Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Department of Philosophy


Koldybaev Saphar Abdugalievich 

Head of the Department of Philosophy 

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor


Phone: +7 (7142) 511176

Office: 213, building 1

E-mail: Sapar-1947@mail.ru










About the department




Educational courses


Educational and Research Laboratories

The Department has a unique scientific-research and methodological center for religious studies (Shaimerden G.I.),analogues to which ,according to the assessment of MES RK is not in the universities of the country. Also at the Department of public works Association (SA) for the research of interethnic and interfaith issues in the Republic of Kazakhstan (hands. Great O.V.)


Scientific activity

Scientific theme of the Department «Social and philosophical problems of development of the society of Kazakhstan ».






Academic teaching staff of the department

  • Akhmetova Lyazzat Sunkarbekovna
  • Bondarenko Yuriy Yakovlevich
  • Velikaya Olga Viktorovna
  • Demidovich Evgeny Viktorovich
  • Esbol Galymqazy Sharipuly
  • Zhakyp Kalkaman Hasenuly
  • Koldybaev Saphar Abdugalievich
  • Karpova Nina Andreevna
  • Kacheev Denis Anatolievich
  • Kabul Oralbai Kurmanbaiuly
  • Kasymseitova Sandugash Alikhanovna
  • Mukhitov Orynbasar Maksatovich
  • Nazarbekova Zauresh Mukhametkalievna
  • Chepiga Oksana Iosifovna
  • Shaimerden Gaziz Iksangaliuly




Telephone: +7 (7142) 511176 ( staffroom, laboratory room)


Address: Kostanay, Baitursynova 47 Street, Main Building

The study room #213 (head of the department room)

The study room #216 (staffroom)

The study room #215 (laboratory room)