Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Undergraduate Programs




• Educational program 1 "Economics of agricultural and industrial complex"




The courses of this educational program allow you to  increase knowledge and  skills in the field of agriculture and small business, regulation and remuneration of labour, management, marketing, pricing, computer technology and Internet solutions, conduct a complex diagnosis of enterprises and model business processes, carry out business plan and participate in the organization of foreign economic activity, independently make better management decisions, predict and plan expenses of enterprise.



  • Educational program 2 "Industrial Economics"


The courses of this educational program allow you to  increase knowledge and  skills in the field of agriculture and small business, regulation and remuneration of labour, management, marketing, pricing, computer technology and Internet solutions, conduct a complex diagnosis of enterprises and model business processes, carry out business plan and participate in the organization of foreign economic activity, independently make better management decisions, predict and plan expenses of enterprise.






Educational program 1 "Commercial Management" 


The educational program "Commercial Management" has theoretical and practical orientation that reflects peculiarities of commerce. This training program covers the main range of business management issues in the course of its operating, investing and financing activities.


The program is focused on management, organization of marketing commercial and advertising work, development of suggestions for management decisions. Students enhance ability to do work in the field of management, enterprising and commercial business.



  • Educational program 2 "Agricultural Management"

Agricultural Management is a complex direction of industrial management. The problem of effective management of the agricultural sector is the most acute in market economy.



The given educational program will equip students with scientific methods, theoretical and practical knowledge, providing a rational economic management, production and social development of agricultural enterprises of all legal forms taking into account specific character, technique, technology of organization of production.



5В050800-Accounting and Audit


• Educational program 1 "Accounting in the commercial and industrial sector"



The courses of this educational program will provide knowledge on accounting assets, liabilities, capital, receipts and expenditure, evaluation principles for commercial and industrial enterprises.



Besides graduates will be able to deal with the issues of economic activities of commercial and industrial enterprises and draw up foundation documents, commercial contracts, financial and tax reports, conduct business meetings and debates.



  • Educational Program 2 "Accounting in the agricultural sector"


The courses of this educational program will provide knowledge on accounting biological assets, liabilities, capital, receipts and expenditure, evaluation principles for agricultural and industrial enterprises.

After the completion of the educational program graduates should be able to do work on accounting assets, liabilities and capital of agricultural and industrial formations, results of their economic and financial activities.




  • Educational program 3 "Accounting in budget organizations"

The courses of this educational program will give an idea of ​​ stages of budget accounting, peculiarities of inventory of assets and financial liabilities.


After the completion of the educational program graduates should present the basic structure of accounting plan of state-financed organizations and use the knowledge of budget accounting principles for an organization and implementation of budget accounting in budget organizations.





• Educational program 1 "Banking"




Banking is professional analytical, advisory activities in commercial banks and other financial and credit institutions with possible banking innovations and Internet technologies, skills to organize activities of the monetary and credit policy at the micro and macro levels.




  • Educational program 2 "Financial Management"



Financial Management is an ability to organize financial interrelations, management, analysis and financial planning of financial and credit institutions, formation of strategy and tactics of financial management at the micro and macro level, organization of operations at the investment and stock markets.








 • Educational program 1 "Commercial Marketing"



The courses of this educational program will enable students to master the scientific, theoretical and practical foundations of the organization of sales system in organizations whose purpose is to make profit.


Since the principles of commercial marketing are implemented in the production and sale of consumer goods, production goods and services, the graduate can hold a position of a marketing specialist in any of these organizations.



  •  Educational Program 2 "Agricultural and Industrial Marketing"



The courses of this educational program will increase students’ skills and knowledge of marketing activities in agricultural enterprises. A graduate will be able to hold the position of marketing specialist in agricultural and industrial enterprises.






5В051000-State and Local Management


  • Educational program 1 “State Management”


The courses of this educational program will enable students to acquire skills in management in various areas of economic and social development of the administrative-territorial units (districts, cities, regions) and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Graduates acquire skills of benchmarking indicators of the process of socio-economic development of areas of administrative districts and regions in order to give summaries and suggestions to improve the administrative and economic mechanisms of the positive impact on the process.





  • Educational program 2 “Local Management”


The study of this educational program will allow students to make science-based management decisions that take into account local factors and conditions of their existence under the priority of national interests.

 Graduates will be able to carry out planning and prediction calculations for the scientific substantiation of the prospects for economic and social development of the administrative-territorial units in a mixed economy and increase its competitiveness.

