Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Courses of international professional certification programme

Compared to other specialists accountant should always improve his skills and knowledge.CIPA program was developed exactly for it. 

CIPA program allows: 

  • To improve their skills and to expand their knowledge in the accounting field in accordance with international practice; 
  • To keep accounting and prepare financial report at enterprises of different ownership forms ; 
  • To work with the IFRS; 
  • To analyze the financial work of the enterprise; 
  • To work at companies with foreign capital; 
  • To apply methods of management and financial accounting, in accordance with international standards.




 When CIPA programme was founded? And by whom?

СIРА was founded in 2001 year by Eurasian council of certified accountants and auditors (ECCAA)with the support of USA Agent of International Development (USAID).



Disciplines of СIРА programme:

СIРА programme includes the following disciplines:
1 level: Certified accountant - practitioner  – САР

  • Financial accounting -1
  • Administrative accounting -1
  • Taxes
  • Law

2  level: Certified international professional accountant – CIPA

  • Financial accounting -2
  • Administrative accounting -2
  • Audit
  • Finances
  • Administrative informational system




Examination is taken by independent  examination CIPA-EN network.

CIPA examination network  takes examinations for all candidates in 11 countries of CIS: Azerbaijan, Belorussia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.

Examinations of СIРА programme are equal for all countries, except for "Taxes" and "Law" disciplines, which are formed separately for every participant-country and based on national law and tax.


When examinations are taken?

Examinations of  САР level are taken 3 times in year (March, July, November), examinations of CIPA level – 2 times in year (July, November). From the first examination for candidates is given 5 year to pass all the rest of examinations. 


Qualification levels of CIPA programme

Candidates should  successfully pass required examinations and do extra qualification requirements. Only after that they can get CAP and CIPA qualification levels with its certificates.

The owners of CAP/CIPA certicates can add name and signature to certificate which required to inernational practice.


What other extra qualification requirements should do for getting CAP/CIPA certificates? 

It is necessary to do for getting САР qualification level (Certified Accounting Practitioner):

1) To pass examination with 75 score, not lower by all disciplines of the first level  

2) To have professional work experience not less than 1 year 

3) To have experience with computer programmes 

It is necessary to do for getting  СIРА qualification level (Certified International Professional Accountant):

1) To pass examination with 75 score, not lower by all disciplines of the first and second levels

2)  To have professional work experience not less than 3 year 

3) To have higher education 


Requirements to candidate's professional work experience 

Professional work experience is the work at finance and administrative accounting and taxation fields, finance analysis and management, audit, teaching, scientific work and others as above. Professional work experience can be got from the start, during or after passing examinations.


Requirements to candidate's education

For getting CAP qualification level it is not necessary to have special or high education.For getting CIPA qualification level it is required to have high education no matter in what sphere.High education can be got before, deuring or by the end of passing examinination.


Raising of qualification

The owners of CAP/CIPA certificates have to raise the level of their skill (120 academic hours every 3 year).


Courses of CIPA accountants' international professional certification programme for candidates who is going to get CAP and CIPA certificates.  

Compared to other specialists accountant should always improve his skills and knowledge.CIPA program was developed exactly for it. 

CIPA program allows: 

  • To improve their skills and to expand their knowledge in the accounting field in accordance with international practice; 
  • To keep accounting and prepare financial report at enterprises of different ownership forms ; 
  • To work with the IFRS; 
  • To analyze the financial work of the enterprise; 
  • To work at companies with foreign capital; 
  • To apply methods of management and financial accounting, in accordance with international standards.