Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

About the department


In 1979 the Department of philosophy was separated as an independent unit of university. The first head of the Department became the young candidate of philosophical Sciences associate Professor Koldybaev Saphar Abdugakievich. That time the Department consisted of: A.K.Katenov, I.K.Simonov, L.Yu.Yuzephovich, O.N.Kungurov, O.K.Abultaeva, S.A.Antonyuk, I.A.Yankovi and others.


From 1984 to 1987 the head of the philosophy Department had become candidate of philological sciences О.N.Kungurov, who at the beginning of the 90s gave the authority again to Koldybaev S. A. Since 1991, the Department was headed by doctor of philological sciences, professor S.K. Myrzaly. Since the unification of universities into a single educational unit (University and Agricultural Institute) the head of the Department became candidate of philosophical Sciences, associate Professor B.R.Kozhukhova


In mid-2004, the Department of Philosophy was merged with the Department of Political Science and Sociology, retaining the original name. Currently the department consists of 17 teachers, 6 candidates of sciences: K.H.Zhakyp, Yu.Ya.Bondarenko, N.A.Karpova, N.G. Titarenko, G.I.Shaimerden, and Doctor of Philosophy, Professor S.A .Koldybaev.


Great contribution to the formation of the scientific potential of the Department was made by our veterans: O.K. Abultaeva, U.S. Dosaev, Yu.Ya. Bondarenko and K.H. Zhakyp


Annually the members of the Department publish on average 1-2 monographs or textbooks, about 30 scientific articles and manuals.