Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Student associations


Student Dean’s Office

Body of students’ self-government  is the Student Dean’s office, it  consists of  self–motivated  students. It was created with the purpose to protect students’ interest and rights, the organize  public work. The student's dean's office makes constructive proposals on educational process improvement, watches students progress, execution and violation of university management scheme. The student's dean's office works with educational work and public relation department, also with youth welfare department of KSU. Student's dean's office – independent electoral self-government institutions  of  economic faculty.



Taglenova Meruert is students dean, the chairman of Students Council, the second – year student, specialty   5В050800-Accounting and audit


The chairman of Students Council  organize the work of self- government, participate in faculty sitting, where the students live problems discussed










Balkin Roman  -  Students Council secretary, first – year student, specialty  5В051000-public and local administration



The secretary controls  the decision implementation of self government, keeping the minutes of meetings and   presents the result of Student Council work 








Nesterenko Ekaterina –

Vice - dean, the first- year student   specialty 5B050900-Finance.




She  analysis students attendance,  helps students in training process, the organizes head counting   to find out students; opinion about  the educational process and quality of teaching.









Azhmuhambetov Ahmetbek- vice – dean  of organizational work, first - year student, specialty 5В05090-Finance

He organizes   activities on the faculty and University levels,   students leisure time ,  involve  students in   sports sections and clubs.  







Umarova Zhamal

Vice – dean of information work, the second – year student, specialty 5B050700-Management.



Information sector is engaged in informing and illumination of all programs, actions and holidays which take place in the  university, at faculty, in student's groups, using the information stand,  this sector informs   students  about  interesting and useful publications  in periodicals and in university site.








Slyusar Nikolay – vice- dean on scientific work, first – year student , specialty 5B0560700-Management.




He takes part in the organization of research work among students,   promotes student  participation    regional scientific conferences, competitions. 








Mendibaev  Renat

Vice - dean  of sports activities, the second -  year student, specialty 5B050800-Accounting and audit.

He organizes different sport competitions, propagates healthy lifestyle, works in connection with teachers of physical culture department.







Shukparova Sholpan

the chairman of students  trade-union committee of   economics faculty, the first – year course , specialty 5B050600-Economic.

- protect and represent students  rights and interests ;

- help student in training process, in social;
- to promote opportunities for health care, improve social conditions;
-assistance to the government in the organization of training process and leisure and everyday life of students.







Batyrova Aida

member of  Student Council , second – year  student , specialty 5B050800-accounting and audit.



She examines the problem and finds out solutions, support student interests who lives in a dormitory; protect students’ rights. She participates in students council sittings;  involve students who lives in dormitory  in cultural and mass event  of university.







Club of cheerful and  Quick – Witted   (KVN)


KVN – the youth social movement of the talented youth which has become unique means of collective theatre creativity, it develops o students’ intelligence, esthetic education. It is one of the main and priority directions among student's youth; it is a peculiar card. Students’ life in our university presented with drawing, cheerful jokes, amusing improvisations.


Purposes and tasks: to develop  KVN of faculty, to arrange recreational activity of students, creation of conditions for development of creative potential of students, to create  favorable conditions to  establishment  friendly relations between students  h of Kazakhstan.


Structure: Dabagyan Shant, Rakhimov Sholpan, Bukatich Andrey, Zhusupov Sayat, Nasikan Ruslan.


Coordinators: Dabagyan Shant, Nasikan Ruslan.



Economic faculty KVN team «My favourite team»