Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Student's creativity


One of the most important activities of the economic faculty is the cultural-aesthetic education and students’ creative potential development. In order to develop patriotism among student, to encourage respect for human values,  to form healthy lifestyle, for successful implementation of students’ creative potential  each year   the faculty hosts a variety of recreational activities: open lessons, dedicated to the aesthetic, moral education of  youth, patriotic towards their native land, the activities  promoting the preservation of national traditions, different competitions, mass competitions, activities dedicated to the Independence Day of Kazakhstan, the Day of the city etc.


Various kinds of amateur and independent creative work presented in the student clubs. They are faculty team of KVN   «My favorite team», beauty contest «Miss of the faculty, with concerts to significant dates, show-program «Hello, here we are», folk festivals. The art of choreography successfully implements the dancing collective «Elegant stars». Vocal creativity of students engaged in the Studio «Oner»: Tuleshova Aynur, Shucparova Sholpan, Tulenova Akmaral, Ermagambetova Gaukhar. Thanks to the high level of faculty cultural life students are able not only to improve their formerly known talents, but also to open new.


Purposeful, creative, responsible students and most importantly come to work in a team of students. Some students begin to take part in public faculty life   from the very first day, some appear later, but others find themselves   in other areas.





Initiation to studentship



 «Hello, here we are» competition 




Dance competition «Winter ball», nomination - «the Most elegant team» 







Graduates alley