Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Students research work


In recent years there has been increasing dynamics of participation of students of the Faculty of Economics in student conferences which indicates their individual work.


Students Research Groups at the Faculty of Economics




Scientific group

Management and Business Administration


Formation of Marketing in Enterprise

Improvement of Management System in  Enterprise


Institutional Economics



Finance and Banking

Finance and Credit

Accounting and Audit

Accounting at the present stage

Economic Essence and Purpose of Audit

Modern Problems of Economic Analysis








The results of research are used in learning, training and master's theses on topics course design. 





Supervision of student research groups 



Student research groups 


Number of students 



Accounting at the present stage

Ladanenko E.I.


Publication of research papers; participation in conferences




Economics essence and purpose of the audit

Vassilchuk E.V.


Publication of research papers; participation in conferences



Modern Problems of Economic Analysis

Kurmangalieva A.K.


Publication of research papers; participation in conferences



Finance and banking

Godunov V.V., Sartanova N.T., Uakpayeva М.М.


Participation in international conferences, publication of articles. Giving presentations in conference, publishing 10 articles




Institutional Economics

Formation of the suppositions for the development of social capital

Formation and implementation of the institutional mechanism of "green economy"

Institutional factors of enhancing innovation development in the region

Turezhanov S.U.


Participation in international conferences, publication of articles.



Кenzhetayeva А.


Participation in international conferences, publication of articles.



Baizakova G.


Participation in international conferences, publication of articles.


Improvement of the management system in the enterprise

Mishulina O.V.


Participation in international conferences, publication of articles, graduation paper and master thesis presentations.



Student research groups at the departments of the Faculty of Economics:

"Management and Marketing", research areas - Improving management system in enterprise, Formation of marketing system in enterprise. There are 33 students in the research group.


"Institutional Economics", research area - Institutional factors of enhancing economic activities of the state, enterprises, households. There are 91 students in the research group.


 "Economics", research area - Current problems of the regional economy. There are 42 students in the research group.


"Parasat", research areas - Institutional factors of enhancing economic activities of the state, enterprises, households. Current problems of the regional economy. There are 35 students in the research group.


"Accounting at the present stage", research areas - Prospects for development of accounting at the present stage in the Republic of Kazakhstan. There are 56 students in the research group.


"Finance and credit", research areas - Financial Management: Financial management at the state, region, industry, enterprise, Banking, Taxes and Taxation level. There are 30 students in the research group.


The teachers of the faculty together with students and graduates published 62 research papers in Proceedings of student scientific conferences in 2013 ( Figure 3).


Student scientific society of management and business administration department   





Student scientific society of management and business administration department  by courses and quantitative of students




Students scientific society of  accounting and audit department  




Students scientific society of  accounting and audit department  by courses and quantitative of students




Students scientific society of finance and banking department




Research results of diploma and master papers of management and business administration department, which were implemented at the enterprises 




Research results of diploma   papers of accounting and audit department, which were implemented at the enterprises




The student scientific society members’ participation in the national competition of research and conferences



3rd place - Strekalova A., 4th year student, 050511 - Marketing major


Republican competition of research papers of students, 2012. Supervisor – N.A. Baranova, candidate of science, associate professor of the Department of management and business administration.

2nd place - Fedkina I., Scherf K., Khudoleeva E. 3rd year students, 050507 -Management major 


Research and practice student conference "Scientific creativity of young - to the innovative development of Kazakhstan", 1 tour of the student scientific works 5.12.2011, Kostanay. Supervisors - Vitmaiyer L.M., Shakirzhanova V.M., Bairova G.D., teachers of the Department of Management and business administration.


3rd place - Strekalova A., 4th year student, 050511 Marketing major



Regional Conference on the results of interuniversity competition of scientific works of students "Student Spring-2012" and VIII scientific conference of students and college students Rudniy Industrial Institute "The intellectual potential of students - innovative development of Kazakhstan" supervisor – N.A. Baranova, candidate of science, associate professor of Department of management and business administration.

1st place - Strekalova A., 4th year student 050511 - Marketing major



University Student Scientific Conference "Student Science - a strategic resource of dynamic development of Kazakhstan", 16.03.2012 A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University, Kostanay. Supervisor – N.A. Baranova, candidate of science, associate professor of Department of management and business administration.

2nd place - Kiyalova A., 3rd year student, 050509 - Finance major


University Student Scientific Conference "Student Science - a strategic resource for the dynamic development of Kazakhstan" (Spring 2012).

1st place - Yasinskaya Julia, a 4th year student 050509 – Finance major


University Student Scientific Conference (Spring 2011 )




Результаты НИР используются в процессе обучения, подготовке магистерских и дипломных работ по темам, курсовом проектировании, с элементами НИРС по дисциплинам.


   Тематика дипломных работ

   Правила оформления дипломных работ

   Тематика магистерских диссертаций

   Правила оформления магистерских диссертаций 


Результаты исследований, проведенных в дипломных и магистерских работах, внедряются в производство, что подтверждается актами внедрения. В 2012 году 10 (31%) из 32 дипломных работ по кафедре «Менеджмента и маркетинга» выполнялись по заказу организаций, и имеют справку об использовании результатов исследования. Результаты научных исследований всех магистрантов были внедрены в практику деятельности предприятий.



Our winners

Research and Practice Conference

"The contribution of youth in the development of science in Kazakhstan -2012"



Student works on KCell project: Report on Trends in Telecommunications – 2011


Students Zhanakayeva Elmira, Tkach Yekaterina and Tuganbayev Alibek major in Finance took 1st place in the citywide creative competition held by Kostanay branch National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the 15th anniversary of the national currency - tenge.

Section meeting at the Student Conference




In October 2011, the Department of Economics and Management took part in the research work competition at A.Baitursynov KSU. According to the results of the competition the department took the 2nd place.


Thus, in 2012 the growing dynamics of student participation in research is kept not only through existing traditional forms, but also through participation in projects






Graduates majoring 6M050600-Management, person




Graduates majoring 6M050600-Economics, person





Scientific Seminar of the Department of management and business administration


Graduates participate in conferences:


• Interuniversity Student Conference "Market and efficiency -6", Kokshetau ;

• International Scientific and Practice Conference "Baitursynov readings" Kostanai, 2012;

• Scientific and practice conference "Innovations in education and science in the context of political and economic modernization of Kazakhstan", Rudniy, RII, 2011;


International Research and Practice Conference "Integration processes in education: problems and prospects", Kostanai, 2012. 






Participation of graduates  of the Department of management and business administration in research projects


On 14-16 September 2012 with the support of government of Kostanay region  Kostanai Startup Weekend was held, an event organized for aspiring entrepreneurs- innovators.



2nd place

"The optimization program of diet feeding of farm animals." Supervisor - Tegza I.M. Master student majoring Management-6M050700 Bedych E.



3d place

"Development of mixer additives of industrial oils waste" Supervisor - Kurmanov A.K.,  Isintaev T.I. Master student majoring Management- 6M050700 Shaymurunov S.