Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Scientific achievements

The results of the research work at the Faculty of Economics:


      1. In 2010-2012 the faculty of the Economics Department published 86 units of scientific and production literature, total volume 127.22 p.s.

      2. Research papers published in Kazakhstan and abroad, 340 units total volume 177.75 p.s.

      3. The faculty held three international scientific conferences, 6 student scientific conferences.


The University staff approbates the results of their research in various educational, international scientific conferences and seminars, gives interviews on television channels and mass media.


An important indicator of the research is publications of the teaching staff of the faculty 


Figure 1 shows the dynamics of scientific publications of the teaching staff of the faculty. 

Figure 1. Number of scientific publications in 2011-2013


Figure 2 shows the structure of published papers at the conference level. It should be noted that the teaching staff of the faculty prefers to publish articles in international journals in Poland, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic - 88 papers; in international conferences held in Kazakhstan, 50 papers were published; in CIS - 31 papers and in regional conferences - 26. The volume of publications with students and graduates increased in 2013.


The scientific events, held in our faculty, increase from year to year. One of faculty activities   is introduce highly effective scientific research and developments in a business sector. Since 2009 with support of Ministry of Agriculture and  JSC KazAgroinnovation   the project on development  educational    dissemination system   in the sphere of Kazakhstan  agro-industrial complex   is realized and courses for employees professional development  are conducted.






International scientific and practical seminar "Current problems of development economic theories and branch economy". Teachers and scientists of Institute of economy (Chelyabinsk) became co-organizers of the international scientific and practical seminar.


Thus, the scientific-research activity of faculty is directed on further development of the University as a large scientific and research center of Kazakhstan, development of scientific and scientific-pedagogical schools, formation of high-tech innovative infrastructure of the University