge in the YAKM Youth"
  • Publishing house of Chelyabinsk State University. Materials the I International Conference "words, sayings, text in cognitive, pragmatic and culturological aspects", Chelyabinsk, 2012
  • «The experience of description metaphorical model of youth slang" Publishing house of KazUIR & WL. Vestnik KazUIR & WL, Series Philology № 2 (26), Almaty, 2012. pp. 41-47
  • «The connotation of units containing Linguistic and cultural information" Materials of the International Scientific Conference "Integration in Education: Problems and Prospects", Kostanay, 2012
  • «Stereotyped attitudes of the Kazakhs on the material of the future wedding toast wishes", "Multilingualism and intercultural education: teaching experience in Kazakhstan," Materials of the international scientific-practical seminar, Astana, 2012 str.236-240




Nazarenko Oksana  Sergeevna


Teacher of the department of Foreign Philology


E-mail: oksi_oxygen@hotmail.com








Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute

Foreign language: two foreign languages


Courses taught 

  • Practice of Written Translation
  • Practice of Fiction Translation
  • Basic foreign language
  • General Professional Foreign Language
  • Listening and Home reading


Publications (last 3 years)

  • Nazarenko O. S. The analysis of mistakes of students in the translation of written texts. / / Lingua Mobilis. №34. - Chelyabinsk, 2012





Rumyantceva Marina Vasil’evna


Candidate of Philological Sciences,

The head of the Language Research Laboratory

The head teacher of the department



E-mail: rumjanzewa@rambler.ru







A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University  

Foreign and Kazakh languages


Courses taught 

  • Contemporary issues of ethnopsycholinguistics
  • Professional Foreign Language
  • Foreign language (German)


Publications (last 3 years)

  • Rumyantceva M.V. The congruence in the general system of figurative and expressive means of the language. Acta Linquistica, vol.6, № 1. - Eurasia Academic Publishers, 2012. - S. 78-86.
  • MV Rumyantceva M.V. Derivational comparative structure in Russian and German. Vestnik Kazakh National University of Al-Farabi, № 4 (134), 2011. - P.176-179.
  • The experience of semantic classification comparisons (in Russian and German). Scientific journal of the Ministry of Education and Science "Search», № 4 (1), 2011. - S. 189-195.
  • The house in the mirror of comparing Russian and Kazakh writers. "Bulgarian Russian Studies", 2010, Volume 2, № 3-4. - Sofia, p.63-71.
  • The image of nature of southern Kazakhstan in comparisons  of M. Auezov. Materials of the Second International Scientific-Practical Conference "Language, Literature and Culture in the regional space." - Barnaul, 2010




Samambet Mansiya Kalmagambetkyzy


Professor of the Department of Foreign Philology


E-mail: msamambet47@mail.ru








Leningrad Red Banner of Labor State Pedagogical Institute of Herzen

English and German  languages 


Courses taught 

  • Literature of the Country of Object Language and problems of translation
  • The history of England
  • Countrystudy 
  • Modern tendencies in Literature of the West and the East in the late XXth - XXI c


Publications (last 3 years)

  • Methodical manual on stylistics "What a Wonderful World of a Word" (p. 438-27 3p.l.) Kostanay, 2010
  • Lectures on countrystudy (202str.-14p.l.) Kostanay, 2010
  • The second revised edition of a course of lectures on countrystudy (254 pages, 15, 8 pp), Kostanay, 2011
  • Monograph «An Outline of English Literature» Part I (p. 248-15 4p.l.) Kostanay, 2011
  • Monograph «An Outline of English Literature» Part II (p. 310-19 4p.l.) Kostanay, 2011




Spirina Lyudmila Rudol’fovna



Teacher of the department of Foreign Philology

E-mail:  lyudmila711@mail.ru







Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute

«Foreign language: two Foreign languages»


Courses taught 

  • Basic foreign language (A1, A2)
  • Practical grammar and practical phonetics
  • Basic foreign languagein the context of the intercultural communication (В2)
  • Basic foreign language (В2)
  • Basic foreign language (level В2 +)
  • Practical Grammar and Home Reading
  • Practice of Culture of Conversation


Publications (last 3 years)

  • The Use of Computer Presentations at the English Lessons. Multidisciplinary scientific journal "3 I», № 3, 2010, KSU, Kostanay
  • The use of local history materials in teaching foreign language. Multidisciplinary scientific journal "3 I», № 4, 2011, KSU, Kostanay




Trichik Margarita Vyacheslavovna


Master of Humanities,


Teacher of the department of Foreign Philology


E-mail: cafe-creme@mail.ru







Kostanay State Pedagogical Universitty

Foreign languages (French and English)


 A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University 

Magistracy on a specialty "Foreign philology»


Courses Taught

  • Second Foreign Language (French) (Level А1, А2, В1, В2)
  • Practice of interpretation on the second foreign language
  • Классическая филология



Publications (last 3 years)

  • Political Communication in the cognitive aspect of language learning,
  • International scientific conference "The paradigm of science through the eyes of young people", dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, December 5, 2011, Kostanay, Chelyabinsk State University, Kostanay;
  • Anthology of Kazakh political communication research,
  • International scientific-practical conference "Baytursynovskie read-2012", the theme "The role of science and education in the implementation of the Strategy of Industrial and Innovation Development of Kazakhstan", Kostanay, Kostanay State University. A. Baitursynov, April 12, 2012;
  • Foreign studies of political communication in model of "Strict father vs. Nurturant parent ",
  • International scientific conference "The paradigm of modern science through the eyes of young people", in memory of T.J Atzhanova and AM Rodnova, April 16, 2012, Kostanay, Chelyabinsk State University, Kostanay;
  • Features of the discourse of modern political communication
  • The 6 th International Conference "word, saying, text in cognitive, pragmatic and cultural science aspects", April 23-24, 2012, Chelyabinsk (Russian Federation), Chelyabinsk State University;
  • International discourse of  presidential election campaign of 2012 in the U.S.,
  • International scientific-practical conference "Modern multilingualism: Science, Education, Culture", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Park, NS, on December 7, 2012, they KazUIR & WL of Abylai Khan.




Guchigova Sacita Abulovna



Teacher of the department of Foreign Philology.

E-mail: Philologist.kz@mail.ru







Kostanay State University (Bachelor's programme)

Foreign Philology


Kostanay State University (Master's programme)

Foreign Philology


Courses taught

  • Basic foreign language
  • Practical grammar and practical phonetics
  • Practical Grammar and Home Reading
  • Phonetics, grammar and home reading


Publications (last 3 years)

  • Guchigova S.A  National characteristics of English literature of the Renaissance  in XIV and first half XVI centuries / / Collection of scientific articles undergraduates. 2012. - 02 - P. 20-26.
  • Guchigova S.A The predecessors of the great bard / / Collection of scientific articles undergraduates. 2012. - 02 - S. 36-40.
  • Guchigova SA Features of works of the great playwright William Shakespeare / / scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of modern humanitarian knowledge" 7.04.2012g. – Kostanay, Chelyabinsk State University
  • Guchigova S.A National characteristics of English literature of the Renaissance / / 7th International Scientific Conference graduate and undergraduate students “Language. Culture. Communication" 02.04.2012g. - Chelyabinsk: SUSU (in press)




Kandalina Elena Mihailovna,


Candidate of pedagogical science


Associate Professor of Foreign Philology

E-mail:  yelenakandalina@yahoo.com










Dec 2005




August  2008




July 29-Aug 7. 2009


July 24-Aug 14, 2010

  • Kostanay State University the department of foreign languages, English an Kazakh languages


  • Ph.D. defense for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences on a specialty 13.00.05 - theory, technique and organization of social and cultural activity


  • International Seminar for Teachers of English in Washington, DC; g.Bozman, Montana, USA


  • Training according to the method teaching English "Shaping the way we teach English", Almaty, International School of Economics and Social Sciences of the Kazakh-British University, the Kazakhstan National Association of Teachers of English, with the support of the U.S. Embassy


  •  Summer School Hornby, the British Council, Almaty, professional development of teachers through the assessment of methodological knowledge


  •  Professional Development Seminar, University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA E-Teacher Professional Development Workshop at University of Maryland, Baltimore County USA


Courses taught 

  • Modern Methods of Foreign Language Teaching
  • Foreign language for academic purposes
  • Modern methodology of foreign languages teaching in Higher institutions
  • Modern social linguistics


Publications (last 3 years)

  • "Tips for a good English lesson" – Kandalina  E.M, Yevseyeva A.E, 4 PL, methodical manual, 2012. KSU of  A.Baitursynov, Kostanay
  • Using of active methods in social and cultural education - 0.25 pp, International Scientific and Practical Conference. Kostanay 2012.
  • Role of a header in the perception of complex text. 0.31 pp - Journal 3i, № 4, 2010 Kostanay
  • Socio-cultural component in language learning 0.2 pp, 2010 International conference "status and prospects of higher education in Kazakhstan - the impact of the Tempus program", Almaty
  • TKT exam as evidence of professional development of teachers of English language and compliance with international requirements -0.25 pp, International scientific and practical conference "Cross-cultural and multilinguistic education in the modern world" (November 2009) Kostanay




Meloyan Alina Ashotovna


Teacher of the department Foreign Philology


Master of Humanities

E-mail:  m-aleena357@yandex.ru







Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute

«Foreign language: two foreign languages»


 A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University 

«Foreign philology»


Courses taught 

  • Basic foreign language (English)
  • Phonetics, grammar and home reading
  • Practical grammar and practical phonetics
  • Information technologies in translation


Publications (last 3 years)

  • About the the speech of men and women in the context the printing space / / Collection of scientific articles undergraduates. Kostanay State University. - 2012. - 02 - p.15-17.
  • Representation of the gender assessment at the level of punctuation in the American glossy magazines / / Almanac of modern science and education. - 2012. - № 4. - S. 160-162.
  • Ways of estimating the gender representation in the graphical level in glossy magazines USA / / The young scientist. - № 4. - S. 239-241.
  • Contextual specific expression of a gender assessment in American glossy magazines / / philology and linguistics in modern society: Materials of international scientific conference. (Moscow, May 2012). - Moscow: Buki-Lead, 2012. - From 72-74.
  • Ways of estimating the gender representation at the lexical level in American glossy magazines / / Problems of poetics and prosody VI: Materials of international. scientific Conference, May 24-25, 2012 - A.: KazNPU of Abaya, 2012.
  • Ways of estimating the gender representation at the syntactic level in glossy magazines USA / / Intern. scientific work competition of students and undergraduates, dedicated to the 40th anniversary of  Karaganda State University of Academician E.A Buketov, April 27, 2012 - Karaganda: KSU, 2012.
  • The main components of cognitive concept evaluation / / Actual problems of modern human knowledge: scientific-practical conference. 7 apr.2012 city - Kostanay: CSU, 2012. - P.33-36.
  • The influence of gender on the choice of lexical items in assessing printed space / / Language. Culture. Communication: VII Intern. science and practice. Conf. graduate and undergraduate students, 2-3 April 2012 - Chelyabinsk Ural State University, 2012.




Mustafina Kaiyrly Erkenovna



The head teacher of the department

E-mail:  kairly_mustafina@mail.ru







Kostanay State University

«Foreign language: German and Kazakh languages»


KzaSUIR and IL (Almaty)

«Foreign Philology»


Courses taught 

  • Second Foreign Language
  • Literature of Foreign Countries (VI-XX cc.)
  • Methods of Teaching Literature
  • Basic analysis of the text on the second foreign language
  • Special Foreign Language – Special Professional


Publications (last 3 years)

  • Grammatical means of expressing assumptions in modern German. Materialy VII miedzynarodowej naukowi - praktycznej konferencji "Aktualne problemy nowoczesnych nauk -2011», 07-15 czerca, 2011
  • Activation of cognitive activity in foreign language lessons. Materials of Methodological Conference "Innovations in Education", 17-18 January 2011, Kostanay. 3. "Portfolio, as a form of professional competence of future professionals." KSU Journal "3 I-intelect, idea, innovation», December, 2011
  • Integrated training at home reading lessons in German. Materials of the International Scientific Conference
  • "Integration in education: Problems and Prospects" on January 27, 2011, Kostanay
  • Prospects for studying foreign languages ​​in the modern multilingual space of Kazakhstan. Materials of scientific conference "Modernization of higher education in the light of the implementation of the State Program of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020."
  • January 18-19, KSU 2012, Kostanay
  • The role of discussion in the education of youth. Materials of the regional scientific and practical conference of students, postgraduates and young researchers
  • "Actual problems of modern linguistics and didactics", 12 April 2012, Kostanay KSU
  • Independent work of students in a credit system. Materials of the regional scientific and practical conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists "Actual problems of modern linguistics and didactics", 12 April 2012, Kostanay KSU




Nikifirova El’mira Shavkatovna


The head teacher of the department
Postgraduate FGBOU "CSU"


E-mail: n.e.sh_1975@mail.ru







 A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University 

English and Kazakh languages


Courses taught 

  • Special Professional Foreign Language
  • Practice of Informative Translation
  • Practice of Oral Translation
  • Basics of Abstracting in Foreign Language and Translation
  • Basic of Professional Activity of Translation


Publications (last 3 years)

  • Nikiforova E.Sh - Basic characteristics of argumentative-suggestive texts (for example, the text of judicial rhetoric) / / Humanities vector of Transbaikal State Humanitarian Pedagogical University. NG Chernyshevsky. - Read: Zab. GGPU, 2012. - № 4 (32). - S. 61 - 67 (0.6 lp.).
  • Nikiforova E.Sh - Communication strategies and tactics of judicial discourse / / Bulletin of the Chelyabinsk State University: Philology. Arts. Issue 66. Number 17. 2012. Pp. 100 -103. (0.4 lp).
  • Nikiforova E.Sh The tactics of imitated dialogue as part of the strategy of emotional influence in the judicial discourse / / Philology. Theory and practice. - Tambov ed. Diploma, 2012. - № 5 (16). - P.137 - 139 (0.3 lp.).
  • Nikiforova E. Sh Borrowings in the text of judicial discourse (on the example of the Kazakh language) / / The paradigm of modern science through the eyes of young people: The material of International. Scientific conference in memory of T.J Atzhanova and A.M Rodnov, Kostanay, April 16. 2012. - Kostanay: filiation in Kostanay  of "CSU", 2012. - S. 315 - 317 (0.2 lp.).
  • Nikiforova E.Sh Conventional strategies as a way to resolve conflicts in a legal communication discourse / / Vestnik of Nizhnevartovsk State University for the Humanities: Philology № 4, 2011. - S. 23 - 27. (0.3 lp.).
  • Nikiforova E.Sh- The question of Teaching Strategies of speech influence in professional communication / / Integration in Education: Problems and Prospects: Material International. Conference, Kostanai, January 27. 2012. - Kostanay, 2012. - S. 262 - 265. (0.2 lp.).
  • Nikiforova E.Sh- Speech influence in Professional Communication / / Actual problems of Germanic, Romance and Russian Studies: Material of the annual international. Conference 3 - 4 February. 2012.: Part 2. - Ekaterinburg: Publishing - Urals. State. Pedagogical University - the one in 2012. - S. 80 - 83. (0.2 lp.)




Savoiskaya Natal’ya Pavlovna


Associate Professor of Foreign Philology
Candidate of philosophical sciences


E-mail:  natasav2003@mail.ru








Kostanay State University

«Foreign language:two foreign languages»

The teacher of English and Kazakh languages


Chelyabinsk State University

 post-graduate education specialty 10.02.20 – Comparative-historical, typological and comparative linguistics


Courses taught 

  • Theoretic Basics of Foreign language
  • History of the Language
  • Theoretical Grammar
  • Lexicology
  • Techniques of Translation Record and Translation of Specific Texts
  • Basics of cognitive linguistics
  • Cognitive semantics
  • Foreign language (English)



Publications (last 3 years)

  • the question of the linguistic nature of conceptual space assessment. Proceedings of the IV International scientific conference "Modern Philology: Theory and Practice." Moscow, 2011.
  • Representation of the conceptual field of evaluation in Russian fairy tales. Publ CSU. Vestnik CSU. 2010. № 21 (202)
  • Study of ethnic specificity of the communication process. Anniversary collection of scientific papers "Foreign Language in the system of higher education." Burgas, Bulgaria. 2012




Samambet Menzada Kalmagambetkyzy


Associate Professor of Foreign Philology
Candidate of philosophical sciences


E-mail: menzada@inbox.ru







Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute 

The teacher of English


Hercen LSPU 

intern researcher


A.Baitursynov KSU  



Abylai Khan KazUIRandWL 



Courses taught 

  • Functional stylistics of  Foreign Language and kazakh (russian) Language
  • Business Foreign Language and Business Writing
  • interpretation and translation
  • Methodology of philological research


Publications (last 3 years)

  • Axiological role of officially and business texts. Materials of International scientific and practical conference "Integration in Education: Problems and Prospects" and the education of RK Min Min of Education, Department of Education akimat Kostanay, Department of Education, Moscow State Pedagogical Institute, Moscow Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute, RK g.Kostnaay, January 26-27, 2012
  • •Stylistic features of children's vocabulary Kipling. Vestnik Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages ​​of  Abylai Khan, a series of "Philology", № 2 (26), Almaty, 2012
  • Stylistic features of nouns in S. Maugham's novel "The Moon and Sixpence." Vestnik Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages ​​named after Abylai Khan, a series of "Philology", № 2 (26), Almaty, 2012
  • Language norms drafting the document. Vestnik Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages ​​named after Abylai Khan, a series of "Philology", № 3, Almaty, 2012
  • Features of official-business style’s texts. Internet web site of the journal "Teacher Almaty», http://teacher-almaty.clan.su/publ/29-1-0-823, 20.01.2012
  • Explication of the language components in the advertising text. Internet web site of the journal "Teacher Almaty», http://teacher-almaty.clan.su/publ/29-1-0-837, 01.02 .. 2012
  • The adequacy of the stylistic device in the translation. Monograph, Kostanay 2010      




Timoshchenko Elena Sergeevna


The teacher of the department of Foreign Philology
Magister of Foreign Philology

E-mail: helen1908@mail.ru







Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute

Foreign language: two languages


A.Baitursynov KSU

Magister of foreign philology



Courses taught 

  • Translation of economic and juridicial texts
  • Special Foreign Language
  • Phonetics, grammar and home reading
  • Practical grammar and practical phonetics



Publications (last 3 years)

  • The development of info-communications infrastructure of Kazakhstan education.  "Materials of scientific conference" Modernization of higher education in the light of the implementation of the State Program of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020 »»
  • The contextual approach to teaching foreign languages "Materials of scientific conference" Modernization of higher education in the light of the implementation of the State Program of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020 »»




Shandetckaya Yuliya Nikolaevna



The teacher of the Foreign Philology department

E-mail: utu_3@mail.rujulia_nina@mail.ru







A.Baitursynov KSU 

Foreign languages





Courses taught 

  • General Professional Foreign Language
  • Special Professional Foreign Language
  • Linguistic Country Studies
  • Pratical course of English (the advanced level)
  • New Technologies in Foreign Language Teaching
  • Practice of Cross-Cultural Communication
  • Theoretical Phonetics
  • Text interpretation



Publications (last 3 years)

  • Shandetskaya YU.N, Maznichenko T.A Learning through reading. Educational manual - Kostanay: KSU of A.Baitursynov, 2010. - 171 c.
  • Shandetskaya YU, Y. Nadobko The use of Internet resources. Audio and video materials in the organization of independent work of students in teaching foreign languages. Lingua Mobilis № 4 (30), 2011