Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

About the Department

In the current Department of Foreign Philology there are 7 Candidates of Science, 3 Head Teachers and Teachers.





The Department prepares bachelors in the field of 5V021000 - Foreign philology, 5V020700 - Translation Major and also masters in specialty of  6M021000 - Foreign philology.


Over the years the department successfully works on the developing of collective scientific and methodological theme " The using interactive teaching methods of foreign languages and formation of Cross-Cultural competence", "The active methods of teaching translation: interpretation, written translation." Teachers of the department annually conduct methodological seminars and master classes for teaching staff of  KSU on "Innovation and Information Technologies of foreign language education."


Teachers of the department are actively introducing the communicative approaches to teaching reading, speaking and writing in the following techniques: multimedia technologies, the use of computer-based training programs, audio-visual learning (ABCD), modeling the forms of control of students' knowledge, use of collaborative learning in teaching written language "dramatization "as a method of instruction, method of contextual improvisation, the use of authentic materials in the formation of speaking and listening skills in a foreign language, the consciously communicative method, learning to speaking using interactive methods, the technique of “immersion” in the verbal environment, project work, the technique of modular training , technology of language portfolio.


The department participates in the programs of academic mobility and «Erasmus Mundus». Annually, thanks to various educational programs, our students go to Europe and the United States.


The students of the specialties "Translation Major" and "Foreign Philology" are winners of regional, national competitions in English and German languages, participate in community and student life of the city and the region.


The department actively cooperates with:

  • The British Council
  • Embassy of the United States of America
  • NATEK ( Republican Teachers’ Association of English)


The base of practice:


  • Educational institutions of Regional Education Authority  Local Education Authority
  • joint-stock company “Sokolov-Sarbai Mining Production Association”
  • LLP “ Stofarm”
  • Language service companies
  • Akimat of Kostanay oblast
  • joint-stock company “Agromashholding”
  • LLP “Santel”
  • Scientific development and production center “ Perekrestok”
  • Regional Library of Tolstoy