In connection with a complicated epizootic situation in Kostanay region in nineties last century and a huge deficiency of veterinary specialists, there was a necessity of veterinarians in our region. In order to provide the animal husbandry with a highly qualified veterinary personnel on the 1st of September in 1994 in Kostanay agricultural institute was opened the faculty of the veterinary medicine. Gershun V.I. was appointed as the first dean of this faculty, under the leadership of which three departments and tens of new specialized educational laboratories were transformed or created again. During this period the block and clinics of the veterinary faculty, museums (anatomic, parasitological, etc.) and the vivarium were constructed. From 2001 to 2006 an associate professor Tegza A.A. headed the faculty, in 2006-2011 – professor Muslimov B. M. headed the faculty and from 2011 to present an associate professor Baykenov M. T. headed the faculty.
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Professor Gershun V.I., the first dean of faculty 1994-2001 |
Professor Tegza A.A., dean of faculty 2001-2006 |
Professor Muslimov B.M., dean of faculty 2006-2011 |
Associate professor Baikenov M.T., dean of faculty since 2011- present |
Now there are three letting-out departments: the department of the veterinary medicine (the head of the department an associate professor Suleymanova K. U. ), the department of the veterinary sanitation (the head of the department an associate professor Tuyakova R.K) and the department of the Production technology of livestock products( the head of the department an associate professor Shaykamal G. I.).
There is a training of specialists (bachelors) on four specialties: 5B120100 – Veterinary medicine, 5B120200 – Veterinary sanitation, 5B080200 – the Production technology of livestock products,5B070100 – Biotechnology.The staff of the faculty carries out within postgraduate education training of undergraduates on three specialties of the research and educational direction: 6M120100 – Veterinary medicine,6M120200 – Veterinary sanitation and 6M080200 – the Production technology of livestock products. Side by side with magistracy the training of doctors of PhD in the following directions are carried out:6D120100 – Veterinary medicine,6D120200 – Veterinary sanitation and 6D080200 – the Production technology of livestock products.
In recent years considerably increased the research and educational potentional of the faculty, on which 7 professors, Doctors of Science, the doctor of veterinary sciences from them Nametov A.M.,Gershun V. I., Ibragimov P. Sh., Piontkovsky V. I., Tegza A.A. and doctors of agricultural sciences Muslimov B. M. and Naymanov D. K. The faculty takes a leading place at university by a number of scientists, who make a significant contribution in training of highly qualified personnel.
On the faculty, school of sciences, which solve problems with surgery(prof. A.M. Nametov), listeriosis (prof. V.I.Gershun), sanitation (prof. Ibragimov P. Sh.), tuberculosis and brucellosis (prof. V. I. Piontkovsky), cytology (prof. A.A. Tegz), zootechnics (the prof. B. M. Muslimov, the prof. D. K. Naymanov), etc. were created. Side by side with professors,a significant contribution into the research and educational work is made now by associate professors, candidates of science Baykenov M. T. Tuyakova R. K. Shaykamal G. I. Zdereva L.B. Isabayev A.Zh. Baykadamova G. A. Kulakova L.S., Suleymanov K.U. Selunsky L.S., Unaybekova R. K. Tegza I.M. Papusha N. V., Krutalevich A.A., Aysin M. Zh. Brel-Kiselyova I.M. Kaumenov N. S., Batyrbekov A. N., Sapa V.A. Kulpiisova A. A. etc.The lecturers of the faculty widely use active innovative technologies:the method of a problem exposition, a presentation,a discussion, work in groups, the method of critical thinking, quizes, business and role-playing games, quiz methods, brain storm and etc.
The scientists of the faculty are authors of a number of books and school-books, for example:"Veterinary hygiene", "A workshop on veterinary hygiene", "Hygiene of food", "Sanitary microbiology", "Highly dangerous infectious diseases", "Veterinary curing","Pathology of animals", "The general surgery", "Methods of productivity of the cattle of Northern Kazakhstan","A workshop on horse breeding", "Rare and exotic infectious diseases of animals and birds", "Quarantine diseases of animals and birds",which use the relevant chairs of other Kazakhstan universities in educational process. They actively propagandize popular and scientific knowledge among youth. For schoolboys were published some popular scientific books such as "We treat animals", "Pets" and "Conversations about pets", etc. which help them to solve problems with the careerguidance.
Many students of the faculty study very good and excellent and take part in sports and in public life: in work of the Youth wing "Zhas Otan", in Alliance of students of Kazakhstan, in various student's groups ("Zhasyl El", constructive,veterinary and health-improving, etc.), in studio of arts "Oner", thedance ensemblle “Badrisafa”.
Traditionally on the faculty, scientific student's circles and problem groups function, participating in which, students gain skills of a scientific search and work on a concrete subject. Making reports in specialized sections, students show the first experiment of a scientific creativity, they learn to assert their point of view and to win. They take part in competitions of the student's business projects "Zhas- Orken", "Parasatta zhastar", etc. Students, undergraduates and candidates for a higher doctor's degree have an opportunity to improve their knowledge and to receive practical skills in foreign universities (Germany, Italy, Poland, the Czech Republic, etc.).
Session of State Qualification Commission of the first graduates of veterinarian faculty. In the center - the chairman of the commission B.K Kaliev
The first graduates of Veterenary Faculty (1997)